ev_gemwin-help.pd 3.6 KB

  1. #N canvas 381 52 813 616 10;
  2. #X declare -lib Gem -path . -path .. -path data -path ../data -path
  3. ev-in -path ../ev-in -path ev-main -path ../ev-main -path ev-pano -path
  4. ../ev-pano -path ev-pro -path ../ev-pro -path libs/gil -path ../libs/gil
  5. -path libs/kollabs -path ../libs/kollabs -path media -path ../media
  6. -path ev-glsl -path ../ev-glsl;
  7. #X obj 205 48 cnv 15 380 250 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  8. 0;
  9. #X obj 224 242 gemhead;
  10. #X obj -166 21 cnv 15 780 20 empty empty EXTENDED_VIEW_gemwin_module
  11. 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0;
  12. #X obj -166 48 cnv 15 360 250 empty empty gui_controls 5 8 0 12 -233017
  13. -66577 0;
  14. #X obj -166 305 cnv 15 360 100 empty empty description 5 8 0 12 -233017
  15. -66577 0;
  16. #X obj -166 412 cnv 15 360 75 empty empty PARAMETER_LIST 20 8 0 14
  17. -233017 -66577 0;
  18. #X obj 214 68 ev_gemwin;
  19. #X obj 205 380 cnv 15 380 60 empty empty inlets/outlets 5 8 0 12 -233017
  20. -66577 0;
  21. #X obj 205 312 cnv 15 380 60 empty empty creation_arguments: 3 8 0
  22. 12 -191407 -1 0;
  23. #X text 222 173 [ev_declare] loads all the needed pathes.;
  24. #X obj 224 264 teapot;
  25. #X text 210 331 1st: storage domain \, see [ev_storage-help] for details
  26. ;
  27. #X text 209 400 Inlet 1: settings;
  28. #X text 379 400 Outlet 1: info;
  29. #X obj 205 447 cnv 15 380 75 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261234 -66577
  30. 0;
  31. #X text 210 473 For further information on [gemwin] \, have a look
  32. at the [gemwin-help];
  33. #N canvas 141 129 407 261 parameter_list 0;
  34. #X text 31 -218 \; /ev/gemwin/dimen/x ---- gemwin size (horizontal)
  35. \; /ev/gemwin/dimen/y ---- gemwin size (vertical) \; /ev/gemwin/dimen
  36. --- list of x and y gemwin size \; /ev/gemwin/offset/x ---- shift gemwin
  37. horizontally \; /ev/gemwin/offset/y ---- shift gemwin vertically \;
  38. /ev/gemwin/frame ---- overall gem framerate \; /ev/gemwin/border ----
  39. show border \; /ev/gemwin/lighting ---- turn on/off lighting \; /ev/gemwin/create
  40. ---- create gemwin (bang) \; /ev/gemwin/destroy ---- destroy gemwin
  41. (bang) \; /ev/mouse/select_radius --- cursor interaction radius \;
  42. /ev/mouse/texture/sensitivity --- tex. shift sensitivity \; /ev/gemwin/rendering
  43. --- turn on/off rendering \; \;;
  44. #X coords 0 261 1 260 85 60 0;
  45. #X restore -58 448 pd parameter_list;
  46. #X text 209 452 The settings inlet takes the same messages as [gemwin]
  47. ;
  48. #X text -163 327 [ev_gemwin] basically does the same as [gemwin] \,
  49. but includes a graphical interface and state saving of its parameters.
  50. It also provides support of cursor interaction for the projection modules.
  51. ;
  52. #X text -163 70 dimen:;
  53. #X text -119 70 This lets you set the size of the output window.;
  54. #X text -119 83 In general \, this would be the resolution of your
  55. ;
  56. #X text -119 96 projector.;
  57. #X text -163 120 offset:;
  58. #X text -119 120 Offset is important if a seperate video output;
  59. #X text -119 132 for controls and gem window is desired.;
  60. #X text -119 145 Possibly \, you want to set the x offset to the;
  61. #X text -119 158 horizontal resolution of your control monitor.;
  62. #X text -163 180 fps:;
  63. #X text -119 180 Set GEM framerate here.;
  64. #X text -163 200 border:;
  65. #X text -119 200 Turn on/off the borders of the gemwin.;
  66. #X text -163 220 lighting:;
  67. #X text -99 220 Turn on/off lighting.;
  68. #X text -69 240 Create/destroy the gem window;
  69. #X text -163 240 create/destroy:;
  70. #X text -163 260 cursor_interaction:;
  71. #X text -39 260 Open settings dialog for cursor inter-;
  72. #X text -39 273 action with the projection modules.;
  73. #X text 326 253 Click on the "create" button to start.;
  74. #X text -163 385 Press the "Escape" key to destroy the window!;
  75. #X text -124 498 (c)2012 Marian Weger & Peter Venus \; /part of EXTENDED
  76. VIEW toolkit/ gpl v3;
  77. #X obj 224 196 ../ev-main/ev_declare;
  78. #X connect 1 0 10 0;