Etienne Landon ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
data ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
ev-glsl ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
ev-in ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
ev-main ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
ev-pano ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
ev-pro ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
libs ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
media ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
.gitmodules ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
00_ev_blank_patch_template.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
01_ev_module-list.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
02_ev_example_panoramic.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
03a_ev_example_panoramic_360.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
03b_ev_example_360_degree_livecam.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
04_ev_example_3d.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
05_ev_example_grids.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
06_ev_example_masking.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
07_ev_example_framebuffers.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
10_ev_example_scenes_and_transitions.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
11_ev_example_opengl_shaders.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
12_ev_example_osc_communication.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
13_ev_example_mapping_on_shipping_containers.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
14_ev_example_virtual_panoramic_3d.pd ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
GPL-3.0.txt ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
README.txt ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
RELEASE_NOTES.txt ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago
TODO.txt ecab4fab03 initial commit 8 years ago


Extended View Toolkit

Extended View Toolkit is an abstraction library for PureData towards
panoramic imagery creation and projection mapping.


Extended View Toolkit is a set of abstractions for combining multiple
video or image sources into a panoramic image and for projection
setups with multiple projectors or projection environments with
challenging geometric forms, better known as video mapping.

Multiple input media (e.g. camera input, video files, image files,
3D renderings) can be processed. It is possible to create
imagery or video by either stitching multiple inputs to one continuous,
or by unwrapping a 360-degree image taken with a special optical lens
system. Such processed media input can then be projected onto even
irregular shaped surfaces. It is possible to blend smoothly between
multiple projectors, to create seamless immersive media environments.

Extended View Toolkit was originally created at the "Institute for Electronic
Music and Acoustics"/Graz within the CO-ME-DI-A project, lead by
Winfried Ritsch for the art installation "Extended View" by Peter Venus.

The CO-ME-DI-A project was supported by the Education, Audiovisual &
Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Comission for
the period 2007 - 2010 (

Getting started

For an abstracion overview, open "01_ev_module_list.pd".
Go through the examples, to learn about the possibilities of the toolkit.
There are also individual help-patches for most of the modules.

The abstractions are divided into groups by folders:

"ev-in" abstractions for media input,
i.e. video files, image files or camera input.
"ev-main" general abstractions of the toolkit.
"ev-pano" panoramic image or video creation
"ev-pro" abstractions for video projection mapping.
"ev-glsl" abstractions to load OpenGL shaders
(contains subfolder with some shader files).

There are also folders for additional files:

"data" contains the state-saving data of the example patches.
"media" contains media files, like videos or images.
"libs" contains external libraries that are used by the toolkit.


* PureData or Pd-extended (
* Gem 0.92.3 or higher
(included in Pd-extended or to be downloaded from
* For OSC support, additional libraries may be nessecary
(e.g. mrpeach, iemnet; included in Pd-extended)

__Operating System:__
The abstractions have been tested on Linux (Debian/Ubuntu),
Mac OSX 10.6/10.7 and Microsoft Windows 7.

Recent graphics hardware required to have access to full OpenGL
capabilities of GEM

__Following problems have to be considered:__
Connecting more than one USB camera of the same type to a Windows
or Mac Computer requires lots of tweaking, but works fine under Linux.



Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Peter Venus, Marian Weger, Cyrille Henry and IEM

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .