ev_buf-help.pd 5.1 KB

  1. #N canvas 63 52 1116 685 10;
  2. #X declare -path . -path .. -path data -path ../data -path ev-in -path
  3. ../ev-in -path ev-main -path ../ev-main -path ev-pano -path ../ev-pano
  4. -path ev-pro -path ../ev-pro -path libs/gil -path ../libs/gil -path
  5. libs/kollabs -path ../libs/kollabs -path media -path ../media -path
  6. ev-glsl -path ../ev-glsl -lib Gem;
  7. #X obj 716 85 gemwin 20;
  8. #X msg 729 47 0 \, destroy;
  9. #X text 712 3 CLICK HERE:;
  10. #X obj 599 134 pix_texture;
  11. #X obj 599 156 rectangle 3.9 3.9;
  12. #X obj 17 456 cnv 15 360 220 empty empty parameter_list_for_ev_buf
  13. 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0;
  14. #X text 20 491 /ev/buf/<id>/color --- background color (R G B) \; /ev/buf/<id>/format
  15. --- (default=RGBA) \; /ev/buf/<id>/rectangle --- (default=1) \; /ev/buf/<id>/type
  16. --- (default=BYTE) \; --> for further details \, see [gemframebuffer]
  17. help \; \; /ev/buf/<id>/shift/x --- shift content in x-direction \;
  18. /ev/buf/<id>/shift/y --- shift content in y-direction \; /ev/buf/<id>/scale/x
  19. --- scale content in x-direction \; /ev/buf/<id>/scale/y --- scale
  20. content in y-direction \; /ev/buf/<id>/dimen/x --- framebuffer x-dimension
  21. in pixels \; /ev/buf/<id>/dimen/y --- framebuffer y-dimension in pixels
  22. \; /ev/buf/<id>/state --- turn module on (1) and off (0) \;;
  23. #X obj 399 149 t a a;
  24. #X obj 599 112 gemhead;
  25. #X obj 10 -61 cnv 15 850 16 empty empty EXTENDED_VIEW_FRAMEBUFFER 20
  26. 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0;
  27. #X obj 17 289 cnv 15 360 60 empty empty creation_arguments: 5 12 0
  28. 12 -162280 -1 0;
  29. #X obj 17 352 cnv 15 360 90 empty empty inlets/outlets 5 12 0 12 -233017
  30. -66577 0;
  31. #X obj 17 86 cnv 15 360 200 empty empty description 5 12 0 12 -233017
  32. -66577 0;
  33. #X text 149 410 other content;
  34. #X text 20 305 1st: module ID;
  35. #X obj 17 -28 cnv 15 200 100 empty empty gui_controls 5 8 0 12 -204800
  36. -66577 0;
  37. #X text 17 11 scale x/y: scales the buffers;
  38. #X text 17 -11 shift x/y: translates the buffers;
  39. #X text 17 33 dimen x/y: dimension of the FB;
  40. #X text 17 45 on/off: toggles state;
  41. #X text 20 317 2nd: render priority;
  42. #X text 21 105 [gemframebuffer] renders a scene into a buffer to used
  43. and altered later. the EV-Framebuffer allows to combine different sources
  44. \, like [ev_cam] to be used as one texture within the /ev-projection
  45. modules. It makes it possible \, that different targets can use the
  46. same scene as their texture.;
  47. #X text 21 188 Can be controlled via OSC \, which uses the same syntax
  48. as the EV internal send/recieve message system see list below for additional
  49. information about the specific parameter-names.;
  50. #X text 19 246 Contains specific storage_&_osc-subpatch which houses
  51. abstractions to register parameters for storage and osc communication
  52. ;
  53. #N canvas 138 50 458 667 init 0;
  54. #X obj 38 93 loadbang;
  55. #X text 54 166 This is only needed for this help file.;
  56. #X text 48 181 To store your settings \, it is recommended;
  57. #X text 54 196 to use the integrated data storage system [ev_storage].
  58. ;
  59. #X obj 38 117 del 2000;
  60. #X msg 38 224 \; /ev/grid/id0/labeling/size 0.0025 \; /ev/grid/id0/grid/res/y
  61. 16 \; /ev/grid/id0/grid/res/x 16 \; /ev/grid/id0/grid/state 1 \; /ev/grid/id0/size
  62. 4 \; /ev/pano/group/id0/trim/bottom 0.07 \; /ev/pano/group/id0/trim/top
  63. -0.01 \; /ev/pano/group/id0/trim/state 1 \; /ev/pic/id3/filename ../media/cam4.jpg
  64. \; /ev/pano/stitch/id3/shift/y 0.0154839 \; /ev/pano/stitch/id3/shift/x
  65. -0.0677419 \; /ev/pano/stitch/id3/shade 16.129 \; /ev/pic/id2/filename
  66. ../media/cam3.jpg \; /ev/pano/stitch/id2/shift/y 0.0322581 \; /ev/pano/stitch/id2/shift/x
  67. -0.103226 \; /ev/pano/stitch/id2/shade 25.8065 \; /ev/pic/id1/filename
  68. ../media/cam2.jpg \; /ev/pano/stitch/id1/shift/y 0.0632258 \; /ev/pano/stitch/id1/shift/x
  69. -0.0412903 \; /ev/pano/stitch/id1/shade 35.4839 \; /ev/pic/id0/filename
  70. ../media/cam1.jpg \; /ev/buf/id0/scale/y 1.05 \; /ev/buf/id0/scale/x
  71. 1.05 \; /ev/buf/id0/shift/x 0.04 \; /ev/pic/id0/load bang \; /ev/pic/id1/load
  72. bang \; /ev/pic/id2/load bang \; /ev/pic/id3/load bang;
  73. #X obj 122 67 ../ev-main/ev_declare;
  74. #X obj 17 71 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
  75. -1;
  76. #X connect 0 0 4 0;
  77. #X connect 4 0 5 0;
  78. #X connect 7 0 4 0;
  79. #X restore 290 12 pd init;
  80. #X text 22 424 Outlet 2: texture id of the framebuffer;
  81. #X text 22 398 Outlet 1: gemlist \, to be connectet to input \, group
  82. or;
  83. #X obj 399 -23 gemhead 20;
  84. #X text 22 382 Inlet 2: gemframebuffer settings (see gemframebuffer-help)
  85. ;
  86. #X text 22 370 Inlet 1: gemlist \, to be connected to gemhead;
  87. #X text 416 638 (c)2011 Peter Venus & Marian Weger /part of EXTENDED
  88. VIEW toolkit/ gpl v3;
  89. #X obj 399 391 ev_pic id0;
  90. #X obj 399 484 ev_pano_stitch id0;
  91. #X obj 583 484 ev_pano_stitch id1;
  92. #X obj 767 484 ev_pano_stitch id2;
  93. #X obj 951 484 ev_pano_stitch id3;
  94. #X obj 399 15 ev_buf id0;
  95. #X obj 399 260 ev_grid id0;
  96. #X obj 613 260 ev_pano_group id0;
  97. #X obj 583 391 ev_pic id1;
  98. #X obj 767 391 ev_pic id2;
  99. #X obj 951 391 ev_pic id3;
  100. #X msg 716 25 dimen 800 600 \, color 0.5 0.5 0.5 \, create \, 1;
  101. #X connect 1 0 0 0;
  102. #X connect 3 0 4 0;
  103. #X connect 7 0 37 0;
  104. #X connect 7 1 38 0;
  105. #X connect 8 0 3 0;
  106. #X connect 27 0 36 0;
  107. #X connect 31 0 32 0;
  108. #X connect 36 0 7 0;
  109. #X connect 36 1 3 1;
  110. #X connect 38 1 31 0;
  111. #X connect 38 2 39 0;
  112. #X connect 38 3 40 0;
  113. #X connect 38 4 41 0;
  114. #X connect 39 0 33 0;
  115. #X connect 40 0 34 0;
  116. #X connect 41 0 35 0;
  117. #X connect 42 0 0 0;
  118. #X coords 0 685 1 684 85 60 0;