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Projet de Hadrien Tequi Développement d'une machine automatisant l'entretien d'un blob : dépot de nourriture, dépôt d'inhibiteur, nettoyage des plateaux

Aggiornato 3 anni fa

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Plateau tournant pour timelapse

Aggiornato 4 anni fa

Chataigne OSC module for oxberry controller Drives stepper motors and relays and can get current machine state

Aggiornato 4 anni fa

PD patch to control 2 axis camera Firmware is at

Aggiornato 6 anni fa

Système de pilotage de camera 2 axes. La caméra se déplace selon une sphère autour d'un objet central. Ce firmware permet de contrôler deux moteurs pas-à-pas et système d'initialisation de position, tous les contrôles étant exposés via OSC.

Aggiornato 6 anni fa

Ina Mihalache project 2017 Audio player based on teensy3.2 and audio shield An ambiance sample plays in loop and another sample can be played when some presence is detected by the LDR

Aggiornato 7 anni fa

pure data patch running on an rpi to light the bathes

Aggiornato 7 anni fa

UE4 project used during Jean Asselin sessions at CIRMMT

Aggiornato 7 anni fa

Pure data patch creating logic between kinectpose detector and UE4

Aggiornato 7 anni fa
