ds_help.pd 88 KB

  1. #N canvas 466 22 796 756 10;
  2. #X obj 10 62 cnv 15 751 90 empty empty empty 5 8 0 14 -233017 -66577
  3. 0;
  4. #X obj 10 633 cnv 15 375 100 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  5. 0;
  6. #X obj 10 934 cnv 15 375 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  7. 0;
  8. #X obj 10 41 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty Description 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  9. 0;
  10. #X obj 10 913 cnv 15 750 20 empty empty Scene_transitions:_[ds_transition]_and_[ds_transition_gui]
  11. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  12. #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty Kollabs/DS 5 10 0 14 -258113
  13. -1 0;
  14. #X text 15 640 [ds_reg <domain> <name>] registers a variable to the
  15. given storage domain.;
  16. #X text 15 670 creation arguments:;
  17. #X text 153 670 1st: domain;
  18. #X text 153 690 2nd: variable name;
  19. #X obj 386 324 cnv 15 375 200 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  20. -66577 0;
  21. #X obj 10 612 cnv 15 750 20 empty empty Registers:_[ds_reg] 5 10 0
  22. 14 -1 -262144 0;
  23. #X text 528 336 Storage logic for domain "help";
  24. #X obj 386 633 cnv 15 375 100 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  25. -66577 0;
  26. #X text 401 649 Register for assigning the variable "/i/am/a/variable"
  27. to domain "help";
  28. #X obj 404 377 ds_gui help;
  29. #X text 19 946 Scene transitions can be set for all variables individually.
  30. This can be delays \, master-slave-chains \, or smooth morphings.;
  31. #X text 19 996 To enable scene transitions globally for a specific
  32. domain \, create the [ds_transition <domain>] object.;
  33. #X text 19 1026 It also has a nice gui \, which you will probably need:
  34. [ds_transition_gui <domain>];
  35. #X obj 386 934 cnv 15 375 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  36. -66577 0;
  37. #X obj 457 982 ds_transition_gui help;
  38. #X obj 10 1327 cnv 15 750 20 empty empty Timeline_Editing_/_Playlist_View:_[ds_scheduler]_and_[ds_scheduler_gui]
  39. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  40. #X obj 10 1348 cnv 15 375 120 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856
  41. -66577 0;
  42. #X obj 386 1348 cnv 15 375 330 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  43. -66577 0;
  44. #X obj 419 1366 ds_scheduler help;
  45. #X text 19 1368 Using the scheduler \, a playlist of scenes can be
  46. managed. Scenes can be given a specific duration \, after which the
  47. next scene will be recalled.;
  48. #X text 19 1418 [ds_scheduler] creates the whole needed logic for the
  49. timeline functions. [ds_scheduler_gui] provides an intuitive player
  50. view.;
  51. #X obj 10 734 cnv 15 751 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  52. 0;
  53. #X obj 362 836 cnv 15 300 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  54. 0;
  55. #X obj 362 815 cnv 15 300 20 empty empty Additional_Tools:_route/update/print
  56. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  57. #X obj 41 774 cnv 15 300 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  58. 0;
  59. #X obj 41 753 cnv 15 300 20 empty empty Registering_Variables 5 10
  60. 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  61. #X obj 362 774 cnv 15 300 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  62. 0;
  63. #X obj 362 753 cnv 15 300 20 empty empty Multiple_Domains 5 10 0 14
  64. -1 -262144 0;
  65. #X obj 41 836 cnv 15 300 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  66. 0;
  67. #X obj 41 815 cnv 15 300 20 empty empty [ds_reg]:_FLAGS 5 10 0 14 -1
  68. -262144 0;
  69. #X text 135 710 >= 3rd: see "FLAGS";
  70. #X obj 10 324 cnv 15 375 200 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  71. 0;
  72. #X text 37 364 creation arguments:;
  73. #X text 174 364 1st: domain;
  74. #X text 15 329 [ds_logic <domain>] is the main abstraction of this
  75. system \, and should be created once for each domain.;
  76. #X text 156 384 >= 2nd: see "FLAGS";
  77. #X obj 10 303 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty Main_Abstractions:_[ds_logic]_&_[ds_gui]
  78. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  79. #X text 17 437 [ds_gui <domain>] provides the corresponding graphical
  80. control.;
  81. #X text 35 472 creation argument: 1st: domain;
  82. #X text 574 401 GUI for domain "help";
  83. #X obj 10 525 cnv 15 751 75 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  84. 0;
  85. #X obj 66 557 cnv 15 260 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  86. 0;
  87. #X obj 66 537 cnv 15 260 20 empty empty [ds_logic]:_FLAGS 5 10 0 14
  88. -1 -262144 0;
  89. #X obj 347 557 cnv 15 260 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261682 -66577
  90. 0;
  91. #X obj 347 537 cnv 15 260 20 empty empty [ds_gui]:_CONTROLS 5 10 0
  92. 14 -1 -262144 0;
  93. #X obj 10 1085 cnv 15 751 225 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407
  94. -66577 0;
  95. #X obj 28 1254 cnv 15 350 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  96. 0;
  97. #X obj 389 1192 cnv 15 350 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130
  98. -66577 0;
  99. #X obj 389 1254 cnv 15 350 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130
  100. -66577 0;
  101. #X obj 389 1171 cnv 15 350 20 empty empty Fade_/_Morph_between_scenes
  102. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  103. #X obj 28 1233 cnv 15 350 20 empty empty Delaying_&_Chaining_Recalls
  104. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  105. #X obj 389 1233 cnv 15 350 20 empty empty What_if_last_transition_is_still_active?
  106. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  107. #X obj 10 1469 cnv 15 375 209 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407
  108. -66577 0;
  109. #X obj 37 1515 cnv 15 260 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261682 -66577
  110. 0;
  111. #X obj 37 1495 cnv 15 260 20 empty empty [ds_scheduler_gui]:_CONTROLS
  112. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  113. #X text 15 70 This is a scene-based state saving solution \, featuring
  114. complex transition features. It is based entirely on Pd-Vanilla. It
  115. is based on the two main abstractions [ds_logic] and [ds_reg] for the
  116. very basic features. For transitions etc. \, some additional abstractions
  117. are required.;
  118. #X obj 419 1403 ds_scheduler_gui help;
  119. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  120. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  121. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  122. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  123. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-logic_flags;
  124. #N canvas 274 22 457 485 \$0-logic_flags 0;
  125. #X obj 4 25 cnv 15 430 450 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  126. 0;
  127. #X obj 34 135 cnv 15 370 160 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  128. 0;
  129. #X obj 34 114 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty simple 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  130. 0;
  131. #X obj 186 268 osc2send-help;
  132. #X obj 34 341 cnv 15 370 100 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  133. 0;
  134. #X obj 34 320 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty nodispatch 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  135. 0;
  136. #X text 40 388 If set \, the data will not get dispatched on a recall.
  137. But: At every recall \, the whole datastream (variable names and values)
  138. gets dumped to the first outlet. Get creative!;
  139. #X text 140 354 [ds_logic <domain> nodispatch];
  140. #X obj 4 4 cnv 15 430 20 empty empty flags_for_[ds_logic] 5 10 0 14
  141. -1 -262144 0;
  142. #X text 40 32 There are some flags that can be set for [ds_logic] as
  143. creation arguments. With all these \, the transition features will
  144. be bypassed. They can be given in any order:;
  145. #X text 80 82 [ds_logic <domain> <flag1> <flag2> ... ];
  146. #X text 40 182 The datastream is directly routed to its (assumed) receivers
  147. \, without further processing (all register settings will be bypassed).
  148. This is useful \, if only very basic state saving is required.;
  149. #X text 40 242 See [osc2send-help] for more information on how the
  150. data is being dispatched:;
  151. #X text 140 148 [ds_logic <domain> simple];
  152. #X restore 50 132 pd \$0-logic_flags;
  153. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  154. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  155. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  156. #X restore 106 565 pd section;
  157. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  158. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  159. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  160. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  161. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-GUI;
  162. #N canvas 567 22 573 553 \$0-GUI 0;
  163. #X text 96 200 (c)2011 Marian Weger /part of EXTENDED VIEW toolkit/
  164. gpl v3;
  165. #X obj 3 199 cnv 15 550 540 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  166. 0;
  167. #X obj 41 219 nbx 3 15 0 999 0 0 /ds/help/scene/current /ds/help/scene/current
  168. scene 0 -8 0 12 -204786 -1 -1 1 256;
  169. #X obj 22 219 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/scene/current/prev /ds/help/scene/current/prev
  170. < 4 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1;
  171. #X obj 92 219 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/scene/current/next /ds/help/scene/current/next
  172. > 5 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1;
  173. #X obj 115 219 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/recall /ds/help/recall recall
  174. 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  175. #X obj 24 380 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/save /ds/help/save save 17 7
  176. 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  177. #X obj 24 474 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/load /ds/help/load load 17 7
  178. 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  179. #X obj 94 380 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/resave /ds/help/resave resave
  180. 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  181. #X obj 94 474 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reload /ds/help/reload reload
  182. 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  183. #X obj 114 303 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/store /ds/help/store store
  184. 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  185. #X obj 41 303 nbx 3 15 0 999 0 0 /ds/help/scene/selected /ds/help/scene/selected
  186. empty 0 -8 0 12 -261234 -1 -1 1 256;
  187. #X obj 22 303 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/scene/selected/prev /ds/help/scene/selected/prev
  188. < 4 7 0 10 -261234 -1 -1;
  189. #X obj 92 303 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/scene/selected/next /ds/help/scene/selected/next
  190. > 5 7 0 10 -261234 -1 -1;
  191. #X text 195 368 The SAVE section lets you save all scenes from RAM
  192. to a textfile on the HDD. Click "save" to open a save dialog. "resave"
  193. will let you save to the last specified filename.;
  194. #X text 195 468 The LOAD section lets you load all scenes from a textfile
  195. to RAM. Click "load" to open a load dialog. "reload" will let you load
  196. the last specified filename.;
  197. #X text 195 218 In the RECALL section \, you can recall a scene from
  198. RAM.;
  199. #X text 195 298 In the STORE section \, you can store the current state
  200. of the patch into RAM. Select a destination scene and press "store".
  201. ;
  202. #X text 195 248 Switch between presets 0-2 to see the effect.;
  203. #X obj 24 534 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/advanced/vis /ds/help/advanced/vis
  204. advanced 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  205. #X text 195 534 This button opens the advanced options.;
  206. #X obj 200 584 cnv 15 260 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  207. 0;
  208. #X obj 3 9 cnv 15 550 20 empty empty [ds_gui] 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  209. 0;
  210. #X obj 200 564 cnv 15 260 20 empty empty Advanced_settings 5 10 0 14
  211. -1 -262144 0;
  212. #X obj 3 178 cnv 15 550 20 empty empty Explanations 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  213. 0;
  214. #X obj 26 643 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/vis /ds/help/edit/vis edit
  215. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  216. #X text 194 644 Click on this button to open the file editing dialog.
  217. ;
  218. #X obj 198 691 cnv 15 280 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  219. 0;
  220. #X obj 198 671 cnv 15 280 20 empty empty Scene_editing_actions 5 10
  221. 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  222. #X obj 3 30 cnv 15 550 140 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  223. 0;
  224. #X text 191 78 Of course \, it is possible to create more GUIs for
  225. the same storage domain. Put a [ds_gui <domain>] object to create one:
  226. ;
  227. #X text 191 58 HINT:;
  228. #X obj 23 37 ds_gui help;
  229. #X text 189 123 Anyway \, the windows for advanced settings or edit
  230. will only open once.;
  231. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  232. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  233. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  234. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  235. #N canvas 395 22 623 662 \$0-gui-advanced 0;
  236. #X obj 4 8 cnv 15 600 20 empty empty [ds_gui]_/_advanced 5 10 0 14
  237. -1 -262144 0;
  238. #X obj 4 29 cnv 15 600 735 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -241339 -66577
  239. 0;
  240. #X obj 4 39 cnv 15 200 200 empty empty Recall 5 10 0 14 -191407 -1
  241. 0;
  242. #X obj 28 73 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/recall/data/state /ds/help/recall/data/state
  243. data 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  244. #X obj 4 341 cnv 15 200 350 empty empty Print 5 10 0 14 -191407 -66577
  245. 0;
  246. #X obj 28 103 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/change /ds/help/change changes_only
  247. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  248. #X obj 28 143 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/recall/tables/state /ds/help/recall/tables/state
  249. tables 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  250. #X obj 4 250 cnv 15 200 80 empty empty Store 5 10 0 14 -191407 -66577
  251. 0;
  252. #X obj 28 274 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/store/data/state /ds/help/store/data/state
  253. data 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  254. #X obj 28 297 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/store/tables/state /ds/help/store/tables/state
  255. tables 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  256. #X obj 28 173 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/recall/global /ds/help/recall/global
  257. global 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  258. #X obj 4 702 cnv 15 200 50 empty empty System 5 10 0 14 -191407 -1
  259. 0;
  260. #X obj 87 719 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/dsp/mute /ds/help/dsp/mute dsp_muting
  261. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  262. #X obj 28 366 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/print/info/state /ds/help/print/info/state
  263. info 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  264. #X obj 28 397 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/print/errors/state /ds/help/print/errors/state
  265. errors 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  266. #X obj 28 458 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/print/datastream/state /ds/help/print/datastream/state
  267. datastream 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  268. #X obj 28 489 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/print/buffer /ds/help/print/buffer
  269. clipboard 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  270. #X obj 28 520 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/print/scenes /ds/help/print/scenes
  271. all_scenes 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  272. #X obj 28 550 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/scene/selected/print /ds/help/scene/selected/print
  273. selected_scene 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  274. #X obj 28 580 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/print/main /ds/help/print/main
  275. recently_loaded/saved 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  276. #X obj 28 610 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/print/global /ds/help/print/global
  277. global_settings 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  278. #X obj 28 640 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/print/dialog /ds/help/reg/print/dialog
  279. register_list 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  280. #X obj 28 670 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/global/print/dialog /ds/help/reg/global/print/dialog
  281. global_register_list 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  282. #X obj 28 209 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/dispatch /ds/help/dispatch dispatch
  283. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  284. #X obj 28 428 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/print/debug/state /ds/help/print/debug/state
  285. debug 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  286. #X text 214 167 Click to recall the global variables (i.e. the settings
  287. in this dialog). They are recalled automatically on every load.;
  288. #X text 214 209 If turned off \, variables will not get dispatched.
  289. ;
  290. #X text 214 271 If turned off \, no data will get stored.;
  291. #X text 214 294 If turned off \, no tables will get stored.;
  292. #X text 214 73 If turned off \, no data will get recalled;
  293. #X text 214 101 If turned on \, only variables that have been changed
  294. will get dispatched.;
  295. #X text 214 143 If turned off \, no tables will get recalled.;
  296. #X text 225 362 Print informational messages (i.e. store \, save \,
  297. load \, etc.);
  298. #X text 225 392 Print error messages;
  299. #X text 225 423 Print debug messages;
  300. #X text 225 456 Print the whole datastream on every recall.;
  301. #X text 225 486 Print the contents of the clipboard;
  302. #X text 225 516 Print the contents of all scenes in memory;
  303. #X text 225 546 Print the contents of the currently selected scene
  304. ;
  305. #X text 225 576 Print the last loaded/saved data;
  306. #X text 225 606 Print the current state of the global settings;
  307. #X text 225 636 Open a list of all registered variables to print them
  308. individually.;
  309. #X text 225 669 Open a list of all registered global settings to print
  310. them individually.;
  311. #X text 225 712 if activated \, the dsp gets always turned off during
  312. dynamic patching within the storage logic.;
  313. #X restore 54 142 pd \$0-gui-advanced;
  314. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-gui-advanced;
  315. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  316. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  317. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  318. #X restore 268 592 pd section;
  319. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  320. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  321. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  322. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  323. #N canvas 456 46 519 560 \$0-gui-edit 0;
  324. #X obj 4 23 cnv 15 500 520 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  325. 0;
  326. #X obj 20 287 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/scene/cut /ds/help/edit/scene/cut
  327. cut 17 7 0 10 -260097 -1 -1;
  328. #X obj 20 327 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/scene/delete /ds/help/edit/scene/delete
  329. delete 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  330. #X obj 20 347 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/scene/paste-override /ds/help/edit/scene/paste-override
  331. paste_overwrite 17 7 0 10 -4160 -1 -1;
  332. #X obj 20 307 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/scene/copy /ds/help/edit/scene/copy
  333. copy 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  334. #X obj 20 367 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/scene/insert /ds/help/edit/scene/insert
  335. insert_blank 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  336. #X obj 20 387 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/scene/paste-insert /ds/help/edit/scene/paste-insert
  337. paste_insert 17 7 0 10 -4032 -1 -1;
  338. #X obj 20 199 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/clear /ds/help/edit/clear
  339. delete 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  340. #X obj 20 267 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/edit/scene/clear /ds/help/edit/scene/clear
  341. clear 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  342. #X text 24 239 Actions for the currently selected scene:;
  343. #X text 19 170 Actions on the whole buffer:;
  344. #X obj 289 241 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/scene/selected /ds/help/scene/selected
  345. selected 0 -8 0 10 -261234 -1 -1 1 256;
  346. #X text 153 366 Insert blank scene before the selected scene.;
  347. #X text 153 386 Insert copied/cut scene before the selected scene.
  348. ;
  349. #X text 153 346 Paste scene replacing the selected scene.;
  350. #X text 153 326 Delete selected scene.;
  351. #X text 153 306 Copy selected scene to clipboard.;
  352. #X text 153 286 Cut selected scene to clipboard.;
  353. #X text 153 266 Clear contents of the selected scene.;
  354. #X text 155 35 This dialog provides some file operations on the preset
  355. file.;
  356. #X text 155 65 It is possible to undo these operations by reloading
  357. the preset file from the HDD.;
  358. #X obj 4 2 cnv 15 500 20 empty empty [ds_gui]_/_edit 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  359. 0;
  360. #X text 153 198 Clear the whole memory.;
  361. #X obj 20 486 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/edit/scene/paste/data /ds/\$1/edit/scene/paste/data
  362. data 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  363. #X obj 20 446 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/edit/scene/paste/settings /ds/\$1/edit/scene/paste/settings
  364. settings 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  365. #X obj 20 466 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/edit/scene/paste/tables /ds/\$1/edit/scene/paste/tables
  366. tables 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  367. #X obj 20 506 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/edit/scene/paste/properties /ds/\$1/edit/scene/paste/properties
  368. properties 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  369. #X text 153 446 paste transition settings;
  370. #X text 153 466 paste tables;
  371. #X text 153 486 paste data;
  372. #X text 153 506 paste scene properties;
  373. #X obj 16 100 cnv 15 98 50 empty empty lock 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0
  374. ;
  375. #X obj 77 113 tgl 25 0 /ds/help/edit/lock /ds/help/edit/lock empty
  376. 22 12 0 10 -262144 -1 -262144 1 1;
  377. #X text 155 105 To be able to use the destructive edit actions \, you
  378. must always unlock them:;
  379. #X text 27 419 You can also specify \, what exactly should be pasted:
  380. ;
  381. #X restore 49 127 pd \$0-gui-edit;
  382. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-gui-edit;
  383. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  384. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  385. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  386. #X restore 273 700 pd section;
  387. #X coords 0 553 1 552 85 60 0;
  388. #X restore 50 132 pd \$0-GUI;
  389. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  390. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  391. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  392. #X restore 412 567 pd section;
  393. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  394. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  395. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  396. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  397. #N canvas 552 22 618 636 \$0-registering_variables 0;
  398. #X obj 4 25 cnv 15 370 250 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  399. 0;
  400. #X text 16 153 SYNTAX: [ds_reg <domain> <variable_name>] \, where <domain>
  401. is the name of the storage you want to register to \, and <variable_name>
  402. is the complete name of your variable.;
  403. #X text 16 37 New variables can be registered to a storage domain with
  404. the [ds_reg] module.;
  405. #X text 9 243 This registers "/i/am/also/a/variable" to domain "help":
  406. ;
  407. #X obj 374 25 cnv 15 230 250 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  408. 0;
  409. #X obj 405 208 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/also/a/variable /i/am/also/a/variable
  410. /i/am/also/a/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 2400 1;
  411. #X obj 405 158 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/variable /i/am/a/variable
  412. /i/am/a/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 4000 1;
  413. #X msg 428 75 0;
  414. #X msg 458 75 1;
  415. #X msg 488 75 2;
  416. #X obj 428 101 s /ds/help/scene;
  417. #X text 408 46 Change scene here:;
  418. #X obj 4 4 cnv 15 600 20 empty empty Registering_variables 5 10 0 14
  419. -1 -262144 0;
  420. #X text 16 82 Variables can be any type of data \, i.e. 'list' \, 'float'
  421. \, 'symbol' \, etc.;
  422. #X obj 649 299 cnv 15 370 120 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130
  423. -66577 0;
  424. #X obj 649 279 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Syntax_for_variable_names
  425. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  426. #X text 687 392 /category>/<subcategory>/.../<name>;
  427. #X text 657 357 In this helpfile \, all variables consist only of lowercase
  428. letters and slashes in the form of:;
  429. #X text 657 307 There is no special naming syntax needed for your variables.
  430. But a beginning with "/" is proposed to conform with the OSC standard.
  431. ;
  432. #X text 16 112 But \, of course \, the morphing features are only available
  433. for 'float' values;
  434. #X obj 4 307 cnv 15 370 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  435. 0;
  436. #X obj 374 307 cnv 15 230 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  437. -66577 0;
  438. #X obj 4 286 cnv 15 600 20 empty empty Registering_Tables 5 10 0 14
  439. -1 -262144 0;
  440. #X text 15 317 If you want to register a table to the storage \, add
  441. the "table" flag to the register as creation argument \; [ds_reg <domain>
  442. <name> table];
  443. #X msg 442 350 0;
  444. #X msg 472 350 1;
  445. #X msg 502 350 2;
  446. #X obj 442 376 s /ds/help/scene;
  447. #X text 422 321 Change scene here:;
  448. #X text 15 367 If you want to register a table to the storage \, add
  449. the "table" flag to the register as creation argument \; [ds_reg <domain>
  450. <name> table]. You can also specify through flags \, if the table should
  451. be resized automatically ("resize") or never get resized ("noresize").
  452. ;
  453. #X text 18 476 The order of the flags does not matter.;
  454. #X text 31 447 Example: [ds_reg <domain> <name> table noresize];
  455. #X text 18 506 For tables \, the morphing functionality is deactivated.
  456. But the other scene transition features (i.e. delay or slave) can be
  457. used.;
  458. #X obj 405 480 cnv 15 150 100 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262144
  459. -66577 0;
  460. #N canvas 0 22 450 300 (subpatch) 0;
  461. #X array /i/am/a/table 100 float 0;
  462. #X coords 0 1 99 -1 150 100 1 0 0;
  463. #X restore 405 480 graph;
  464. #N canvas 710 135 310 270 backup 0;
  465. #X obj 100 100 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  466. -1 -1;
  467. #X msg 100 120 vis 1;
  468. #X obj 100 142 s pd-\$0-register_flags;
  469. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  470. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  471. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 100 100;
  472. #X restore 283 567 pd backup;
  473. #X text 18 566 For more information on flags for [ds_reg]:;
  474. #X obj 397 413 ds_reg help /i/am/a/table table;
  475. #X obj 381 241 ds_reg help /i/am/also/a/variable;
  476. #X connect 7 0 10 0;
  477. #X connect 8 0 10 0;
  478. #X connect 9 0 10 0;
  479. #X connect 24 0 27 0;
  480. #X connect 25 0 27 0;
  481. #X connect 26 0 27 0;
  482. #X restore 52 141 pd \$0-registering_variables;
  483. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-registering_variables;
  484. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  485. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  486. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  487. #X restore 120 779 pd section;
  488. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  489. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  490. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  491. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  492. #N canvas 490 22 776 756 \$0-register_flags 0;
  493. #X obj 5 1107 cnv 15 370 180 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  494. 0;
  495. #X obj 53 1247 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/must/be/set/dialog /ds/help/i/must/be/set/dialog
  496. /i/must/be/set 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  497. #X obj 5 1571 cnv 15 370 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  498. 0;
  499. #X obj 248 1668 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/got/changed/change /ds/help/i/got/changed/change
  500. change 17 7 0 10 -228856 -1 -1 1 1;
  501. #X obj 74 1668 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/got/changed/dialog /ds/help/i/got/changed/dialog
  502. /i/got/changed 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  503. #X obj 5 107 cnv 15 370 290 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  504. 0;
  505. #X text 15 116 For some types of variables \, it is never desired to
  506. morph between two states (For example lists \, symbols \, toggles \,
  507. etc.). To save computing power and keep file sizes small \, the morphing
  508. functionality can be turned off for individual variables.;
  509. #X obj 92 298 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/no/morphing/variable/dialog
  510. /ds/help/i/am/no/morphing/variable/dialog /i/am/no/morphing/variable
  511. 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  512. #X text 15 196 The "nomorph" argument for [ds_reg] deactivates morphing
  513. for this register permanently.;
  514. #X obj 375 107 cnv 15 370 200 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  515. -66577 0;
  516. #X obj 487 175 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/no/morphing/variable /i/am/no/morphing/variable
  517. /i/am/no/morphing/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 10000 1;
  518. #X msg 533 240 0;
  519. #X msg 563 240 1;
  520. #X msg 593 240 2;
  521. #X obj 533 266 s /ds/help/scene;
  522. #X text 409 239 Change scene here:;
  523. #X obj 375 1107 cnv 15 370 180 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  524. -66577 0;
  525. #X obj 375 1571 cnv 15 370 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  526. -66577 0;
  527. #X symbolatom 244 1257 20 0 0 0 prepend: /ds/help/i/must/be/set/data_prepend/gui
  528. #0-dummy;
  529. #X obj 573 1242 r /i/must/be/set;
  530. #X msg 581 1186 0;
  531. #X msg 611 1186 1;
  532. #X msg 641 1186 2;
  533. #X obj 581 1212 s /ds/help/scene;
  534. #X obj 507 1156 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/must/be/set /i/must/be/set
  535. /i/must/be/set 0 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 20 256;
  536. #X msg 573 1266 20;
  537. #X obj 5 86 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty nomorph:_Turn_off_morphing_permanently
  538. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  539. #X obj 5 1086 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty data_prepend/data_append:_Prepend/Append_symbol_to_the_recalled_data
  540. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  541. #X obj 5 1550 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty change/nochange:_Only_recall_changes
  542. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  543. #X text 399 1185 change scene to see effect:;
  544. #X text 13 1580 Per default \, saved variables always get dispatched
  545. \, even if the recalled value does not differ from the current value.
  546. To save some computing power \, the change flag can be set to load
  547. only the differences on every recall.;
  548. #X msg 621 1672 0;
  549. #X msg 651 1672 1;
  550. #X msg 681 1672 2;
  551. #X obj 621 1698 s /ds/help/scene;
  552. #X obj 504 1639 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/got/changed /i/got/changed
  553. /i/got/changed 0 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 33 256;
  554. #X obj 620 1620 r /i/got/changed;
  555. #X obj 620 1642 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144
  556. -1 -1;
  557. #X text 395 1629 change value:;
  558. #X text 392 1673 switch through scenes to see effect:;
  559. #X obj 5 1319 cnv 15 370 220 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  560. 0;
  561. #X obj 65 1459 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/must/be/set/too/dialog /ds/help/i/must/be/set/too/dialog
  562. /i/must/be/set/too 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  563. #X obj 375 1319 cnv 15 370 220 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  564. -66577 0;
  565. #X symbolatom 244 1480 20 0 0 0 append: /ds/help/i/must/be/set/too/name_append/gui
  566. #0-dummy;
  567. #X msg 581 1478 0;
  568. #X msg 611 1478 1;
  569. #X msg 641 1478 2;
  570. #X obj 581 1504 s /ds/help/scene;
  571. #X obj 5 1298 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty name_prepend/name_append:_Prepend/Append_symbol_to_the_variable_name
  572. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  573. #X text 409 1477 change scene to see effect:;
  574. #X floatatom 565 1407 5 0 0 0 - - -;
  575. #X obj 565 1426 s /i/must/be/set/too;
  576. #X text 430 1406 Edit atom number box:;
  577. #X text 12 1121 It is possible to prepend or append any symbol to the
  578. recalled data \, by adding "data_prepend <symbol>" or "data_append
  579. <symbol>" as creation arguments to [ds_reg].;
  580. #X text 12 1333 It is possible to prepend or append any symbol to the
  581. variable name \, the data is recalled to. This is done by adding "name_prepend
  582. <symbol>" or "name_append <symbol>" as creation arguments to [ds_reg].
  583. ;
  584. #X text 12 1394 This way \, for example a "/set" symbol can be appended
  585. to the variable name for recall:;
  586. #X obj 565 1385 r /i/must/be/set/too/set;
  587. #X text 13 1690 This also works if your variable contains a symbol
  588. or list.;
  589. #X obj 92 276 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  590. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  591. #X text 56 297 --->;
  592. #X text 12 1176 This way \, for example a "set" message can be prepended.
  593. ;
  594. #X obj 53 1214 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  595. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  596. #X text 16 1246 --->;
  597. #X obj 65 1433 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  598. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  599. #X text 31 1459 --->;
  600. #X obj 74 1641 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  601. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  602. #X text 39 1667 --->;
  603. #X text 243 1239 Data;
  604. #X text 243 1461 Name;
  605. #X text 15 342 They are still visible \, but will no more be saved
  606. with the storage.;
  607. #X obj 5 408 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty delay/nodelay:_Set_delay_permanently
  608. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  609. #X obj 5 954 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty direct:_nomorph_+_nodelay_+_noslave_+_nooccupy
  610. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  611. #X obj 5 590 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty slave/noslave:_Set_slave_permanently
  612. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  613. #X obj 5 772 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty occupy/nooccupy:_Set_occupy_permanently
  614. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  615. #X obj 375 307 cnv 15 370 90 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  616. 0;
  617. #X obj 375 429 cnv 15 370 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856
  618. -66577 0;
  619. #X obj 5 429 cnv 15 370 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  620. 0;
  621. #X text 14 471 [ds_reg <domain> <name> delay <time/s>] sets a permanent
  622. delay time. It is not possible anymore to change the delay in the register
  623. settings dialog.;
  624. #X text 14 521 [ds_reg <domain> <name> nodelay] turns off the delay
  625. permanently. It is not possible anymore to change the delay in the
  626. register settings dialog.;
  627. #X obj 375 611 cnv 15 370 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856
  628. -66577 0;
  629. #X obj 5 611 cnv 15 370 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  630. 0;
  631. #X text 14 619 The "slave" settings can be set permanently by creation
  632. arguments:;
  633. #X text 14 653 [ds_reg <domain> <name> slave] turns on "slave" permanently.
  634. It is not possible anymore to change it in the register settings dialog.
  635. ;
  636. #X obj 375 793 cnv 15 370 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856
  637. -66577 0;
  638. #X obj 5 793 cnv 15 370 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  639. 0;
  640. #X text 14 801 The "occupy" settings can be set permanently by creation
  641. arguments:;
  642. #X text 14 835 [ds_reg <domain> <name> occupy] turns on "occupy" permanently.
  643. It is not possible anymore to change it in the register settings dialog.
  644. ;
  645. #X text 14 885 [ds_reg <domain> <name> nooccupy] turns off "occupy"
  646. permanently. It is not possible anymore to change it in the register
  647. settings dialog.;
  648. #X text 14 703 [ds_reg <domain> <name> nochange] turns off "slave"
  649. permanently. It is not possible anymore to change it in the register
  650. settings dialog.;
  651. #X obj 5 975 cnv 15 740 100 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  652. 0;
  653. #X text 14 985 The "direct" flag is a shortcut for "nomorph" \, "nodelay"
  654. \, "noslave" and "nooccupy" combined.;
  655. #X text 14 1025 That means \, most of the transition features will
  656. get bypassed permanently.;
  657. #X obj 5 4 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty flags_for_[ds_reg] 5 10 0 14 -1
  658. -262144 0;
  659. #X obj 5 25 cnv 15 740 50 empty empty empty 5 10 0 14 -261234 -262144
  660. 0;
  661. #X text 19 33 There is a number of flags that can be set for [ds_reg]
  662. as creation arguments. They can be given in any order:;
  663. #X text 409 47 [ds_reg <domain> <name> <flag1> <flag2> <flag3> ...
  664. ];
  665. #X text 14 437 The "delay" settings can be set permanently by creation
  666. arguments:;
  667. #X obj 5 1732 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty table/resize/noresize:_Special_flags_for_Tables
  668. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  669. #X obj 375 1753 cnv 15 370 110 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856
  670. -66577 0;
  671. #X obj 5 1753 cnv 15 370 110 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  672. 0;
  673. #X text 15 1763 The "table" flag needs to be set \, if the registered
  674. variable is a table.;
  675. #X text 15 1803 With "resize" and "noresize" \, you can specify \,
  676. if the table should be resized automatically or not.;
  677. #X text 15 233 If the "nomorph" flag is set \, the corresponding parameters
  678. in the transition dialog will be greyed out:;
  679. #X obj 415 499 cnv 15 320 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  680. 0;
  681. #X obj 415 479 cnv 15 320 20 empty empty Delaying_&_Chaining_Recalls
  682. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  683. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  684. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  685. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  686. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  687. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-delay;
  688. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  689. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  690. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  691. #X restore 452 507 pd link;
  692. #X obj 415 679 cnv 15 320 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  693. 0;
  694. #X obj 415 659 cnv 15 320 20 empty empty Delaying_&_Chaining_Recalls
  695. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  696. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  697. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  698. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  699. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  700. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-delay;
  701. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  702. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  703. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  704. #X restore 452 687 pd link;
  705. #X obj 415 347 cnv 15 320 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  706. 0;
  707. #X obj 415 327 cnv 15 320 20 empty empty Morph_/_Fade 5 10 0 14 -1
  708. -262144 0;
  709. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  710. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  711. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  712. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  713. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-morph;
  714. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  715. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  716. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  717. #X restore 452 355 pd link;
  718. #X obj 415 858 cnv 15 320 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  719. 0;
  720. #X obj 415 838 cnv 15 320 20 empty empty Occupy 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  721. 0;
  722. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  723. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  724. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  725. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  726. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-occupy;
  727. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  728. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  729. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  730. #X restore 452 866 pd link;
  731. #X obj 415 1802 cnv 15 320 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130
  732. -66577 0;
  733. #X obj 415 1782 cnv 15 320 20 empty empty More_information_on_registering_tables
  734. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  735. #X text 449 1264 just a message box:;
  736. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  737. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  738. -1 -1;
  739. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  740. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-registering_variables;
  741. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  742. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  743. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  744. #X restore 478 1811 pd link;
  745. #X obj 444 1585 ds_reg help /i/got/changed change;
  746. #X obj 423 127 ds_reg help /i/am/no/morphing/variable nomorph;
  747. #X obj 383 1329 ds_reg help /i/must/be/set/too data_prepend set name_append
  748. /set;
  749. #X obj 424 1117 ds_reg help /i/must/be/set data_prepend set;
  750. #X text 12 1506 This combination of "prepend_data" and "append_name"
  751. makes it possible to recall to atom boxes without feedback.;
  752. #X connect 11 0 14 0;
  753. #X connect 12 0 14 0;
  754. #X connect 13 0 14 0;
  755. #X connect 19 0 25 0;
  756. #X connect 20 0 23 0;
  757. #X connect 21 0 23 0;
  758. #X connect 22 0 23 0;
  759. #X connect 31 0 34 0;
  760. #X connect 32 0 34 0;
  761. #X connect 33 0 34 0;
  762. #X connect 36 0 37 0;
  763. #X connect 44 0 47 0;
  764. #X connect 45 0 47 0;
  765. #X connect 46 0 47 0;
  766. #X connect 50 0 51 0;
  767. #X connect 56 0 50 0;
  768. #X coords 0 756 1 755 85 60 0;
  769. #X restore 70 129 pd \$0-register_flags;
  770. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-register_flags;
  771. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  772. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  773. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  774. #X restore 101 845 pd section;
  775. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  776. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  777. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  778. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  779. #N canvas 420 59 757 673 \$0-multiple_domains 0;
  780. #X obj 5 24 cnv 15 370 330 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  781. 0;
  782. #X obj 375 24 cnv 15 370 330 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  783. 0;
  784. #X obj 5 4 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty Register_variables_to_another_domain
  785. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  786. #X obj 402 327 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/from/another/domain /i/am/from/another/domain
  787. /i/am/from/another/domain -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 3600 1;
  788. #X text 13 87 Variables are only affected by the domain they are registered
  789. to.;
  790. #X obj 5 384 cnv 15 370 280 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  791. 0;
  792. #X obj 375 384 cnv 15 370 280 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  793. -66577 0;
  794. #X obj 5 364 cnv 15 740 20 empty empty Register_a_variable_to_multiple_domains
  795. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  796. #X obj 452 467 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/belong/to/both /i/belong/to/both
  797. /i/belong/to/both -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 11800 1;
  798. #X text 401 35 Load textfile for "help2" on startup:;
  799. #N canvas 131 51 306 252 \$0-init2 0;
  800. #X obj 47 49 loadbang;
  801. #X obj 27 49 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
  802. -1;
  803. #X obj 47 73 del 1000;
  804. #X obj 47 95 t b b;
  805. #X obj 47 170 del 2000;
  806. #X msg 47 192 \; /ds/help2/scene 0 \;;
  807. #X msg 74 123 \; /ds/help2/loadfile ds_help2.txt;
  808. #X connect 0 0 2 0;
  809. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  810. #X connect 2 0 3 0;
  811. #X connect 3 0 4 0;
  812. #X connect 3 1 6 0;
  813. #X connect 4 0 5 0;
  814. #X restore 640 34 pd \$0-init2;
  815. #X text 401 95 Corresponding GUI:;
  816. #X text 401 65 Create logic for domain "help2":;
  817. #X text 38 186 More information on init:;
  818. #X text 390 245 Register variable to "help2":;
  819. #X text 14 42 In this example \, we add another domain to the patch.
  820. The module [ds_logic help2] adds a storage with domain "help2". Variables
  821. can be registered to it.;
  822. #X text 469 123 try it -->;
  823. #X text 377 498 try the scenes of both domains:;
  824. #X text 9 409 It is also possible to register a variable to more than
  825. one domain at the same time. Values and transitions will be saved independently.
  826. ;
  827. #X text 9 459 Most of the time you probably don't want a variable to
  828. be part of multiple domains \, as you might get in big trouble...;
  829. #X obj 535 95 ds_gui help2;
  830. #X obj 390 521 ds_gui help;
  831. #X obj 553 521 ds_gui help2;
  832. #X obj 613 65 ds_logic help2;
  833. #N canvas 799 157 272 231 section 0;
  834. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  835. -1 -1;
  836. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  837. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-parameter_list;
  838. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  839. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  840. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  841. #X restore 206 187 pd section;
  842. #X obj 489 271 ds_reg help2 /i/am/from/another/domain;
  843. #X obj 399 401 ds_reg help /i/belong/to/both;
  844. #X obj 399 421 ds_reg help2 /i/belong/to/both;
  845. #X restore 50 120 pd \$0-multiple_domains;
  846. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-multiple_domains;
  847. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  848. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  849. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  850. #X restore 431 780 pd section;
  851. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  852. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  853. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  854. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  855. #N canvas 389 22 650 756 \$0-tools 0;
  856. #X obj 11 36 cnv 15 370 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  857. 0;
  858. #X obj 381 36 cnv 15 230 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  859. 0;
  860. #X obj 11 16 cnv 15 600 20 empty empty Route_current_value_of_variable
  861. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  862. #X obj 414 205 r /i/am/a/target;
  863. #X msg 414 147 symbol /i/am/a/target;
  864. #X obj 414 127 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  865. -1 -1;
  866. #X obj 499 91 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/a/source /i/am/a/source
  867. /i/am/a/source 0 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 38 256;
  868. #X text 423 90 change it:;
  869. #X text 33 157 This may be useful for implementing copy&paste functions
  870. \, etc.;
  871. #X obj 11 366 cnv 15 370 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  872. 0;
  873. #X obj 381 366 cnv 15 230 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  874. -66577 0;
  875. #X obj 11 346 cnv 15 600 20 empty empty Re-send_current_value_/_Update
  876. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  877. #X obj 11 696 cnv 15 370 260 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  878. 0;
  879. #X obj 381 696 cnv 15 230 260 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  880. -66577 0;
  881. #X obj 11 676 cnv 15 600 20 empty empty Print_current_value 5 10 0
  882. 14 -1 -262144 0;
  883. #X obj 497 422 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/both /i/am/both /i/am/both
  884. 0 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 36 256;
  885. #X text 423 420 change it:;
  886. #X obj 424 450 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  887. -1 -1;
  888. #X obj 484 495 r /i/am/both;
  889. #X obj 424 810 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  890. -1 -1;
  891. #X obj 497 772 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /what/am/i /what/am/i /what/am/i
  892. 0 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 273 256;
  893. #X text 423 770 change it:;
  894. #X text 23 467 This may be useful for updating GUI elements.;
  895. #X text 23 807 Sometimes useful for debugging.;
  896. #X text 33 47 Route the current value of a registered variable to any
  897. destination.;
  898. #X text 23 377 Resend the current value of a registered variable to
  899. itself \, i.e. update it.;
  900. #X text 23 717 Print the current value and domain of a registered variable
  901. to the console.;
  902. #X msg 414 278 symbol /i/am/a/target;
  903. #X obj 414 258 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  904. -1 -1;
  905. #X text 23 264 Global route for whole domain:;
  906. #X obj 386 590 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  907. -1 -1;
  908. #X text 30 594 Global re-send for whole domain:;
  909. #X obj 505 597 r /i/am/a/source;
  910. #X msg 484 540 ---;
  911. #X obj 414 169 s /ds/help/i/am/a/source/route;
  912. #X obj 414 300 s /ds/help/route;
  913. #X obj 424 470 s /ds/help/i/am/both/resend;
  914. #X text 415 540 look here:;
  915. #X msg 505 641 ---;
  916. #X obj 386 612 s /ds/help/resend;
  917. #X text 437 642 look here:;
  918. #X obj 424 832 s /ds/help/what/am/i/print;
  919. #X text 33 87 Sending a message "<target>" to "/ds/<domain>/<name>/route"
  920. \, sends the current value of "<name>" to "<target>".;
  921. #X text 23 417 Sending any message to "/ds/<domain>/<name>/resend"
  922. will send the current value of "<name>" to itself.;
  923. #X text 30 614 Sending any message to "/ds/<domain>/resend" sends the
  924. current values of all registered variables of <domain> to themselves.
  925. ;
  926. #X text 23 757 Sending a bang (or any other message) to "/ds/<domain>/<name>/print"
  927. will print the current value of <name> to the Pd window.;
  928. #X obj 484 518 msg_monitor 750;
  929. #X obj 505 619 msg_monitor 750;
  930. #X text 421 867 look at your Pd window!;
  931. #X text 397 320 look at your Pd window!;
  932. #X obj 414 227 print /i/am/a/target;
  933. #X text 23 284 Sending a message "<target>" to "/ds/<domain>/route"
  934. sends the current values of all registered variables of <domain> to
  935. <target>.;
  936. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  937. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  938. -1 -1;
  939. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  940. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-gui-advanced;
  941. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  942. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  943. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  944. #X restore 167 865 pd link;
  945. #X text 20 838 Single parameters can also be printed via the advanced
  946. settings of [ds_gui]:;
  947. #X obj 417 378 ds_reg help /i/am/both;
  948. #X obj 421 45 ds_reg help /i/am/a/source;
  949. #X obj 421 720 ds_reg help /what/am/i;
  950. #X connect 3 0 50 0;
  951. #X connect 4 0 34 0;
  952. #X connect 5 0 4 0;
  953. #X connect 17 0 36 0;
  954. #X connect 18 0 46 0;
  955. #X connect 19 0 41 0;
  956. #X connect 27 0 35 0;
  957. #X connect 28 0 27 0;
  958. #X connect 30 0 39 0;
  959. #X connect 32 0 47 0;
  960. #X connect 46 0 33 0;
  961. #X connect 47 0 38 0;
  962. #X coords 0 756 1 755 85 60 0;
  963. #X restore 50 129 pd \$0-tools;
  964. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-tools;
  965. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  966. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  967. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  968. #X restore 415 843 pd section;
  969. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  970. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  971. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  972. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  973. #N canvas 471 35 778 673 \$0-morph 0;
  974. #X obj 4 -59 cnv 15 375 390 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  975. 0;
  976. #X obj 380 -59 cnv 15 375 390 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  977. -66577 0;
  978. #X obj 485 235 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable /i/am/a/morphing/variable
  979. /i/am/a/morphing/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 6100 1;
  980. #X msg 457 102 0;
  981. #X msg 487 102 1;
  982. #X msg 517 102 2;
  983. #X obj 457 128 s /ds/help/scene;
  984. #X text 437 73 Change scene here:;
  985. #X obj 99 23 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/dialog
  986. /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/dialog /i/am/a/morphing/variable
  987. 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  988. #X obj 64 93 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph
  989. morph 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1 1 1;
  990. #X text 8 58 The "morph" toggle enables a fade from another scene to
  991. the current scene for this variable.;
  992. #X text 8 122 The morph time can be set in seconds:;
  993. #X text 196 278 (Default = 20 ms);
  994. #X obj 4 363 cnv 15 375 580 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  995. 0;
  996. #X obj 380 363 cnv 15 375 580 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  997. -66577 0;
  998. #X obj 443 448 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/another/morphing/variable
  999. /i/am/another/morphing/variable /i/am/another/morphing/variable -2
  1000. -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 6400 1;
  1001. #X obj 88 446 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/dialog
  1002. /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/dialog /i/am/another/morphing/variable
  1003. 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1004. #X obj 384 974 cnv 15 370 60 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  1005. 0;
  1006. #X text 389 978 For individual variables \, the morphing functionality
  1007. can be deactivated permanently:;
  1008. #X msg 461 548 0;
  1009. #X msg 491 548 1;
  1010. #X msg 521 548 2;
  1011. #X obj 461 574 s /ds/help/scene;
  1012. #X text 441 519 Change scene here:;
  1013. #X text 8 470 Click here to show the current fade characteristic:;
  1014. #X text 8 656 The "weight" factor lets you interpolate between the
  1015. selected shape and a straight line.;
  1016. #X obj 4 974 cnv 15 370 60 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  1017. 0;
  1018. #X obj 118 1004 fadecurve-help;
  1019. #X text 8 786 By using the quality setting \, you can chose \, how
  1020. the fade curve is read:;
  1021. #X text 234 635 (0...1);
  1022. #X text 238 516 (-Inf...+Inf);
  1023. #X text 145 715 (10...10000);
  1024. #X obj 385 954 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Deactivate_morphing_permanently
  1025. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1026. #X obj 4 954 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty fadecurve 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1027. 0;
  1028. #X text 97 836 0: no interpolation (default);
  1029. #X text 97 850 1: linear interpolation;
  1030. #X text 8 896 HINT: For MIDI messages \, a resolution of 128 with no
  1031. interpolation (quality=0) would be sufficient.;
  1032. #X text 8 734 The "resolution" parameter sets the resolution of the
  1033. fade curve table (default = 128 points).;
  1034. #X text 8 540 Shape lets you chose a suitable base form of the fade.
  1035. A value of "0" will result in one half sine wave. "1" gives a quarter
  1036. sinewave \, and 2 to N will give a x^n function. The shape values in
  1037. between two integers will provide a linear interpolation of the both.
  1038. A negative sign will invert the shape.;
  1039. #X text 97 864 2: tabread4 4-point polynomial interpolation;
  1040. #X obj 4 342 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty Curved_Fade_&_Interpolation
  1041. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1042. #X obj 4 -80 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty Linear_Fade 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1043. 0;
  1044. #X text 8 162 A linear fade is applied \, if the "weight" parameter
  1045. is set to zero:;
  1046. #X obj 311 124 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph/time
  1047. /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph/time time/s: -45 7 0 10 -4034
  1048. -1 -1 1 256;
  1049. #X obj 105 285 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph/timegrain
  1050. /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph/timegrain time-grain/ms 0 -8
  1051. 0 10 -204786 -1 -1 20 256;
  1052. #X obj 116 188 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph/curve/weight
  1053. /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph/curve/weight weight 5 8 0 10
  1054. -4034 -1 -1 0 1;
  1055. #X obj 252 188 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph/curve/weight
  1056. /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/morph/curve/weight empty 47 7 0 10
  1057. -4034 -1 -1 0 256;
  1058. #X text 8 234 "time-grain" the samplerate of the fade. For video \,
  1059. a time-grain faster than the framerate would make no sense.;
  1060. #X obj 174 517 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/shape
  1061. /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/shape empty 47
  1062. 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 0 256;
  1063. #X obj 76 715 nbx 4 14 10 10000 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/resolution
  1064. /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/resolution resolution
  1065. 0 -8 0 10 -204786 -1 -1 200 256;
  1066. #X obj 26 852 hradio 15 1 0 3 /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/quality
  1067. /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/quality quality
  1068. 0 -8 0 10 -204786 -1 -1 2;
  1069. #X obj 327 468 bng 20 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/vis
  1070. /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/vis show 23 10
  1071. 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  1072. #X obj 34 635 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/weight
  1073. /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/weight weight 5
  1074. 8 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 10160 1;
  1075. #X obj 38 517 hsl 128 15 -10 10 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/shape
  1076. /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/shape shape 5 8
  1077. 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 6350 1;
  1078. #X obj 170 635 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/weight
  1079. /ds/help/i/am/another/morphing/variable/morph/curve/weight empty 47
  1080. 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 0.8 256;
  1081. #X text 12 368 The variable "/i/am/another/morphing/variable" has a
  1082. curved fade to each of the scenes 0-2. See the scene transition dialog:
  1083. ;
  1084. #X text 8 -45 The variable "/i/am/a/morphing/variable" has a linear
  1085. fade to each of the scenes 0-2. See the scene transition dialog:;
  1086. #X obj 88 407 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  1087. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  1088. #X text 46 445 --->;
  1089. #X obj 99 -8 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  1090. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  1091. #X text 58 23 --->;
  1092. #X obj 380 -59 cnv 15 375 50 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261234 -66577
  1093. 0;
  1094. #X text 410 -49 NOTE: Only variables of type "float" can be morphed!!!
  1095. Others will simply get ignored by this feature.;
  1096. #X text 13 979 See [fadecurve-help] for more information on the fade
  1097. curve values:;
  1098. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1099. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_for_more_information!
  1100. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1101. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1102. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-register_flags;
  1103. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1104. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1105. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1106. #X restore 460 1012 pd section;
  1107. #X obj 430 14 ds_reg help /i/am/a/morphing/variable;
  1108. #X obj 439 386 ds_reg help /i/am/another/morphing/variable;
  1109. #X connect 3 0 6 0;
  1110. #X connect 4 0 6 0;
  1111. #X connect 5 0 6 0;
  1112. #X connect 19 0 22 0;
  1113. #X connect 20 0 22 0;
  1114. #X connect 21 0 22 0;
  1115. #X coords 0 673 1 672 85 60 0;
  1116. #X restore 48 136 pd \$0-morph;
  1117. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-morph;
  1118. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1119. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1120. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1121. #X restore 490 1200 pd section;
  1122. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1123. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1124. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1125. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1126. #N canvas 482 316 776 351 \$0-occupy 0;
  1127. #X obj 10 31 cnv 15 375 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1128. 0;
  1129. #X obj 223 80 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/occupied/dialog /ds/help/i/am/occupied/dialog
  1130. /i/am/occupied 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1131. #X obj 223 109 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/am/occupied/occupy /ds/help/i/am/occupied/occupy
  1132. occupy 17 7 0 10 -260097 -1 -1 1 1;
  1133. #X text 18 185 Per default \, this option is deactivated. It gets saved
  1134. individually for each variable and scene.;
  1135. #X text 18 135 If "occupy" is set \, the variable will not respond
  1136. to another scene recall until its transition is completed.;
  1137. #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty Occupy 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1138. 0;
  1139. #X obj 386 31 cnv 15 375 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  1140. 0;
  1141. #X obj 440 192 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable /i/am/a/morphing/variable
  1142. /i/am/a/morphing/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 6100 1;
  1143. #X msg 609 118 0;
  1144. #X msg 639 118 1;
  1145. #X msg 669 118 2;
  1146. #X obj 609 144 s /ds/help/scene;
  1147. #X obj 440 272 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am//occupied /i/am/occupied
  1148. /i/am/occupied -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 4700 1;
  1149. #X text 559 91 Change scenes very fast:;
  1150. #X text 404 152 "occupy" off:;
  1151. #X text 404 232 "occupy" on:;
  1152. #X text 21 51 Open scene transition dialog:;
  1153. #X text 71 106 Set "occupy" parameter:;
  1154. #X obj 84 80 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  1155. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  1156. #X text 186 77 --->;
  1157. #X text 18 222 You can also set it as creation argument (flag) for
  1158. [ds_reg] and thereby override the setting permanently:;
  1159. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1160. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  1161. -1 -1;
  1162. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1163. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-register_flags;
  1164. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1165. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1166. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1167. #X restore 129 268 pd section;
  1168. #X obj 467 44 ds_reg help /i/am/occupied;
  1169. #X connect 8 0 11 0;
  1170. #X connect 9 0 11 0;
  1171. #X connect 10 0 11 0;
  1172. #X coords 0 351 1 350 85 60 0;
  1173. #X restore 48 127 pd \$0-occupy;
  1174. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-occupy;
  1175. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1176. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1177. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1178. #X restore 452 1264 pd section;
  1179. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1180. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1181. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1182. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1183. #N canvas 27 22 782 756 \$0-delay 0;
  1184. #X obj 5 395 cnv 15 375 500 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1185. 0;
  1186. #X obj 89 554 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/master/dialog /ds/help/i/am/a/master/dialog
  1187. /i/am/a/master 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1188. #X obj 236 636 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/slave/dialog /ds/help/i/am/a/slave/dialog
  1189. /i/am/a/slave 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1190. #X text 15 406 It is possible to chain recalls of variables. So that
  1191. a variable starts its recall after another one finished recalling.
  1192. ;
  1193. #X text 14 448 For example \, if one variable should be recalled after
  1194. a fade of another one is finished \, no matter how long that fade is.
  1195. ;
  1196. #X obj 381 395 cnv 15 375 500 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  1197. -66577 0;
  1198. #X obj 429 707 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/master /i/am/a/master /i/am/a/master
  1199. -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 5600 1;
  1200. #X obj 586 707 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/slave /i/am/a/slave /i/am/a/slave
  1201. -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 5900 1;
  1202. #X msg 487 600 0;
  1203. #X msg 517 600 1;
  1204. #X msg 547 600 2;
  1205. #X obj 487 626 s /ds/help/scene;
  1206. #X text 442 575 Change scene to see the effect:;
  1207. #X obj 5 24 cnv 15 375 340 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1208. 0;
  1209. #X obj 381 24 cnv 15 375 340 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  1210. 0;
  1211. #X obj 462 150 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/delayed/variable /i/am/a/delayed/variable
  1212. /i/am/a/delayed/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 4100 1;
  1213. #X obj 89 115 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/delayed/variable/dialog
  1214. /ds/help/i/am/a/delayed/variable/dialog /i/am/a/delayed/variable 20
  1215. 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1216. #X msg 482 222 0;
  1217. #X msg 512 222 1;
  1218. #X msg 542 222 2;
  1219. #X obj 482 248 s /ds/help/scene;
  1220. #X text 437 197 Change scene to see the effect:;
  1221. #X obj 460 95 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/variable /i/am/a/variable
  1222. /i/am/a/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 4000 1;
  1223. #X obj 76 190 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/delayed/variable/delay
  1224. /ds/help/i/am/a/delayed/variable/delay delay/s 47 7 0 10 -204800 -1
  1225. -1 1 256;
  1226. #X obj 5 4 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty Delaying_recalls 5 10 0 14 -1
  1227. -262144 0;
  1228. #X text 12 40 To delay the recall of a variable in a specific scene
  1229. \, go to its scene transition dialog:;
  1230. #X text 15 165 And set the delay time for the current scene (in seconds):
  1231. ;
  1232. #X text 15 227 The delay time will be saved with the scene.;
  1233. #X obj 5 375 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty Recall_Chains 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1234. 0;
  1235. #X text 41 805 You can also do the chaining through sends & receives:
  1236. ;
  1237. #X text 51 765 Of course \, a slave register can itself do a fade and
  1238. trigger another one when finished.;
  1239. #X obj 63 831 r /ds/<domain><name>/dispatched;
  1240. #X obj 63 856 s /ds/<domain><name>/slave/start;
  1241. #X text 42 635 Open scene transition dialog:;
  1242. #X text 41 702 Information on register flags:;
  1243. #X text 21 585 The slave mode can be set in the scene transition dialog
  1244. (temporarily) or through creation argument / flag (permanently):;
  1245. #X text 42 496 Scene transition dialog for "/i/am/a/master":;
  1246. #X text 409 436 The first outlet of [ds_reg] bangs after a recall is
  1247. finished.;
  1248. #X text 409 482 The first inlet of [ds_reg] takes a bang to start the
  1249. recall. The "slave" argument sets the register to slave mode.;
  1250. #X obj 89 80 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  1251. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  1252. #X text 48 111 --->;
  1253. #X obj 89 521 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  1254. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  1255. #X text 48 552 --->;
  1256. #X obj 236 663 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/slave/slave /ds/help/i/am/a/slave/slave
  1257. slave 17 7 0 10 -203904 -1 -1 1 1;
  1258. #X text 123 662 set slave status:;
  1259. #X text 18 250 A delay can also be set or deactivated permanently for
  1260. individual registers by creation argument. See here for more information:
  1261. ;
  1262. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1263. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  1264. -1 -1;
  1265. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1266. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-register_flags;
  1267. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1268. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1269. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1270. #X restore 236 704 pd section;
  1271. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1272. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  1273. -1 -1;
  1274. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1275. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-register_flags;
  1276. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1277. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1278. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1279. #X restore 154 288 pd section;
  1280. #X obj 398 530 ds_reg help /i/am/a/slave slave;
  1281. #X obj 398 416 ds_reg help /i/am/a/master;
  1282. #X obj 448 38 ds_reg help /i/am/a/delayed/variable;
  1283. #X connect 8 0 11 0;
  1284. #X connect 9 0 11 0;
  1285. #X connect 10 0 11 0;
  1286. #X connect 17 0 20 0;
  1287. #X connect 18 0 20 0;
  1288. #X connect 19 0 20 0;
  1289. #X connect 31 0 32 0;
  1290. #X connect 49 0 48 0;
  1291. #X coords 0 756 1 755 85 60 0;
  1292. #X restore 48 125 pd \$0-delay;
  1293. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-delay;
  1294. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1295. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1296. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1297. #X restore 130 1263 pd section;
  1298. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1299. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1300. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1301. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1302. #N canvas 162 22 783 743 \$0-scheduler-gui 0;
  1303. #X obj 10 29 cnv 15 750 1130 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1304. 0;
  1305. #X obj 10 8 cnv 15 750 20 empty empty [ds_scheduler_gui]:_CONTROLS
  1306. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1307. #X text 19 74 The green column on the left marks the current scene.
  1308. ;
  1309. #X text 19 114 The second column (purple) shows the scene numbers.
  1310. ;
  1311. #X text 19 154 The big row in the center shows the scene names.;
  1312. #X text 19 358 With the scrollbar on the right \, it is possible to
  1313. scroll throgh the scenes.;
  1314. #X text 19 89 Click on it to move the cursor.;
  1315. #X obj 427 51 ds_scheduler_gui help;
  1316. #X text 19 35 It is possible to create multiple playlist windows by
  1317. using the object [ds_scheduler_gui <domain>].;
  1318. #X obj 23 632 bng 28 250 50 0 /ds/help/play /ds/help/play > 7 11 0
  1319. 30 -1 -66577 -262144;
  1320. #X obj 23 512 bng 28 250 50 0 /ds/help/pause /ds/help/pause || 3 15
  1321. 0 20 -1 -162280 -262144;
  1322. #X obj 23 752 bng 28 250 50 0 /ds/help/forward /ds/help/forward »
  1323. 6 11 0 30 -1 -99865 -262144;
  1324. #X obj 23 472 bng 28 250 50 0 /ds/help/backward /ds/help/backward «
  1325. 5 11 0 30 -1 -99865 -262144;
  1326. #X text 38 822 Elapsed:;
  1327. #X text 26 856 Remaining:;
  1328. #X obj 28 912 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/scheduler/advanced/vis /ds/help/scheduler/advanced/vis
  1329. advanced 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1330. #X floatatom 143 822 3 0 0 2 s /ds/help/timer/elapsed/s #0-dummy;
  1331. #X floatatom 143 856 3 0 0 0 - /ds/help/timer/remaining/s #0-dummy
  1332. ;
  1333. #X floatatom 163 822 4 0 0 2 % /ds/help/timer/elapsed/cs #0-dummy;
  1334. #X floatatom 163 856 4 0 0 0 - /ds/help/timer/remaining/cs #0-dummy
  1335. ;
  1336. #X floatatom 117 822 4 0 0 2 m /ds/help/timer/elapsed/min #0-dummy
  1337. ;
  1338. #X floatatom 117 856 4 0 0 0 - /ds/help/timer/remaining/min #0-dummy
  1339. ;
  1340. #X floatatom 91 822 4 0 0 2 h /ds/help/timer/elapsed/h #0-dummy;
  1341. #X floatatom 91 856 4 0 0 2 - /ds/help/timer/remaining/h #0-dummy;
  1342. #X text 76 478 backward: Get to the previous scene;
  1343. #X text 76 758 forward: Get to the next scene;
  1344. #X text 76 638 play: Start playback of the playlist.;
  1345. #X text 76 658 If the playlist has been stopped during a scene transition
  1346. \, it will proceed from that point during the transition.;
  1347. #X text 226 714 green: playback is going on \, scene transition is
  1348. finished.;
  1349. #X text 226 701 red: playback is going on \, scene transition is going
  1350. on.;
  1351. #X text 226 688 white: playback is paused.;
  1352. #X text 76 538 If the playlist has been stopped during a scene transition
  1353. \, it will proceed from that point during the transition.;
  1354. #X text 76 518 pause: Pause playback of the playlist.;
  1355. #X text 76 688 Colors of the ">" sign:;
  1356. #X text 76 568 Colors of the "||" sign:;
  1357. #X text 226 568 white: playback is going on.;
  1358. #X text 226 581 red: playback has been stopped during a scene transition.
  1359. ;
  1360. #X text 226 594 green: playback has been stopped after a scene transition
  1361. has finished.;
  1362. #X text 213 856 Remaining Playback time of the current scene.;
  1363. #X text 213 820 Elapsed Playback time of the current scene.;
  1364. #X obj 167 966 nbx 5 14 0.1 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/resolution /ds/help/resolution
  1365. resolution/ms 57 8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 256;
  1366. #X obj 167 1045 vradio 15 1 0 2 /ds/\$1/timebase /ds/\$1/timebase timebase
  1367. 0 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0;
  1368. #X text 185 1060 OS;
  1369. #X text 185 1044 CPU;
  1370. #X text 150 911 Open the advanced settings dialog:;
  1371. #X text 329 966 Set the time resolution of the playback engine in milliseconds.
  1372. ;
  1373. #X text 299 1026 Set the timebase of the playback engine:;
  1374. #X text 329 1050 CPU: The playback engine will rely only on the CPU
  1375. time \, created by a [metro] object. That means \, it will differ from
  1376. the actual passed time \, depending on the CPU load.;
  1377. #X text 329 1100 OS: The playback engine will rely only on the time
  1378. calculated by the operating system through the [realtime] object.;
  1379. #X text 19 299 The red row on the right marks the currently selected
  1380. scene. It will turn grey \, if a scene transition is currently going
  1381. on.;
  1382. #X text 19 398 On the bottom \, the current scene number and its name
  1383. and duration are shown.;
  1384. #X text 19 169 The names can be set by typing them in. They are saved
  1385. with the preset file. Per default \, they are set to "<unnamed>".;
  1386. #X text 19 209 The blue row shows the durations of the scenes. They
  1387. can be set directly by typing them in. On playback \, the next scene
  1388. will get triggered \, if the desired time has passed. Playback will
  1389. not proceed on a scene with duration zero \, but it will still count
  1390. the elapsed time \, until you stop it or proceed manually.;
  1391. #X text 19 442 PLAYBACK CONTROLS:;
  1392. #X coords 0 743 1 742 85 60 0;
  1393. #X restore 44 132 pd \$0-scheduler-gui;
  1394. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-scheduler-gui;
  1395. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1396. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1397. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1398. #X restore 95 1523 pd section;
  1399. #X obj 28 1192 cnv 15 350 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  1400. 0;
  1401. #X obj 28 1171 cnv 15 350 20 empty empty General_Information 5 10 0
  1402. 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1403. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1404. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1405. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1406. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1407. #N canvas 405 22 395 460 \$0-transitions-general 0;
  1408. #X obj 5 25 cnv 15 370 730 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1409. 0;
  1410. #X text 15 371 In the scene transition dialog of the individual variables
  1411. \, there is a copy&paste section to communicate with the buffer:;
  1412. #X obj 135 446 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/dialog
  1413. /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/dialog /i/am/a/morphing/variable
  1414. 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1415. #X obj 36 484 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/settings/copy
  1416. /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/settings/copy COPY_to_buffer 17 7
  1417. 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  1418. #X obj 36 514 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/settings/paste
  1419. /ds/help/i/am/a/morphing/variable/settings/paste PASTE_from_buffer
  1420. 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  1421. #X obj 148 634 bng 30 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/paste/all
  1422. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/paste/all send_to_all_registers -45 -10
  1423. 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  1424. #X text 15 581 The buffer contents can be sent to all registered variables
  1425. in this domain by pressing the red button:;
  1426. #X obj 5 5 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Scene_Transitions:_General_Information
  1427. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1428. #X obj 135 418 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  1429. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  1430. #X text 100 444 --->;
  1431. #X obj 36 544 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer
  1432. show_buffer 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  1433. #X text 170 483 copy all settings to the buffer;
  1434. #X text 170 513 paste all settings from the buffer;
  1435. #X text 170 543 show the buffer window;
  1436. #X obj 26 173 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  1437. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  1438. #X obj 153 288 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer
  1439. buffer 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  1440. #X text 17 248 To set the same transition for all registered variables
  1441. \, click on "buffer". A window for the global scene transition buffer
  1442. will open.;
  1443. #X text 16 122 For a transition for one single variable \, click on
  1444. "register_list". A list of all registered variables will open.;
  1445. #X text 18 67 To add a transition \, first recall the destination scene
  1446. (the one where your transition should end!).;
  1447. #X text 132 172 Click on one of the listed variables;
  1448. #X text 132 184 to open its scene transition dialog.;
  1449. #X text 15 321 The Register Settings Buffer has the same controls \,
  1450. as the scene transition dialog for the individual variables. Settings
  1451. can be copied to that buffer and pasted from it.;
  1452. #X text 18 35 The scene transition settings are always stored with
  1453. the DESTINATION scene.;
  1454. #X text 15 691 IMPORTANT NOTE:;
  1455. #X text 15 711 You need to store the scene now \, for the transition
  1456. settings to take effect for this scene.;
  1457. #X coords 0 460 1 459 85 60 0;
  1458. #X restore 46 134 pd \$0-transitions-general;
  1459. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-transitions-general;
  1460. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1461. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1462. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1463. #X restore 118 1200 pd section;
  1464. #X obj 28 1126 cnv 15 350 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261682 -66577
  1465. 0;
  1466. #X obj 28 1105 cnv 15 350 20 empty empty [ds_transition_gui]:_CONTROLS
  1467. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1468. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1469. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1470. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1471. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1472. #N canvas 149 89 620 649 \$0-transition-gui 0;
  1473. #X obj 185 29 cnv 15 419 600 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -241339 -66577
  1474. 0;
  1475. #X obj 4 8 cnv 15 600 20 empty empty [ds_transition_gui]_/_CONTROLS
  1476. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1477. #X obj 4 29 cnv 15 180 600 empty empty empty 5 10 0 14 -191407 -66577
  1478. 0;
  1479. #X obj 23 82 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/dialog /ds/help/reg/dialog
  1480. register_list 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  1481. #X text 213 81 This button opens a list of all variables that are registered
  1482. with this domain.;
  1483. #X obj 268 149 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/dialog /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/dialog
  1484. /i/am/a/variable 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1485. #X obj 236 205 cnv 15 280 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  1486. 0;
  1487. #X obj 236 185 cnv 15 280 20 empty empty Scene_transition_dialog 5
  1488. 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1489. #X obj 23 264 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer
  1490. buffer 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  1491. #X obj 234 340 cnv 15 280 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  1492. 0;
  1493. #X obj 234 320 cnv 15 280 20 empty empty Register_settings_buffer 5
  1494. 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1495. #X text 216 125 Click on a variable to get to its scene transition
  1496. dialog:;
  1497. #X obj 22 491 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/transition/advanced/vis /ds/help/transition/advanced/vis
  1498. advanced 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1499. #X obj 23 396 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/transition/stop /ds/help/transition/stop
  1500. || 2 8 0 10 -4034 -191407 -1;
  1501. #X obj 23 446 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/transition/resume /ds/help/transition/resume
  1502. > 6 7 0 10 -262144 -191407 -1;
  1503. #X text 217 255 The register settings buffer acts as a clipboard for
  1504. scene transition settings. The individual registers can copy their
  1505. settings to it or take the contents of the buffer. The buffer can also
  1506. be edited by hand.;
  1507. #X text 214 391 Stop the current transition for the whole domain.;
  1508. #X text 214 441 Resume a stopped transition.;
  1509. #X text 214 491 Open the advanced settings dialog:;
  1510. #X obj 234 537 cnv 15 280 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  1511. 0;
  1512. #X obj 234 517 cnv 15 280 20 empty empty advanced 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1513. 0;
  1514. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1515. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1516. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1517. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1518. #N canvas 13 22 960 756 \$0-scene_transition_dialog 0;
  1519. #X obj 4 432 cnv 15 910 1120 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1520. 0;
  1521. #X obj 23 623 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/time
  1522. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/time time/s 47 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 0
  1523. 256;
  1524. #X obj 23 583 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph
  1525. morph 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1 0 1;
  1526. #X obj 153 741 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/shape
  1527. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/shape empty 47 7 0 10 -4034 -1
  1528. -1 0 256;
  1529. #X obj 153 777 nbx 4 14 0 1 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/weight
  1530. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/weight empty 47 7 0 10 -4034 -1
  1531. -1 0 256;
  1532. #X obj 23 823 nbx 4 14 10 10000 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/resolution
  1533. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/resolution resolution 47 7 0 10
  1534. -204786 -1 -1 128 256;
  1535. #X obj 23 863 hradio 15 1 0 3 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/quality
  1536. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/quality quality 0 -8 0 10 -204786
  1537. -1 -1 0;
  1538. #X obj 23 699 bng 20 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/vis
  1539. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/vis show 23 10 0 10 -4034 -1 -1
  1540. ;
  1541. #X obj 23 653 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/timegrain
  1542. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/timegrain time-grain/ms 47 7 0 10 -204786
  1543. -1 -1 20 256;
  1544. #X obj 23 543 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/delay
  1545. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/delay delay 47 7 0 10 -204800 -1 -1 0 256
  1546. ;
  1547. #X obj 23 966 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/occupy /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/occupy
  1548. occupy 17 7 0 10 -260097 -1 -1 0 1;
  1549. #X text 173 540 To delay the recall of one variable \, a delay (in
  1550. seconds) can be set.;
  1551. #X text 173 580 Turn on "morph" to get a smooth fade from the last
  1552. value to the value that is saved in the current scene.;
  1553. #X text 173 620 Set the fade time in seconds.;
  1554. #X text 173 654 Set the data-rate of the fade in ms (default = 20 ms)
  1555. ;
  1556. #X text 173 664 comment;
  1557. #X text 173 700 Show the current appearance of the fade curve.;
  1558. #X text 223 739 Shape lets you chose a shape for the curve.;
  1559. #X text 173 824 This lets you specify the resolution of the fade curve.
  1560. ;
  1561. #X text 173 864 Choose the quality in which the fade curve will be
  1562. applied:;
  1563. #X obj 544 743 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  1564. 0;
  1565. #X text 173 967 If "occupy" is set \, the variable will not respond
  1566. to another scene recall while it is fading.;
  1567. #X obj 23 1315 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/change /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/change
  1568. change 17 7 0 10 -228856 -1 -1 0 1;
  1569. #X obj 21 1072 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/settings/copy
  1570. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/settings/copy COPY_to_buffer 17 7 0 10 -4034
  1571. -1 -1;
  1572. #X obj 21 1106 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/settings/paste
  1573. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/settings/paste PASTE_from_buffer 17 7 0 10
  1574. -258113 -1 -1;
  1575. #X text 173 1065 Copy all the settings from above to the register settings
  1576. buffer.;
  1577. #X text 173 1106 Paste the register settings buffer to this register.
  1578. ;
  1579. #X obj 4 6 cnv 15 910 20 empty empty [ds_transitin_gui]_/_advanced_/_register_list_/_Scene_transition_dialog
  1580. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1581. #X obj 544 603 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  1582. 0;
  1583. #X obj 544 583 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Morph_/_Fade 5 10 0 14 -1
  1584. -262144 0;
  1585. #X obj 588 1335 change;
  1586. #X text 538 865 0: no interpolation (default);
  1587. #X text 538 879 1: linear interpolation;
  1588. #X text 538 893 2: tabread4 4-point polynomianl interpolation;
  1589. #X obj 544 1251 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  1590. -66577 0;
  1591. #X obj 544 1231 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty More_information:_Register_flags
  1592. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1593. #X obj 544 483 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  1594. 0;
  1595. #X obj 544 463 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Delaying_&_Chaining_Recalls
  1596. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1597. #X obj 544 953 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  1598. 0;
  1599. #X obj 544 933 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Occupy 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1600. 0;
  1601. #X obj 544 1083 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  1602. -66577 0;
  1603. #X obj 544 1063 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Copy_&_Paste_Settings 5 10
  1604. 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1605. #X symbolatom 71 1435 20 0 0 0 prepend: /ds/i/am/a/variable/data_prepend
  1606. #0-dummy;
  1607. #X symbolatom 71 1525 20 0 0 0 append: /ds/i/am/a/variable/name_append
  1608. #0-dummy;
  1609. #X symbolatom 71 1455 20 0 0 0 append: /ds/i/am/a/variable/data_append
  1610. #0-dummy;
  1611. #X symbolatom 71 1505 20 0 0 0 prepend: /ds/i/am/a/variable/name_prepend
  1612. #0-dummy;
  1613. #X text 68 1418 Data;
  1614. #X text 68 1488 Name;
  1615. #X text 217 1445 Prepend/append any symbol to the recalled data.;
  1616. #X text 217 1510 Prepend/append any symbol to the variable name.;
  1617. #X obj 20 1141 bng 15 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer
  1618. show_buffer 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  1619. #X text 174 1140 show the buffer window;
  1620. #X obj 23 503 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/slave /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/slave
  1621. slave 17 7 0 10 -4160 -1 -1 0 1;
  1622. #X text 173 500 Start recalling only after another (master-) variable
  1623. has completed its transition.;
  1624. #X text 21 448 These values are saved separately for each parameter
  1625. in every scene. They are saved in the "settings" section of the file.
  1626. ;
  1627. #X obj 17 777 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/weight
  1628. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/weight weight 5 8 0 10 -4034 -1
  1629. -1 0 1;
  1630. #X obj 17 741 hsl 128 15 -10 10 0 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/shape
  1631. /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/morph/curve/shape shape 5 8 0 10 -4034 -1
  1632. -1 6350 1;
  1633. #X text 216 775 Weight is a mix factor between a linear fade;
  1634. #X text 216 789 and the chosen shape.;
  1635. #X obj 4 411 cnv 15 910 20 empty empty Explanations 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1636. 0;
  1637. #X obj 23 1375 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/table /ds/help/i/am/a/variable/table
  1638. table 17 7 0 10 -228856 -1 -1 0 1;
  1639. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  1640. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1641. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1642. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1643. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-delay;
  1644. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1645. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1646. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1647. #X restore 581 491 pd link;
  1648. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  1649. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1650. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1651. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1652. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-morph;
  1653. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1654. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1655. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1656. #X restore 581 611 pd link;
  1657. #X obj 645 750 fadecurve-help;
  1658. #X obj 544 722 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty More_information_on_these_values
  1659. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1660. #X text 559 750 Look inside:;
  1661. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  1662. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1663. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1664. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1665. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-occupy;
  1666. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1667. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1668. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1669. #X restore 581 961 pd link;
  1670. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  1671. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1672. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1673. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1674. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-transitions-general;
  1675. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1676. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1677. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1678. #X restore 581 1091 pd link;
  1679. #X text 584 1315 See these objects:;
  1680. #X obj 642 1335 list-abs/list-compare;
  1681. #X obj 785 1335 schange;
  1682. #X text 630 1336 \,;
  1683. #X text 774 1336 \,;
  1684. #X text 173 1315 If the "change" parameter is set \, the message will
  1685. only get recalled if the new value differs from the old value. Even
  1686. if the stored variable is a table.;
  1687. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  1688. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1689. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1690. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1691. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-register_flags;
  1692. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1693. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1694. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1695. #X restore 581 1259 pd link;
  1696. #X text 19 1229 The following parameters only appear in this window
  1697. for monitoring reasons. They need to be set as creation arguments (flags)
  1698. for the individual registers:;
  1699. #X obj 4 27 cnv 15 910 370 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  1700. 0;
  1701. #X text 498 162 Hint: It is also possible to create an additional GUI
  1702. for a specific variable by creating [ds_reg_gui <domain> <name>];
  1703. #X obj 148 37 ds_reg_gui help /i/am/a/variable;
  1704. #X text 173 1375 Shows if the registered variable is a table. (to be
  1705. set as flag for [ds_reg]).;
  1706. #X coords 0 756 1 755 85 60 0;
  1707. #X restore 35 142 pd \$0-scene_transition_dialog;
  1708. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-scene_transition_dialog;
  1709. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1710. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1711. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1712. #X restore 295 213 pd section;
  1713. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1714. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1715. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1716. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1717. #N canvas 237 165 658 442 \$0-transition-buffer 0;
  1718. #X obj 4 25 cnv 15 650 400 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  1719. 0;
  1720. #X text 187 365 This button pastes the buffer settings from above to
  1721. all the registers of the current domain. This is sometimes useful if
  1722. all parameters should be morphed the same way.;
  1723. #X obj 4 4 cnv 15 650 20 empty empty CONTROLS_/_Advanced_settings_/_Buffer
  1724. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1725. #X obj 374 135 cnv 15 280 20 empty empty Scene_transition_dialog 5
  1726. 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1727. #X obj 374 226 cnv 15 280 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  1728. 0;
  1729. #X obj 374 206 cnv 15 280 20 empty empty Settings_Buffer 5 10 0 14
  1730. -1 -262144 0;
  1731. #X text 21 44 The controls of the buffer are the same as in the individual
  1732. registers. You can copy from the buffer to single registers or vice-versa
  1733. in the individual scene transition dialogs.;
  1734. #X obj 374 155 cnv 15 280 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262130 -66577
  1735. 0;
  1736. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  1737. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1738. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1739. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1740. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-scene_transition_dialog;
  1741. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1742. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1743. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1744. #X restore 409 162 pd link;
  1745. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 link 0;
  1746. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1747. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1748. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1749. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-transitions-general;
  1750. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1751. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  1752. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1753. #X restore 408 234 pd link;
  1754. #X obj 4 121 cnv 15 158 65 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1755. 0;
  1756. #X obj 14 131 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/slave /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/slave
  1757. slave 17 7 0 10 -203904 -1 -1 0 1;
  1758. #X obj 14 157 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/delay
  1759. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/delay delay/s 47 7 0 10 -204800 -1 -1
  1760. 0 256;
  1761. #X obj 4 190 cnv 15 321 118 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1762. 0;
  1763. #X obj 153 200 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/time
  1764. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/time time/s: -45 7 0 10 -4034 -1
  1765. -1 0 256;
  1766. #X obj 14 200 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph
  1767. morph 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1 0 1;
  1768. #X obj 153 226 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/shape
  1769. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/shape empty 47 7 0 10 -4034
  1770. -1 -1 0 256;
  1771. #X obj 14 284 nbx 4 14 10 10000 0 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/resolution
  1772. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/resolution resolution 0 -8
  1773. 0 10 -204786 -1 -1 128 256;
  1774. #X obj 227 284 hradio 15 1 0 3 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/quality
  1775. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/quality quality 0 -8 0 10
  1776. -204786 -1 -1 0;
  1777. #X obj 227 226 bng 20 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/vis
  1778. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/vis show 23 10 0 10 -4034
  1779. -1 -1;
  1780. #X obj 102 284 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/timegrain
  1781. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/timegrain time-grain/ms 0 -8 0 10
  1782. -204786 -1 -1 20 256;
  1783. #X obj 17 247 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/weight
  1784. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/weight weight 5 8 0 10 -4034
  1785. -1 -1 0 1;
  1786. #X obj 17 226 hsl 128 15 -10 10 0 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/shape
  1787. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/shape shape 5 8 0 10 -4034
  1788. -1 -1 6350 1;
  1789. #X obj 153 247 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/weight
  1790. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/weight empty 47 7 0 10 -4034
  1791. -1 -1 0 256;
  1792. #X obj 4 312 cnv 15 321 35 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1793. 0;
  1794. #X obj 14 322 tgl 15 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/occupy /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/occupy
  1795. occupy 17 7 0 10 -260097 -1 -1 0 1;
  1796. #X obj 4 351 cnv 15 158 65 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261234 -66577
  1797. 0;
  1798. #X obj 69 381 bng 30 250 50 0 /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/paste/all
  1799. /ds/help/reg/settings/buffer/paste/all send_to_all_registers -45 -10
  1800. 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  1801. #X coords 0 442 1 441 85 60 0;
  1802. #X restore 52 145 pd \$0-transition-buffer;
  1803. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-transition-buffer;
  1804. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1805. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1806. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1807. #X restore 299 348 pd section;
  1808. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1809. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1810. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1811. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1812. #N canvas 0 22 671 341 \$0-transition-gui-advanced 0;
  1813. #X obj 205 25 cnv 15 449 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  1814. 0;
  1815. #X obj 4 4 cnv 15 650 20 empty empty [ds_transition_gui]_/_advanced
  1816. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1817. #X obj 4 25 cnv 15 200 300 empty empty empty 5 10 0 14 -191407 -66577
  1818. 0;
  1819. #X obj 25 48 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/transition/state /ds/\$1/transition/state
  1820. state 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1 0 1;
  1821. #X obj 25 181 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/morph /ds/\$1/morph morph 17 7 0 10
  1822. -4034 -1 -1 0 1;
  1823. #X obj 145 151 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/occupy /ds/\$1/occupy occupy 17 7 0
  1824. 10 -260097 -1 -1 0 1;
  1825. #X obj 25 151 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/occupy/override /ds/\$1/occupy/override
  1826. occupy_override: 17 7 0 10 -260097 -1 -1 0 1;
  1827. #X obj 25 261 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/slave /ds/\$1/slave slave 17 7 0 10
  1828. -203904 -1 -1 0 1;
  1829. #X obj 25 221 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/delay /ds/\$1/delay delay 17 7 0 10
  1830. -204800 -1 -1 0 1;
  1831. #X obj 25 81 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/recall/settings/state /ds/\$1/recall/settings/state
  1832. recall 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  1833. #X obj 25 111 tgl 15 0 /ds/\$1/store/settings/state /ds/\$1/store/settings/state
  1834. store 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  1835. #X text 251 48 Turn scene transitions on and off globally.;
  1836. #X text 251 78 Recall transition settings on a scene recall.;
  1837. #X text 251 108 Store transition settings if a scene gets stored.;
  1838. #X text 251 148 Override the individual state of "occupy" globally.
  1839. ;
  1840. #X text 251 218 Turn delays of parameters on and off globally.;
  1841. #X text 251 178 Turn parameter morphing on and off globally.;
  1842. #X text 251 258 Turn slave on and off globally.;
  1843. #X coords 0 341 1 340 85 60 0;
  1844. #X restore 41 151 pd \$0-transition-gui-advanced;
  1845. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-transition-gui-advanced;
  1846. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1847. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1848. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1849. #X restore 297 543 pd section;
  1850. #X restore 49 122 pd \$0-transition-gui;
  1851. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-transition-gui;
  1852. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1853. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1854. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1855. #X restore 71 1136 pd section;
  1856. #X obj 10 1695 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty General_Information 5 10 0
  1857. 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1858. #X obj 10 1716 cnv 15 751 200 empty empty empty 5 8 0 14 -233017 -66577
  1859. 0;
  1860. #X obj 20 1748 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  1861. 0;
  1862. #X obj 19 1810 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  1863. 0;
  1864. #X obj 20 1727 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Control_through_Send/Receive
  1865. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1866. #X obj 19 1789 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty File_layout 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1867. 0;
  1868. #X obj 19 1874 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  1869. 0;
  1870. #X obj 19 1853 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Naming_Syntax 5 10 0 14 -1
  1871. -262144 0;
  1872. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1873. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1874. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1875. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1876. #N canvas 265 22 697 753 \$0-parameter_list 0;
  1877. #X obj 4 356 cnv 15 650 600 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  1878. 0;
  1879. #X text 221 793 reloads the last given filepath from harddisk.;
  1880. #X text 221 713 resaves the current scene-set to the last given path.
  1881. ;
  1882. #X text 221 808 loads the scene-set of the given filepath;
  1883. #X text 221 763 opens a dialog to load a scene-set from a file from
  1884. the harddisk.;
  1885. #X text 221 683 opens a dialog to save the current scene-set to a preset
  1886. file on the harddisk.;
  1887. #X text 221 728 saves the current scene-set to the given filepath;
  1888. #X text 221 510 recalls the selected scene of the current scene-set
  1889. ;
  1890. #X text 221 525 sets the scene number to be recalled by "recall" or
  1891. to be automatically recalled if autorecall=1;
  1892. #X text 221 555 decrement scene number by 1;
  1893. #X text 221 570 increment scene number by 1;
  1894. #X text 221 668 sets the filepath to be loaded/saved on next reload/resave
  1895. ;
  1896. #X text 9 763 /ds/<domain>/load;
  1897. #X text 9 683 /ds/<domain>/save;
  1898. #X text 9 793 /ds/<domain>/reload;
  1899. #X text 9 713 /ds/<domain>/resave;
  1900. #X text 9 668 /ds/<domain>/filename;
  1901. #X text 9 808 /ds/<domain>/loadfile;
  1902. #X text 9 728 /ds/<domain>/savefile;
  1903. #X text 9 510 /ds/<domain>/recall;
  1904. #X text 9 555 /ds/<domain>/scene/current/prev;
  1905. #X text 9 570 /ds/<domain>/scene/current/next;
  1906. #X text 9 540 /ds/<domain>/scene/current;
  1907. #X text 9 525 /ds/<domain>/scene OR;
  1908. #X text 9 595 /ds/<domain>/scene/selected;
  1909. #X text 221 595 sets the scene destination of a file operation;
  1910. #X text 9 610 /ds/<domain>/scene/selected/prev;
  1911. #X text 9 625 /ds/<domain>/scene/selected/next;
  1912. #X text 221 610 decrement destination scene number by 1;
  1913. #X text 221 625 increment destination scene number by 1;
  1914. #X text 9 640 /ds/<domain>/store;
  1915. #X text 221 640 store the current state to the selected scene;
  1916. #X text 28 420 There are many other parameters that can be controlled
  1917. from outside. If you need some specific \, you can always look them
  1918. up inside the abstractions.;
  1919. #X obj 4 335 cnv 15 650 20 empty empty Parameter_list:_Control_from_"outside"
  1920. 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  1921. #X obj 474 387 cnv 15 180 100 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  1922. -66577 0;
  1923. #X msg 526 420 0;
  1924. #X msg 556 420 1;
  1925. #X msg 586 420 2;
  1926. #X obj 526 446 s /ds/help/scene;
  1927. #X text 478 395 Click here to change scene:;
  1928. #X text 28 370 This is a list of the most important parameters \, that
  1929. can be controlled by their send/receive name.;
  1930. #X obj 474 366 cnv 15 180 20 empty empty Example 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  1931. 0;
  1932. #X obj 4 7 cnv 15 650 20 empty empty Load_file_on_startup 5 10 0 14
  1933. -1 -262144 0;
  1934. #X obj 4 28 cnv 15 650 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  1935. 0;
  1936. #X obj 41 72 loadbang;
  1937. #X obj 21 72 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
  1938. -1;
  1939. #X obj 41 96 del 1000;
  1940. #X text 186 38 If you want the storage to recall a scene from a textfile
  1941. on startup \, you can specify it as follows:;
  1942. #X text 186 133 use the "/ds/<domain>/loadfile" message to load a given
  1943. file path:;
  1944. #X obj 41 118 t b b;
  1945. #X obj 41 233 del 2000;
  1946. #X text 196 276 Recall scene "0".;
  1947. #X text 114 96 <--------;
  1948. #X text 114 235 <--------;
  1949. #X text 152 275 <----;
  1950. #X text 104 201 (pathes relative to "./libs/kollabs");
  1951. #X text 186 91 Delay the load to make sure that the patch got fully
  1952. loaded.;
  1953. #X text 186 231 Delay the recall to make sure that the textfile got
  1954. fully loaded to RAM.;
  1955. #X msg 68 166 \; /ds/help/loadfile ds_help.txt;
  1956. #X msg 41 275 \; /ds/help/scene 0;
  1957. #X text 9 848 /ds/<domain>/transition/stop;
  1958. #X text 221 848 stop the currently active scene transition;
  1959. #X text 9 862 /ds/<domain>/transition/start;
  1960. #X text 221 862 resume the stopped scene transition;
  1961. #X text 9 886 /ds/<domain>/play;
  1962. #X text 221 886 play the playlist from the current scene;
  1963. #X text 9 900 /ds/<domain>/pause;
  1964. #X text 221 900 pause the playlist;
  1965. #X text 221 914 proceed to next scene;
  1966. #X text 221 928 go back to previous scene;
  1967. #X text 9 914 /ds/<domain>/forward;
  1968. #X text 9 928 /ds/<domain>/backward;
  1969. #X connect 35 0 38 0;
  1970. #X connect 36 0 38 0;
  1971. #X connect 37 0 38 0;
  1972. #X connect 44 0 46 0;
  1973. #X connect 45 0 46 0;
  1974. #X connect 46 0 49 0;
  1975. #X connect 49 0 50 0;
  1976. #X connect 49 1 58 0;
  1977. #X connect 50 0 59 0;
  1978. #X coords 0 753 1 752 85 60 0;
  1979. #X restore 54 136 pd \$0-parameter_list;
  1980. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-parameter_list;
  1981. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  1982. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  1983. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  1984. #X restore 115 1757 pd section;
  1985. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  1986. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  1987. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  1988. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  1989. #N canvas 57 179 831 553 \$0-file_layout 0;
  1990. #X obj 11 35 cnv 15 810 500 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
  1991. 0;
  1992. #X text 25 62 The File is formatted as follows:;
  1993. #X obj 22 93 cnv 20 420 390 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262144 -66577
  1994. 0;
  1995. #X text 29 101 ======================== GLOBAL ========================
  1996. ;
  1997. #X text 245 171 ========================;
  1998. #X text 455 92 Every preset file starts with a GLOBAL SECTION:;
  1999. #X text 29 134 <variable_name_2> <value>;
  2000. #X text 29 121 <variable_name_1> <value>;
  2001. #X text 29 147 ...;
  2002. #X text 29 301 ...;
  2003. #X text 29 371 ...;
  2004. #X text 29 275 <setting_name_1> <value>;
  2005. #X text 29 288 <setting_name_2> <value>;
  2006. #X obj 11 14 cnv 15 810 20 empty empty File_Layout 5 10 0 14 -1 -262144
  2007. 0;
  2008. #X text 372 51 The file can be edited with a simple text editor.;
  2009. #X text 29 171 ======================== SCENE <nr>;
  2010. #X text 29 231 ...;
  2011. #X text 29 191 # PROPERTIES;
  2012. #X text 29 261 # SETTINGS;
  2013. #X text 29 331 # TABLES;
  2014. #X text 29 440 ...;
  2015. #X text 29 401 # DATA;
  2016. #X text 29 205 /name <value>;
  2017. #X text 29 218 /duration <value>;
  2018. #X text 29 345 <table_name_1> <value1> <value2> ...;
  2019. #X text 29 358 <table_name_2> <value1> <value2> ...;
  2020. #X text 29 415 <variable_name_1> <value1> (<value2> <value3> ...);
  2021. #X text 29 428 <variable_name_2> <value1> (<value2> <value3> ...);
  2022. #X text 455 112 After this header \, the global data is saved (i.e.
  2023. the settings in the "advanced" menu).;
  2024. #X text 455 174 For every scene \, there is a SCENE header \, which
  2025. indicates where a new scene begins. This header also includes the scene
  2026. number.;
  2027. #X text 455 222 The scene data is divided into 4 different categories:
  2028. ;
  2029. #X text 455 252 PROPERTIES:;
  2030. #X text 455 292 SETTINGS:;
  2031. #X text 535 252 the global settings of the scene \, i.e. its;
  2032. #X text 535 266 name and duration.;
  2033. #X text 535 292 transition settings for the individual;
  2034. #X text 455 332 TABLES:;
  2035. #X text 455 372 TABLES:;
  2036. #X text 535 372 the actual data \, i.e. the state;
  2037. #X text 535 306 variables.;
  2038. #X text 535 332 the stored tables.;
  2039. #X text 535 386 of the variables.;
  2040. #X restore 58 134 pd \$0-file_layout;
  2041. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-file_layout;
  2042. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  2043. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  2044. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  2045. #X restore 129 1818 pd section;
  2046. #N canvas 710 135 272 231 section 0;
  2047. #X obj 50 50 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_open! 17 7 0
  2048. 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  2049. #X msg 50 70 vis 1;
  2050. #N canvas 464 22 392 242 \$0-naming_syntax 0;
  2051. #X obj 4 25 cnv 15 370 200 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  2052. 0;
  2053. #X obj 4 4 cnv 15 370 20 empty empty Syntax_for_variable_names 5 10
  2054. 0 14 -1 -262144 0;
  2055. #X text 40 118 /category>/<subcategory>/.../<name>;
  2056. #X text 13 148 Generally \, your variables can have any name that PD
  2057. allows.;
  2058. #X text 10 33 There is no special naming syntax needed for your variables.
  2059. But a beginning with "/" is highly recommended to conform with the
  2060. OSC standard.;
  2061. #X text 10 83 In this helpfile \, all variable names consist only of
  2062. lowercase letters and slashes in the form of:;
  2063. #X restore 54 135 pd \$0-naming_syntax;
  2064. #X obj 50 92 s pd-\$0-naming_syntax;
  2065. #X connect 0 0 1 0;
  2066. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  2067. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 50 50;
  2068. #X restore 96 1881 pd section;
  2069. #X text 621 12 (c)2013 Marian Weger;
  2070. #X obj 10 192 cnv 15 751 90 empty empty empty 5 8 0 14 -233017 -66577
  2071. 0;
  2072. #X obj 10 171 cnv 15 751 20 empty empty About_This_Helpfile 5 10 0
  2073. 14 -1 -262144 0;
  2074. #N canvas 710 135 383 400 backup 0;
  2075. #X obj 100 246 del 1000;
  2076. #X obj 100 100 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_to_reload_from_backup
  2077. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  2078. #X msg 127 189 \; /ds/help/loadfile ds_help_bak.txt \; /ds/help2/loadfile
  2079. ds_help2_bak.txt \;;
  2080. #X obj 100 160 t b b;
  2081. #X msg 100 278 \; /ds/help/scene 0 \; /ds/help2/scene 0 \; /ds/help/savefile
  2082. ds_help.txt \; /ds/help2/savefile ds_help2.txt \;;
  2083. #X connect 0 0 4 0;
  2084. #X connect 1 0 3 0;
  2085. #X connect 3 0 0 0;
  2086. #X connect 3 1 2 0;
  2087. #X coords 0 -1 1 1 15 15 2 100 100;
  2088. #X restore 70 251 pd backup;
  2089. #X text 20 196 If you changed something in the stored scenes \, or
  2090. if you have overwritten the example preset files ("ds_help.txt" and
  2091. "ds_help2.txt) \, you can always revert them:;
  2092. #X obj 424 338 ds_logic help;
  2093. #X obj 457 949 ds_transition help;
  2094. #X obj 466 691 ds_reg help /i/am/a/variable;
  2095. #X coords 0 756 1 755 771 2000 0;