anytable-help.pd 909 B

  1. #N canvas 145 22 815 528 10;
  2. #X obj 56 215 anytabwrite \$0-table;
  3. #X obj 343 185 anytabread \$0-table;
  4. #X floatatom 173 184 5 0 0 2 index - -;
  5. #X floatatom 343 162 5 0 0 2 index - -;
  6. #X obj 70 304 anytable \$0-table 50;
  7. #X text 379 450 (c)2013 Marian Weger;
  8. #X msg 56 127 habsdbk f2398gf23 fhufb32;
  9. #X text 17 34 anytable works like normal table \, but with any input
  10. data (list of symbols and/or floats).;
  11. #X obj 243 464 tabwrite;
  12. #X text 49 443 See table \, tabwrite \, tabread:;
  13. #X obj 245 486 tabread;
  14. #X obj 243 444 table;
  15. #X msg 371 298 resize 100;
  16. #X msg 391 318 clear;
  17. #X obj 371 370 s \$0-table;
  18. #X text 33 99 Write values:;
  19. #X text 325 121 Read values:;
  20. #X text 331 274 Resize \, clear \, set constant:;
  21. #X msg 401 338 const foo;
  22. #X obj 343 207 print;
  23. #X connect 1 0 19 0;
  24. #X connect 2 0 0 1;
  25. #X connect 3 0 1 0;
  26. #X connect 6 0 0 0;
  27. #X connect 12 0 14 0;
  28. #X connect 13 0 14 0;
  29. #X connect 18 0 14 0;