ds-help.pd 45 KB

  1. #N canvas 124 22 960 756 10;
  2. #X obj 40 35 cnv 15 750 16 empty empty KOLLABS_DATA_STORAGE_SYSTEM
  3. 20 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0;
  4. #X obj 40 62 cnv 15 370 240 empty empty description 5 8 0 14 -233017
  5. -66577 0;
  6. #X obj 40 735 cnv 15 370 50 empty empty Load_preset_file_on_startup
  7. 20 12 0 14 -261682 -66577 0;
  8. #X obj 40 315 cnv 15 370 70 empty empty GUI_CONTROLS 20 12 0 14 -232576
  9. -66577 0;
  10. #X obj 40 395 cnv 15 370 170 empty empty Access_controls_from_"outside"
  11. 20 12 0 14 -261682 -66577 0;
  12. #X msg 145 455 0;
  13. #X msg 175 455 1;
  14. #X msg 205 455 2;
  15. #X obj 145 481 s /help/ds/scene;
  16. #X text 61 763 Look inside here:;
  17. #X text 60 516 Look inside here for a list of the most important parameters:
  18. ;
  19. #X obj 420 62 cnv 15 370 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  20. 0;
  21. #X obj 432 306 print ev_storage_output;
  22. #X obj 432 282 spigot;
  23. #X obj 465 260 tgl 15 0 empty empty print 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0
  24. 1;
  25. #X text 60 431 Change scene by clicking these message boxes:;
  26. #X obj 40 795 cnv 15 370 80 empty empty File_layout 20 12 0 14 -228856
  27. -66577 0;
  28. #X text 54 848 Have a look on the syntax:;
  29. #X text 53 821 You can easily edit the preset files with any text editor.
  30. ;
  31. #X text 58 350 The GUI controls are explained in here:;
  32. #X obj 420 371 cnv 15 370 80 empty empty Registering_variables 20 12
  33. 0 14 -261234 -66577 0;
  34. #X text 438 400 Look inside to see how new variables can get registered:
  35. ;
  36. #X obj 420 462 cnv 15 370 700 empty empty Scene_transitions 20 12 0
  37. 14 -203904 -66577 0;
  38. #X obj 618 492 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/advanced/vis /help/ds/advanced/vis
  39. advanced 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  40. #X text 438 491 Go to the advanced settings:;
  41. #X obj 618 519 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reg/dialog /help/ds/reg/dialog
  42. register_settings 17 7 0 10 -4032 -1 -1;
  43. #X text 438 521 And open the register list:;
  44. #X text 438 541 There \, you can enter the scene transition dialog
  45. for all registered variables of this domain.;
  46. #X text 438 571 The scene transition settings are saved with the DESTINATION
  47. scene.;
  48. #X text 367 35 (c)2012 Marian Weger;
  49. #X obj 425 697 cnv 15 360 80 empty empty Delaying_&_Chaining_Recalls
  50. 20 12 0 14 -204800 -66577 0;
  51. #X obj 425 606 cnv 15 360 80 empty empty Fade_/_Morph 20 12 0 14 -204800
  52. -66577 0;
  53. #X text 443 635 Look inside to see how it is possible to fade between
  54. scenes:;
  55. #X text 443 726 It is also possible to delay recalls or to chain them
  56. to another one:;
  57. #X obj 424 787 cnv 15 360 80 empty empty Occupy 20 12 0 14 -204800
  58. -66577 0;
  59. #X text 442 816 A variable can be set to ignore all recalls \, until
  60. it is fully dispatched.;
  61. #X obj 424 877 cnv 15 360 80 empty empty Additional_register_options
  62. 20 12 0 14 -204800 -66577 0;
  63. #X text 442 906 There are some additional options for registers:;
  64. #X obj 40 885 cnv 15 370 120 empty empty Playlist_View 20 12 0 14 -261682
  65. -66577 0;
  66. #X obj 40 1013 cnv 15 370 120 empty empty Advanced_File_Operations
  67. 20 12 0 14 -261234 -66577 0;
  68. #X obj 154 1068 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/dialog /help/ds/edit/dialog
  69. edit 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  70. #X obj 239 1042 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/advanced/vis /help/ds/advanced/vis
  71. advanced 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  72. #X text 59 1041 Go to the advanced settings:;
  73. #X text 59 1068 Click "edit":;
  74. #N canvas 185 56 831 476 \$0-file_layout 0;
  75. #X obj 11 15 cnv 15 810 450 empty empty PRESET_FILE_LAYOUT 20 12 0
  76. 14 -233017 -66577 0;
  77. #X text 215 22 The textfile can also be edited with a simple text editor.
  78. ;
  79. #X text 25 62 The File is formatted as follows:;
  80. #X obj 22 93 cnv 20 420 350 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262144 -66577
  81. 0;
  82. #X text 29 101 ======================== GLOBAL ========================
  83. ;
  84. #X text 29 201 #data;
  85. #X text 29 271 ======================== SCENE <nr> <name>;
  86. #X text 288 271 ========================;
  87. #X text 455 152 After the #settings header \, the settings of the global
  88. data are saved.;
  89. #X text 455 182 After the #data header \, the global data is saved.
  90. ;
  91. #X text 455 302 After the #settings header \, the settings of the scene
  92. data are saved.;
  93. #X text 455 342 After the #data header \, the scene data is saved.
  94. ;
  95. #X text 455 112 After this header \, the global data is saved.;
  96. #X text 455 92 Every preset file starts with a GLOBAL SECTION:;
  97. #X text 455 222 For every scene \, there is a SCENE header \, and two
  98. sections for settings and data.;
  99. #X text 455 252 After this header \, a scene begins. It has a number
  100. (from 0 to N) and a name. The name can only be set by an external text
  101. editor.;
  102. #X text 29 131 #settings;
  103. #X text 29 177 ...;
  104. #X text 29 234 <variable_name_2> <value>;
  105. #X text 29 221 <variable_name_1> <value>;
  106. #X text 29 247 ...;
  107. #X text 29 151 <setting_name_1> <value>;
  108. #X text 29 164 <setting_name_2> <value>;
  109. #X text 29 371 #data;
  110. #X text 29 301 #settings;
  111. #X text 29 347 ...;
  112. #X text 29 404 <variable_name_2> <value>;
  113. #X text 29 391 <variable_name_1> <value>;
  114. #X text 29 417 ...;
  115. #X text 29 321 <setting_name_1> <value>;
  116. #X text 29 334 <setting_name_2> <value>;
  117. #X restore 238 848 pd \$0-file_layout;
  118. #N canvas 185 36 576 616 \$0-controls 0;
  119. #X text 96 -373 (c)2011 Marian Weger /part of EXTENDED VIEW toolkit/
  120. gpl v3;
  121. #X obj 3 -394 cnv 15 550 600 empty empty CONTROLS 20 12 0 14 -228856
  122. -66577 0;
  123. #X obj 41 -354 nbx 3 15 0 999 0 0 /help/ds/scene/current /help/ds/scene/current
  124. scene 0 -8 0 12 -204786 -1 -1 0 256;
  125. #X obj 22 -354 bng 15 250 50 0 /0/ds/scene/current/prev /0/ds/scene/current/prev
  126. < 4 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1;
  127. #X obj 92 -354 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/scene/current/next /help/ds/scene/current/next
  128. > 5 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1;
  129. #X obj 115 -354 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/recall /help/ds/recall recall
  130. 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  131. #X obj 24 -193 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/save /help/ds/save save 17
  132. 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  133. #X obj 24 -99 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/load /help/ds/load load 17 7
  134. 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  135. #X obj 94 -193 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/resave /help/ds/resave resave
  136. 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  137. #X obj 94 -99 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reload /help/ds/reload reload
  138. 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  139. #X obj 114 -270 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/store /help/ds/store store
  140. 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  141. #X obj 41 -270 nbx 3 15 0 999 0 0 /help/ds/scene/selected /help/ds/scene/selected
  142. empty 0 -8 0 12 -261234 -1 -1 0 256;
  143. #X obj 22 -270 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/scene/selected/prev /help/ds/scene/selected/prev
  144. < 4 7 0 10 -261234 -1 -1;
  145. #X obj 92 -270 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/scene/selected/next /help/ds/scene/selected/next
  146. > 5 7 0 10 -261234 -1 -1;
  147. #X text 195 -205 The SAVE section lets you save all scenes from RAM
  148. to a textfile on the HDD. Click "save" to open a save dialog. "resave"
  149. will let you save to the last specified filename.;
  150. #X text 195 -105 The LOAD section lets you load all scenes from a textfile
  151. to RAM. Click "load" to open a load dialog. "reload" will let you load
  152. the last specified filename.;
  153. #X text 195 -355 In the RECALL section \, you can recall a scene from
  154. RAM.;
  155. #X text 195 -275 In the STORE section \, you can store the current
  156. state of the patch into RAM. Select a destination scene and press "store".
  157. ;
  158. #X text 195 -325 Switch between presets 0-2 to see the effect.;
  159. #X obj 24 -39 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/advanced/vis /help/ds/advanced/vis
  160. advanced 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  161. #X obj 24 66 bng 15 250 50 0 /ev/storage/help/playlist/vis /ev/storage/help/playlist/vis
  162. playlist 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  163. #X text 195 -39 This button opens the advanced options.;
  164. #X text 195 68 This button opens the playlist view.;
  165. #X obj 200 -9 cnv 15 260 60 empty empty advanced_settings 20 12 0 14
  166. -204800 -66577 0;
  167. #X text 230 23 Look inside:;
  168. #X obj 200 101 cnv 15 260 60 empty empty playlist_view 20 12 0 14 -204800
  169. -66577 0;
  170. #X text 230 133 Look inside:;
  171. #N canvas 67 22 573 744 \$0-advanced_settings 0;
  172. #X obj 4 8 cnv 15 550 750 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  173. 0;
  174. #X obj 23 119 tgl 15 1 /help/ds/settings/state /help/ds/settings/state
  175. recall_settings 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  176. #X obj 23 39 tgl 15 1 /help/ds/data/state /help/ds/data/state recall_data
  177. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1;
  178. #X obj 23 282 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reg/dialog /help/ds/reg/dialog
  179. register_settings 17 7 0 10 -4032 -1 -1;
  180. #X obj 23 206 tgl 15 1 /help/ds/global/state /help/ds/global/state
  181. recall_global 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  182. #X text 163 37 "recall_data" must be enabled to load the saved data
  183. on a recall.;
  184. #X text 163 117 "recall_settings" must be enabled to recall the scene
  185. transition settings for the saved data.;
  186. #X text 163 204 "recall_global" must be enabled to recall the global
  187. parameters for this storage domain with each recall.;
  188. #X text 163 281 This button opens a list of all variables that are
  189. registered with this domain.;
  190. #X text 163 67 (All variables are saved within the "data" section)
  191. ;
  192. #X text 163 147 (The scene transition settings for the variables are
  193. saved within the "settings" section);
  194. #X text 163 234 ("recall_data" and "recall_settings" are saved in the
  195. "GLOBAL" section);
  196. #X obj 168 349 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/dialog /i/am/a/variable/ds/dialog
  197. /i/am/a/variable 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  198. #X text 166 325 Click on a variable to get to its scene transition
  199. dialog.;
  200. #X obj 164 386 cnv 15 280 60 empty empty Scene_transition_dialog 20
  201. 12 0 14 -204800 -66577 0;
  202. #X text 174 418 Look inside:;
  203. #N canvas 71 22 960 756 \$0-scene_transition_dialog 0;
  204. #X obj 4 6 cnv 15 910 850 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577
  205. 0;
  206. #X obj 23 168 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/time
  207. /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/time time/s 47 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 0 256;
  208. #X obj 23 128 tgl 15 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph
  209. morph 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 0 1;
  210. #X obj 23 631 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/print /i/am/a/variable/ds/print
  211. print_current_value 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  212. #X obj 23 288 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/shape
  213. /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/shape shape 47 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1
  214. 0 256;
  215. #X obj 23 308 nbx 4 14 0 1 0 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/weight
  216. /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/weight weight 47 7 0 10 -204786 -1
  217. -1 0 256;
  218. #X obj 23 338 nbx 4 14 10 10000 0 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/resolution
  219. /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/resolution resolution 47 7 0 10 -204786
  220. -1 -1 100 256;
  221. #X obj 23 378 hradio 15 1 0 4 /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/quality
  222. /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/quality quality 0 -8 0 10 -204786 -1
  223. -1 0;
  224. #X obj 23 244 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/vis /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/curve/vis
  225. show_curve 17 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1;
  226. #X obj 23 188 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/timegrain
  227. /i/am/a/variable/ds/morph/timegrain time-grain/ms 47 7 0 10 -4034 -1
  228. -1 20 256;
  229. #X obj 23 88 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/delay /i/am/a/variable/ds/delay
  230. delay 47 7 0 10 -204800 -1 -1 0 256;
  231. #X obj 23 461 tgl 15 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/occupy /i/am/a/variable/ds/occupy
  232. occupy 17 7 0 10 -262130 -1 -1 1 1;
  233. #X text 173 85 To delay the recall of one variable \, a delay (in seconds)
  234. can be set.;
  235. #X text 173 125 Turn on "morph" to get a smooth fade from the last
  236. value to the value that is saved in the current scene.;
  237. #X text 173 165 Set the fade time in seconds.;
  238. #X text 173 189 Set the data-rate of the fade in ms (default = 20 ms)
  239. ;
  240. #X text 173 199 comment;
  241. #X text 173 228 If no curve is specified \, a linear fade will be applied.
  242. ;
  243. #X text 173 40 The values are saved separately for each parameter in
  244. every scene. They are saved in the "settings" section.;
  245. #X text 173 245 Show the current appearance of the fade curve.;
  246. #X text 173 286 Shape lets you chose a shape for the curve.;
  247. #X text 173 306 Weight is a mix factor between a linear fade and the
  248. chosen shape.;
  249. #X text 173 339 This lets you specify the resolution of the fade curve.
  250. ;
  251. #X text 538 420 2: linear interpolation;
  252. #X text 538 434 3: tabread4 4-point polynomianl interpolation;
  253. #X text 538 406 1: no interpolation;
  254. #X text 538 392 0: bypass --> output=input (default);
  255. #X text 173 379 Choose the quality in which the fade curve will be
  256. applied:;
  257. #X obj 539 268 cnv 15 370 90 empty empty fadecurve 20 12 0 14 -249661
  258. -66577 0;
  259. #X obj 657 329 fadecurve-help;
  260. #X text 549 300 See [fadecurve-help] for more information on these
  261. values.;
  262. #X text 173 462 If "occupy" is set \, the variable will not respond
  263. to another scene recall while it is fading.;
  264. #X text 173 632 For debug reasons \, you can print the current value
  265. of the variable to the console.;
  266. #X obj 23 683 tgl 15 0 \$2/ds/set \$2/ds/set set 17 7 0 10 -228856
  267. -1 -1 0 1;
  268. #X obj 23 736 tgl 15 0 \$2/ds/change \$2/ds/change change 17 7 0 10
  269. -228856 -1 -1 0 1;
  270. #X obj 23 783 tgl 15 0 \$2/ds/nomorph \$2/ds/nomorph morph_deactivate
  271. 17 7 0 10 -228856 -1 -1 0 1;
  272. #X text 173 678 If "set" is activated \, a "set" message will be prepended
  273. to the message when recalled. This option is to prevent loops. It aims
  274. on special cases \, which are not explained here.;
  275. #X text 173 736 If the "change" parameter is set \, the message will
  276. be recalled if the new value differs from the old value.;
  277. #X obj 659 741 change;
  278. #X text 528 742 See [change object]:;
  279. #X text 173 782 Deactivate morphing functionality for this variable.
  280. This needs to be set as a creation argument for [ds_reg] \, when a
  281. variable gets registered to the storage.;
  282. #X text 609 810 nomorph argument deactivates morph functionality.;
  283. #X obj 610 790 ds_reg foo /\$0/bar nomorph;
  284. #X obj 14 536 cnv 15 130 60 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  285. 0;
  286. #X obj 21 542 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/settings/copy /i/am/a/variable/ds/settings/copy
  287. COPY_to_buffer 17 7 0 10 -4160 -1 -1;
  288. #X obj 21 576 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/variable/ds/settings/paste /i/am/a/variable/ds/settings/paste
  289. PASTE_from_buffer 17 7 0 10 -260097 -1 -1;
  290. #X text 173 535 Copy all the settings from above to the register settings
  291. buffer.;
  292. #X text 173 576 Paste the register settings buffer to this register.
  293. ;
  294. #X coords 0 756 1 755 85 60 0;
  295. #X restore 257 418 pd \$0-scene_transition_dialog;
  296. #X obj 23 656 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/dialog /help/ds/edit/dialog
  297. edit 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  298. #X text 163 651 Click on this button to open the file editing dialog.
  299. ;
  300. #X obj 164 676 cnv 15 280 60 empty empty edit 20 12 0 14 -204800 -66577
  301. 0;
  302. #X text 174 708 Look inside:;
  303. #N canvas 162 190 716 469 \$0-edit 0;
  304. #X obj 4 3 cnv 15 700 450 empty empty EDITING_ACTIONS 20 12 0 14 -233017
  305. -66577 0;
  306. #X obj 20 230 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/scene/cut /help/ds/edit/scene/cut
  307. cut 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  308. #X obj 20 270 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/scene/delete /help/ds/edit/scene/delete
  309. delete 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  310. #X obj 20 290 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/scene/paste-override /help/ds/edit/scene/paste-override
  311. paste_overwrite 17 7 0 10 -4032 -1 -1;
  312. #X obj 20 250 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/scene/copy /help/ds/edit/scene/copy
  313. copy 17 7 0 10 -159808 -1 -1;
  314. #X obj 20 310 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/scene/insert /help/ds/edit/scene/insert
  315. insert_blank 17 7 0 10 -204800 -1 -1;
  316. #X obj 20 330 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/scene/paste-insert /help/ds/edit/scene/paste-insert
  317. paste_insert 17 7 0 10 -204800 -1 -1;
  318. #X obj 20 142 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/clear /help/ds/edit/clear
  319. clear_all 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  320. #X obj 20 210 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/edit/scene/clear /help/ds/edit/scene/clear
  321. clear 17 7 0 10 -260097 -1 -1;
  322. #X obj 20 390 bng 15 250 50 0 /main/ds/print/buffer /main/ds/print/buffer
  323. print_clipboard 17 7 0 10 -228856 -1 -1;
  324. #X text 14 182 Actions for the currently selected scene:;
  325. #X text 14 367 Debug:;
  326. #X obj 20 411 bng 15 250 50 0 /main/ds/print /main/ds/print print_all
  327. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  328. #X text 16 121 Actions on the whole buffer:;
  329. #X obj 532 165 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /help/ds/scene/selected /help/ds/scene/selected
  330. selected 0 -8 0 10 -261234 -1 -1 0 256;
  331. #X text 412 130 They apply on the currently SELECTED scene:;
  332. #X text 153 398 For debugging: Print contents to the console.;
  333. #X text 153 309 Insert blank scene before the selected scene.;
  334. #X text 153 329 Insert copied/cut scene before the selected scene.
  335. ;
  336. #X text 153 289 Paste scene replacing the selected scene.;
  337. #X text 153 269 Delete selected scene.;
  338. #X text 153 249 Copy selected scene to clipboard.;
  339. #X text 153 229 Cut selected scene to clipboard.;
  340. #X text 153 209 Clear contents of the selected scene.;
  341. #X text 153 141 Clear the whole file.;
  342. #X text 15 35 This dialog provides some file operations on the preset
  343. file.;
  344. #X text 15 65 It is possible to undo these operations by reloading
  345. the preset file from the HDD.;
  346. #X restore 267 713 pd \$0-edit;
  347. #X obj 23 474 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer
  348. register_settings_buffer 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  349. #X text 166 505 The register settings buffer acts as a clipboard for
  350. scene transition settings. The individual registers can copy their
  351. settings to it or take the contents of the buffer. The buffer can also
  352. be edited by hand.;
  353. #X obj 164 566 cnv 15 280 60 empty empty register_settings_buffer 20
  354. 12 0 14 -204800 -66577 0;
  355. #X text 174 598 Look inside:;
  356. #N canvas 428 83 731 472 \$0-buffer 0;
  357. #X obj -6 3 cnv 15 700 450 empty empty Register_Settings_Buffer 20
  358. 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0;
  359. #X obj 97 100 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/time
  360. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/time time/s 47 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1
  361. 0 256;
  362. #X obj 11 100 tgl 15 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph
  363. morph 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 0 1;
  364. #X obj 11 50 tgl 15 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/slave /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/slave
  365. slave 17 7 0 10 -203904 -1 -1 0 1;
  366. #X obj 97 140 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/shape
  367. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/shape shape 47 7 0 10 -204786
  368. -1 -1 0 256;
  369. #X obj 97 160 nbx 4 14 0 1 0 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/weight
  370. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/weight weight 47 7 0 10 -204786
  371. -1 -1 0 256;
  372. #X obj 97 180 nbx 4 14 10 10000 0 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/resolution
  373. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/resolution resolution 47 7
  374. 0 10 -204786 -1 -1 100 256;
  375. #X obj 11 180 hradio 15 1 0 4 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/quality
  376. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/quality quality 0 -8 0 10
  377. -204786 -1 -1 0;
  378. #X obj 11 140 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/vis
  379. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/curve/vis show_curve 17 7 0 10 -204786
  380. -1 -1;
  381. #X obj 97 120 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/timegrain
  382. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/morph/timegrain time-grain/ms 47 7 0 10
  383. -4034 -1 -1 20 256;
  384. #X obj 11 70 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/delay
  385. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/delay delay 47 7 0 10 -204800 -1 -1 0
  386. 256;
  387. #X obj 11 220 tgl 15 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/occupy /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/occupy
  388. occupy 17 7 0 10 -262130 -1 -1 1 1;
  389. #X obj 11 322 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/paste/all
  390. /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer/paste/all send_to_all_registers 17 7 0
  391. 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  392. #X text 285 87 These controls also exist in the "scene transition dialog"
  393. of the individual registers. In this buffer \, they work exactly the
  394. same. The registers can copy their settings to the buffer and paste
  395. the buffer settings to themselves.;
  396. #X text 201 321 This button pastes the buffer settings from above to
  397. all the registers of the current domain. This is sometimes useful if
  398. all parameters should be morphed the same way.;
  399. #X restore 267 603 pd \$0-buffer;
  400. #X restore 314 23 pd \$0-advanced_settings;
  401. #N canvas 394 102 717 314 \$0-playlist 0;
  402. #X obj 2 -168 cnv 15 700 300 empty empty playlist_view 20 12 0 14 -228856
  403. -66577 0;
  404. #X text 14 -142 It is possible to create multiple playlist windows
  405. by using the object [ds_pl_gui <domain>].;
  406. #X text 337 -103 The green column on the left marks the current scene.
  407. ;
  408. #X text 337 -63 The second column (purple) shows the scene numbers.
  409. ;
  410. #X text 337 -23 The big row in the center shows the scene names.;
  411. #X text 337 -8 The names must be set by a text editor in the corresponding
  412. preset file. Per default \, they are set to "<unnamed>".;
  413. #X text 337 32 The red row on the right marks the currently selected
  414. scene.;
  415. #X text 337 51 With the scrollbar on the right \, it is possible to
  416. scroll throgh the scenes.;
  417. #X text 337 101 On the bottom \, the current scene number and its name
  418. are shown.;
  419. #X text 337 -88 Click on it to move the cursor.;
  420. #X obj 14 -100 ds_pl_gui help;
  421. #X coords 0 314 1 313 85 60 0;
  422. #X restore 314 133 pd \$0-playlist;
  423. #X restore 308 350 pd \$0-controls;
  424. #N canvas 131 51 603 374 \$0-init 0;
  425. #X obj 77 79 loadbang;
  426. #X obj 57 79 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
  427. -1;
  428. #X obj 77 103 del 1000;
  429. #X text 222 45 If you want the storage to recall a scene from a textfile
  430. on startup \, you can specify it as follows:;
  431. #X text 222 140 use the "/<domain>/ds/loadfile" message to load a given
  432. file path:;
  433. #X text 222 98 Delay the load by one second to make sure that the patch
  434. got fully loaded.;
  435. #X obj 77 125 t b b;
  436. #X obj 77 240 del 2000;
  437. #X text 222 238 Delay the recall by two seconds to make sure that the
  438. textfile got fully loaded to RAM.;
  439. #X text 232 283 Recall scene "0".;
  440. #X text 150 103 <--------;
  441. #X text 150 242 <--------;
  442. #X text 188 282 <----;
  443. #X msg 77 282 \; /help/ds/scene 0 \;;
  444. #X text 140 208 (pathes relative to "./libs/kollabs");
  445. #X msg 104 173 \; /help/ds/loadfile ds-help.txt;
  446. #X connect 0 0 2 0;
  447. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  448. #X connect 2 0 6 0;
  449. #X connect 6 0 7 0;
  450. #X connect 6 1 15 0;
  451. #X connect 7 0 13 0;
  452. #X restore 179 762 pd \$0-init;
  453. #N canvas 0 22 619 624 \$0-parameter_list 0;
  454. #X obj 6 5 cnv 15 600 600 empty empty control_parameters 20 12 0 14
  455. -233017 -66577 0;
  456. #X text 223 532 reloads the last given filepath from harddisk.;
  457. #X text 223 452 resaves the current scene-set to the last given path.
  458. ;
  459. #X text 223 547 loads the scene-set of the given filepath;
  460. #X text 223 502 opens a dialog to load a scene-set from a file from
  461. the harddisk.;
  462. #X text 223 422 opens a dialog to save the current scene-set to a preset
  463. file on the harddisk.;
  464. #X text 223 467 saves the current scene-set to the given filepath;
  465. #X text 223 249 recalls the selected scene of the current scene-set
  466. ;
  467. #X text 223 264 sets the scene number to be recalled by "recall" or
  468. to be automatically recalled if autorecall=1;
  469. #X text 223 294 decrement scene number by 1;
  470. #X text 223 309 increment scene number by 1;
  471. #X text 223 407 sets the filepath to be loaded/saved on next reload/resave
  472. ;
  473. #X text 11 502 /<domain>/ds/load;
  474. #X text 11 422 /<domain>/ds/save;
  475. #X text 11 532 /<domain>/ds/reload;
  476. #X text 11 452 /<domain>/ds/resave;
  477. #X text 11 407 /<domain>/ds/filename;
  478. #X text 11 547 /<domain>/ds/loadfile;
  479. #X text 11 467 /<domain>/ds/savefile;
  480. #X text 11 249 /<domain>/ds/recall;
  481. #X text 11 294 /<domain>/ds/scene/current/prev;
  482. #X text 11 309 /<domain>/ds/scene/current/next;
  483. #X text 11 279 /<domain>/ds/scene/current;
  484. #X text 11 264 /<domain>/ds/scene OR;
  485. #X text 11 334 /<domain>/ds/scene/selected;
  486. #X text 223 334 sets the scene destination of a file operation;
  487. #X text 11 349 /<domain>/ds/scene/selected/prev;
  488. #X text 11 364 /<domain>/ds/scene/selected/next;
  489. #X text 223 349 decrement destination scene number by 1;
  490. #X text 223 364 increment destination scene number by 1;
  491. #X text 11 379 /<domain>/ds/store;
  492. #X text 223 379 store the current state to the selected scene;
  493. #X text 61 101 There are many other parameters that can be controlled
  494. from outside. If you are familiar with Pure Data \, you can look them
  495. up unside the abstractions.;
  496. #X text 61 51 This is a list of the most important parameters \, that
  497. can be controlled by their receive name.;
  498. #X restore 143 536 pd \$0-parameter_list;
  499. #X obj 60 931 bng 15 250 50 0 /ev/storage/help/playlist/vis /ev/storage/help/playlist/vis
  500. playlist 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  501. #X obj 228 1068 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_for_explanation!
  502. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  503. #X msg 228 1087 vis 1;
  504. #X obj 228 1108 s pd-\$0-edit;
  505. #X text 53 910 Click on "playlist" to show the playlist window.;
  506. #X obj 208 931 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_here_for_explanation!
  507. 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  508. #X msg 208 950 vis 1;
  509. #X obj 208 971 s pd-\$0-playlist;
  510. #X obj 40 1143 cnv 15 370 120 empty empty Multiple_domains 20 12 0
  511. 14 -261682 -66577 0;
  512. #X text 54 1176 It is possible to create multiple storage domains.
  513. But variables can not be registered to both domains at the same time.
  514. ;
  515. #N canvas 396 22 602 396 \$0-multiple_domains 0;
  516. #X obj 4 4 cnv 15 370 370 empty empty multiple_domains 20 12 0 14 -228856
  517. -66577 0;
  518. #X obj 385 4 cnv 15 200 370 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  519. 0;
  520. #N canvas 131 51 603 374 \$0-init 0;
  521. #X obj 77 79 loadbang;
  522. #X obj 57 79 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
  523. -1;
  524. #X obj 77 103 del 1000;
  525. #X text 222 45 If you want the storage to recall a scene from a textfile
  526. on startup \, you can specify it as follows:;
  527. #X text 222 140 use the "/<domain>/ds/loadfile" message to load a given
  528. file path:;
  529. #X text 222 98 Delay the load by one second to make sure that the patch
  530. got fully loaded.;
  531. #X obj 77 125 t b b;
  532. #X obj 77 220 del 2000;
  533. #X text 222 218 Delay the recall by two seconds to make sure that the
  534. textfile got fully loaded to RAM.;
  535. #X text 232 263 Recall scene "0".;
  536. #X text 150 103 <--------;
  537. #X text 150 222 <--------;
  538. #X text 188 262 <----;
  539. #X msg 77 262 \; /help2/ds/scene 0 \;;
  540. #X msg 104 173 \; /help2/ds/loadfile ds-help2.txt;
  541. #X connect 0 0 2 0;
  542. #X connect 1 0 2 0;
  543. #X connect 2 0 6 0;
  544. #X connect 6 0 7 0;
  545. #X connect 6 1 14 0;
  546. #X connect 7 0 13 0;
  547. #X restore 441 48 pd \$0-init;
  548. #X text 407 27 Load textfile on startup:;
  549. #X text 14 42 In this example \, we add another domain to the patch.
  550. The module [ev_storage help2] adds a storage with domain "help2". Variables
  551. can be registered to it:;
  552. #X msg 437 292 0;
  553. #X msg 467 292 1;
  554. #X msg 497 292 2;
  555. #X text 387 265 Change scene for domain "help2":;
  556. #X obj 437 334 s /help2/ds/scene;
  557. #X obj 98 163 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/from/another/domain /i/am/from/another/domain
  558. /i/am/from/another/domain -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  559. #X obj 48 115 ds_reg help2 /i/am/from/another/domain;
  560. #X text 11 227 Variables that are registered with another domain will
  561. not be affected by this storage;
  562. #X obj 417 88 ds_logic help2;
  563. #X obj 403 122 ds_gui help2;
  564. #X connect 5 0 9 0;
  565. #X connect 6 0 9 0;
  566. #X connect 7 0 9 0;
  567. #X restore 144 1220 pd \$0-multiple_domains;
  568. #N canvas 248 152 423 323 \$0-register_options 0;
  569. #X obj 15 -399 cnv 15 370 300 empty empty Register_options 20 12 0
  570. 14 -228856 -66577 0;
  571. #X obj 39 -291 tgl 15 0 /i/must/be/set/ds/set /i/must/be/set/ds/set
  572. set 17 7 0 10 -228856 -1 -1 1 1;
  573. #X obj 41 -148 tgl 15 0 /i/got/changed/ds/change /i/got/changed/ds/change
  574. change 17 7 0 10 -228856 -1 -1 1 1;
  575. #X text 32 -355 To prevent loops creating stack overflows \, it is
  576. possible to prepend a "set" message to a variable if it gets recalled.
  577. This way \, i.e. numberboxes show the new value \, but will not give
  578. it out on the outlet.;
  579. #X text 23 -230 Per default \, saved variables only get dispatched
  580. \, if the recalled value differs from the current value. If a variable
  581. needs to get dispatched \, even if the current value would not change
  582. \, a "nochange" argument can be added to the register.;
  583. #X obj 125 -264 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/must/be/set/ds/dialog /i/must/be/set/ds/dialog
  584. /i/must/be/set 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  585. #X obj 139 -122 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/got/changed/ds/dialog /i/got/changed/ds/dialog
  586. /i/got/changed 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  587. #X obj 121 -291 ds_reg help /i/must/be/set set;
  588. #X obj 121 -149 ds_reg help /i/got/changed nochange;
  589. #X coords 0 323 1 322 85 60 0;
  590. #X restore 531 928 pd \$0-register_options;
  591. #N canvas 502 147 399 317 \$0-occupy 0;
  592. #X obj 15 -380 cnv 15 370 300 empty empty Occupy 20 12 0 14 -228856
  593. -66577 0;
  594. #X obj 35 -298 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/occupied/ds/dialog /i/am/occupied/ds/dialog
  595. /i/am/occupied 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  596. #X obj 35 -264 tgl 15 0 /i/am/occupied/ds/occupy /i/am/occupied/ds/occupy
  597. occupy 17 7 0 10 -262130 -1 -1 1 1;
  598. #X text 23 -235 If "occupy" is set \, the variable will not respond
  599. to another scene recall until it got fully dispatched.;
  600. #X text 23 -195 Per default \, this option is activated. It is saved
  601. individually for each scene.;
  602. #X obj 35 -328 ds_reg help /i/am/occupied;
  603. #X coords 0 317 1 316 85 60 0;
  604. #X restore 573 840 pd \$0-occupy;
  605. #N canvas 89 22 609 740 \$0-delaying_recalls 0;
  606. #X obj 15 328 cnv 15 370 400 empty empty Recall_Chains 20 12 0 14 -228856
  607. -66577 0;
  608. #X obj 230 450 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/master/ds/dialog /i/am/a/master/ds/dialog
  609. /i/am/a/master 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  610. #X obj 247 578 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/slave/ds/dialog /i/am/a/slave/ds/dialog
  611. /i/am/a/slave 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  612. #X text 25 359 It is possible to chain recalls of variables. So that
  613. a variable starts its recall after another one finished recalling.
  614. ;
  615. #X text 25 399 For example \, if one variable should be recalled after
  616. a fade of another one is finished \, no matter how long that fade is.
  617. ;
  618. #X text 51 468 The first outlet bangs after a recall is finished.;
  619. #X text 51 498 The first inlet takes a bang to start the recall. The
  620. "slave" argument sets the register to slave mode.;
  621. #X text 51 558 The slave mode can also be set in the scene transition
  622. dialog. Click here to open it:;
  623. #X text 41 638 You can also do the chaining through sends & receives:
  624. ;
  625. #X obj 392 328 cnv 15 200 400 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  626. -66577 0;
  627. #X obj 415 494 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/master /i/am/a/master /i/am/a/master
  628. -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1100 1;
  629. #X obj 415 554 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/slave /i/am/a/slave /i/am/a/slave
  630. -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1200 1;
  631. #X msg 439 394 0;
  632. #X msg 469 394 1;
  633. #X msg 499 394 2;
  634. #X obj 439 420 s /help/ds/scene;
  635. #X text 394 369 Change scene to see the effect:;
  636. #X obj 15 18 cnv 15 370 300 empty empty Delaying_recalls 20 12 0 14
  637. -228856 -66577 0;
  638. #X obj 392 18 cnv 15 200 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  639. 0;
  640. #X obj 419 162 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/delayed/variable /i/am/a/delayed/variable
  641. /i/am/a/delayed/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1000 1;
  642. #X obj 86 124 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/delayed/variable/ds/dialog /i/am/a/delayed/variable/ds/dialog
  643. /i/am/a/delayed/variable 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  644. #X msg 439 234 0;
  645. #X msg 469 234 1;
  646. #X msg 499 234 2;
  647. #X obj 439 260 s /help/ds/scene;
  648. #X text 394 209 Change scene to see the effect:;
  649. #X obj 419 92 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/variable /i/am/a/variable
  650. /i/am/a/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 900 1;
  651. #X obj 86 184 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/a/delayed/variable/ds/delay
  652. /i/am/a/delayed/variable/ds/delay delay 47 7 0 10 -204800 -1 -1 1 256
  653. ;
  654. #X text 25 89 To delay the recall of a variable in a specific scene
  655. \, go to the scene transition dialog:;
  656. #X text 25 159 And set the delay time for the current scene:;
  657. #X text 25 221 The delay time will be saved with the scene.;
  658. #X obj 40 533 ds_reg help /i/am/a/slave slave;
  659. #X obj 63 689 s <name>/ds/slave/start;
  660. #X obj 63 664 r <name>/ds/dispatched;
  661. #X obj 40 449 ds_reg help /i/am/a/master;
  662. #X obj 112 57 ds_reg help /i/am/a/delayed/variable;
  663. #X connect 12 0 15 0;
  664. #X connect 13 0 15 0;
  665. #X connect 14 0 15 0;
  666. #X connect 21 0 24 0;
  667. #X connect 22 0 24 0;
  668. #X connect 23 0 24 0;
  669. #X connect 33 0 32 0;
  670. #X connect 34 0 31 0;
  671. #X coords 0 740 1 739 85 60 0;
  672. #X restore 534 750 pd \$0-delaying_recalls;
  673. #N canvas 85 22 610 756 \$0-scene_transitions 0;
  674. #X obj 4 4 cnv 15 370 370 empty empty Linear_fade_between_scenes 20
  675. 12 0 14 -228856 -66577 0;
  676. #X obj 383 4 cnv 15 200 370 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  677. 0;
  678. #X obj 393 309 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable /i/am/a/morphing/variable
  679. /i/am/a/morphing/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 300 1;
  680. #X msg 428 175 0;
  681. #X msg 458 175 1;
  682. #X msg 488 175 2;
  683. #X obj 428 201 s /help/ds/scene;
  684. #X text 408 146 Change scene here:;
  685. #X obj 99 146 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/dialog /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/dialog
  686. /i/am/a/morphing/variable 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  687. #X text 12 35 Note: Only variables of type "float" can be morphed!!!
  688. ;
  689. #X text 8 78 The variable "/i/am/a/morphing/variable" has a linear
  690. fade to each of the scenes 0-2.;
  691. #X obj 65 267 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/morph/time
  692. /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/morph/time time/s 47 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1
  693. 1 256;
  694. #X obj 64 216 tgl 15 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/morph /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/morph
  695. morph 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1 1 1;
  696. #X obj 65 336 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/morph/timegrain
  697. /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/morph/timegrain time-grain/ms 47 7 0 10
  698. -4034 -1 -1 20 256;
  699. #X text 8 181 The "morph" toggle enables a fade from another scene
  700. to the current scene for this variable.;
  701. #X text 8 245 The morph time can be set in seconds:;
  702. #X text 8 297 This sets the samplerate of the fade. For video \, a
  703. time-grain faster than the framerate would make no sense.;
  704. #X text 208 336 (Default = 20 ms);
  705. #X obj 4 384 cnv 15 370 600 empty empty Fade_curves 20 12 0 14 -228856
  706. -66577 0;
  707. #X obj 383 384 cnv 15 200 370 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786
  708. -66577 0;
  709. #X obj 393 418 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/another/morphing/variable
  710. /i/am/another/morphing/variable /i/am/another/morphing/variable -2
  711. -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 400 1;
  712. #X obj 90 447 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/dialog
  713. /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/dialog /i/am/another/morphing/variable
  714. 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  715. #X obj 4 1088 cnv 15 370 80 empty empty Deactivate_morphing_in_registers
  716. 20 12 0 14 -261234 -66577 0;
  717. #X text 9 1112 For individual variables \, the morphing functionality
  718. can be deactivated permanently:;
  719. #X obj 12 560 nbx 4 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/shape
  720. /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/shape shape 47 7 0 10
  721. -204786 -1 -1 0 256;
  722. #X obj 11 677 nbx 4 14 0 1 0 0 /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/weight
  723. /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/weight weight 47 7 0
  724. 10 -204786 -1 -1 0.8 256;
  725. #X obj 14 756 nbx 4 14 10 10000 0 0 /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/resolution
  726. /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/resolution resolution
  727. 47 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1 200 256;
  728. #X obj 19 888 hradio 15 1 0 4 /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/quality
  729. /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/quality quality 0 -8
  730. 0 10 -204786 -1 -1 3;
  731. #X obj 98 518 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/vis
  732. /i/am/another/morphing/variable/ds/morph/curve/vis show_curve 17 7
  733. 0 10 -204786 -1 -1;
  734. #X msg 428 564 0;
  735. #X msg 458 564 1;
  736. #X msg 488 564 2;
  737. #X obj 428 590 s /help/ds/scene;
  738. #X text 408 535 Change scene here:;
  739. #X text 8 491 Click here to show the current fade characteristic:;
  740. #X text 8 581 Shape lets you chose a suitable base form of the fade.
  741. A value of "0" will result in one half sine wave. "1" gives a quarter
  742. sinewave \, and 2 to N will give a x^n function. The shape values in
  743. between two integers will provide a linear interpolation of the both.
  744. ;
  745. #X text 8 697 The "weight" factor lets you interpolate between the
  746. selected shape and a straight line.;
  747. #X text 97 891 2: linear interpolation;
  748. #X text 97 905 3: tabread4 4-point polynomianl interpolation;
  749. #X text 97 877 1: no interpolation;
  750. #X text 97 863 0: bypass --> output=input (default);
  751. #X obj 4 990 cnv 15 370 90 empty empty fadecurve 20 12 0 14 -262130
  752. -66577 0;
  753. #X obj 122 1051 fadecurve-help;
  754. #X text 14 1022 See [fadecurve-help] for more information on these
  755. values.;
  756. #X text 8 827 By using the quality setting \, you can chose \, how
  757. the fade curve is read:;
  758. #X text 107 675 (0...1);
  759. #X text 107 559 (-Inf...+Inf);
  760. #X text 150 754 (10...10000);
  761. #X text 8 775 The "resolution" parameter sets the resolution of the
  762. fade curve table (default = 100 points).;
  763. #N canvas 657 58 603 331 \$0-nomorph 0;
  764. #X obj 4 5 cnv 15 370 300 empty empty Deactivate_morphing_in_registers
  765. 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0;
  766. #X text 14 34 For some types of variables \, it is never desired to
  767. morph between two states (For example lists \, symbols \, toggles \,
  768. etc.). To save computing power and keep file sizes small \, the morphing
  769. functionality can be turned off for individual variables.;
  770. #X text 14 181 "nomorph" can also be set in the transition dialog \,
  771. but will not be saved this way:;
  772. #X obj 91 216 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/no/morphing/variable/ds/dialog
  773. /i/am/no/morphing/variable/ds/dialog /i/am/no/morphing/variable 20
  774. 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  775. #X text 14 114 The "nomorph" argument for [ds_reg] deactivates morphing
  776. for this register permanently.;
  777. #X text 14 241 Anyway \, the controls for morphing will always be visible
  778. \, even if deactivated. But they will no more be saved in the storage.
  779. ;
  780. #X obj 383 5 cnv 15 200 300 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  781. 0;
  782. #X obj 408 174 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/no/morphing/variable /i/am/no/morphing/variable
  783. /i/am/no/morphing/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
  784. #X msg 428 73 0;
  785. #X msg 458 73 1;
  786. #X msg 488 73 2;
  787. #X obj 428 99 s /help/ds/scene;
  788. #X text 408 44 Change scene here:;
  789. #X obj 72 151 ds_reg help /i/am/no/morphing/variable nomorph;
  790. #X connect 8 0 11 0;
  791. #X connect 9 0 11 0;
  792. #X connect 10 0 11 0;
  793. #X restore 203 1140 pd \$0-nomorph;
  794. #X obj 64 115 ds_reg help /i/am/a/morphing/variable;
  795. #X obj 57 418 ds_reg help /i/am/another/morphing/variable;
  796. #X connect 3 0 6 0;
  797. #X connect 4 0 6 0;
  798. #X connect 5 0 6 0;
  799. #X connect 29 0 32 0;
  800. #X connect 30 0 32 0;
  801. #X connect 31 0 32 0;
  802. #X coords 0 756 1 755 85 60 0;
  803. #X restore 533 658 pd \$0-scene_transitions;
  804. #N canvas 577 104 604 391 \$0-registering_variables 0;
  805. #X obj 4 4 cnv 15 370 370 empty empty Registering_variables 20 12 0
  806. 14 -204800 -66577 0;
  807. #X text 16 143 SYNTAX: [ds_reg <domain> <variable_name>] \, where <domain>
  808. is the name of the storage you want to register to \, and <variable_name>
  809. is the complete name of your variable.;
  810. #X text 16 37 New variables can be registered to a storage domain with
  811. the [ds_reg] module.;
  812. #X text 16 72 Warning: Do not register variables to more than one domain!
  813. ;
  814. #X text 16 102 Variables can be any type of data \, like 'list' \,
  815. 'float' \, 'symbol' \, etc.;
  816. #X text 8 198 This registers "/i/am/a/variable" to domain "help":;
  817. #X text 9 270 This registers "/i/am/also/a/variable" to domain "help":
  818. ;
  819. #X obj 383 4 cnv 15 200 370 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577
  820. 0;
  821. #X obj 405 248 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/also/a/variable /i/am/also/a/variable
  822. /i/am/also/a/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 6300 1;
  823. #X obj 402 178 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 /i/am/a/variable /i/am/a/variable
  824. /i/am/a/variable -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 900 1;
  825. #X msg 428 75 0;
  826. #X msg 458 75 1;
  827. #X msg 488 75 2;
  828. #X obj 428 101 s /help/ds/scene;
  829. #X text 408 46 Change scene here:;
  830. #X obj 64 225 ds_reg help /i/am/a/variable;
  831. #X obj 67 297 ds_reg help /i/am/also/a/variable;
  832. #X connect 10 0 13 0;
  833. #X connect 11 0 13 0;
  834. #X connect 12 0 13 0;
  835. #X restore 508 423 pd \$0-registering_variables;
  836. #X obj 40 574 cnv 15 370 70 empty empty store_&_recall 20 12 0 14 -261682
  837. -66577 0;
  838. #N canvas 297 229 562 466 \$0-store&recall 0;
  839. #X text 96 -373 (c)2011 Marian Weger /part of EXTENDED VIEW toolkit/
  840. gpl v3;
  841. #X obj 3 -394 cnv 15 550 450 empty empty store_&_recall 20 12 0 14
  842. -228856 -66577 0;
  843. #X obj 41 -354 nbx 3 15 0 999 0 0 /help/ds/scene/current /help/ds/scene/current
  844. scene 0 -8 0 12 -204786 -1 -1 0 256;
  845. #X obj 22 -354 bng 15 250 50 0 /0/ds/scene/current/prev /0/ds/scene/current/prev
  846. < 4 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1;
  847. #X obj 92 -354 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/scene/current/next /help/ds/scene/current/next
  848. > 5 7 0 10 -204786 -1 -1;
  849. #X obj 115 -354 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/recall /help/ds/recall recall
  850. 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  851. #X obj 114 -270 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/store /help/ds/store store
  852. 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  853. #X obj 41 -270 nbx 3 15 0 999 0 0 /help/ds/scene/selected /help/ds/scene/selected
  854. empty 0 -8 0 12 -261234 -1 -1 0 256;
  855. #X obj 22 -270 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/scene/selected/prev /help/ds/scene/selected/prev
  856. < 4 7 0 10 -261234 -1 -1;
  857. #X obj 92 -270 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/scene/selected/next /help/ds/scene/selected/next
  858. > 5 7 0 10 -261234 -1 -1;
  859. #X text 195 -355 In the RECALL section \, you can recall a scene from
  860. RAM.;
  861. #X text 195 -275 In the STORE section \, you can store the current
  862. state of the patch into RAM. Select a destination scene and press "store".
  863. ;
  864. #X text 195 -325 Switch between presets 0-2 to see the effect.;
  865. #X msg 233 -143 0;
  866. #X msg 263 -143 1;
  867. #X msg 293 -143 2;
  868. #X obj 233 -117 s /help/ds/scene;
  869. #X text 56 -197 You can change access those parameters also through
  870. sends and receives.;
  871. #X text 59 -142 Click here to change scene:;
  872. #X obj 305 -36 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144
  873. -1 -1;
  874. #X msg 305 -17 vis 1;
  875. #X text 63 -57 For more information on that \, and for a complete list
  876. of controllable parameters \, click here:;
  877. #X obj 305 4 s pd-\$0-parameter_list;
  878. #X connect 13 0 16 0;
  879. #X connect 14 0 16 0;
  880. #X connect 15 0 16 0;
  881. #X connect 19 0 20 0;
  882. #X connect 20 0 22 0;
  883. #X restore 137 619 pd \$0-store&recall;
  884. #X text 58 599 Look here how to store and recall scenes:;
  885. #X obj 40 654 cnv 15 370 70 empty empty save_&_load 20 12 0 14 -261682
  886. -66577 0;
  887. #X text 46 677 Look here how to save scene sets to a textfile and how
  888. to load them from there:;
  889. #N canvas 509 208 564 464 \$0-save&load 0;
  890. #X obj 3 -394 cnv 15 550 450 empty empty save_&_load 20 12 0 14 -228856
  891. -66577 0;
  892. #X obj 24 -343 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/save /help/ds/save save 17
  893. 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  894. #X obj 24 -269 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/load /help/ds/load load 17
  895. 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  896. #X obj 94 -343 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/resave /help/ds/resave resave
  897. 17 7 0 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  898. #X obj 94 -269 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reload /help/ds/reload reload
  899. 17 7 0 10 -4034 -1 -1;
  900. #X text 195 -355 The SAVE section lets you save all scenes from RAM
  901. to a textfile on the HDD. Click "save" to open a save dialog. "resave"
  902. will let you save to the last specified filename.;
  903. #X text 195 -275 The LOAD section lets you load all scenes from a textfile
  904. to RAM. Click "load" to open a load dialog. "reload" will let you load
  905. the last specified filename.;
  906. #X text 59 -197 This example uses "ev_storage-help.txt" in the ../data
  907. folder to save its contents.;
  908. #X text 59 -127 Have a look at this file in a text editor to see the
  909. syntax.;
  910. #X text 59 -107 More on that here:;
  911. #X obj 187 -105 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty click_me! 17 7 0 10 -262144
  912. -1 -1;
  913. #X msg 187 -86 vis 1;
  914. #X obj 187 -65 s pd-\$0-file_layout;
  915. #X connect 10 0 11 0;
  916. #X connect 11 0 12 0;
  917. #X restore 199 699 pd \$0-save&load;
  918. #X obj 427 1063 cnv 15 360 80 empty empty Copy&Paste_Settings 20 12
  919. 0 14 -262130 -66577 0;
  920. #N canvas 295 94 390 415 \$0-settings_buffer 0;
  921. #X obj 2 2 cnv 15 370 400 empty empty Settings_Buffer 20 12 0 14 -228856
  922. -66577 0;
  923. #X text 12 38 The Register Settings Buffer has the same controls \,
  924. as the scene transition dialog for the individual variables.;
  925. #X text 12 78 The buffer can be edited and then pasted into variables.
  926. ;
  927. #X text 12 148 In the scene transition dialog of the individual variables
  928. \, there is a copy&paste section to communicate with the buffer:;
  929. #X obj 23 219 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/dialog /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/dialog
  930. /i/am/a/morphing/variable 20 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1;
  931. #X obj 209 193 cnv 15 130 60 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -191407 -66577
  932. 0;
  933. #X obj 216 209 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/settings/copy
  934. /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/settings/copy COPY_to_buffer 17 7 0 10
  935. -4160 -1 -1;
  936. #X obj 216 229 bng 15 250 50 0 /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/settings/paste
  937. /i/am/a/morphing/variable/ds/settings/paste PASTE_from_buffer 17 7
  938. 0 10 -260097 -1 -1;
  939. #X obj 189 117 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer
  940. register_settings_buffer 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  941. #X text 20 117 Open the Buffer window:;
  942. #X obj 125 321 bng 15 250 50 0 /\$1/ds/reg/settings/buffer/paste/all
  943. /\$1/ds/reg/settings/buffer/paste/all send_to_all_registers 17 7 0
  944. 10 -258113 -1 -1;
  945. #X text 12 278 The buffer contents can be sent to all registered variables
  946. in this domain by pressing the red button:;
  947. #X coords 0 415 1 414 85 60 0;
  948. #X restore 508 1114 pd \$0-settings_buffer;
  949. #X text 432 978 There is also a buffer for scene transition settings
  950. \, which can be edited independently. Settings can be copied to that
  951. buffer and pasted from it.;
  952. #X obj 607 1031 bng 15 250 50 0 /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer /help/ds/reg/settings/buffer
  953. register_settings_buffer 17 7 0 10 -257985 -1 -1;
  954. #X text 438 1031 Open the Buffer window:;
  955. #X text 488 1091 More detailed description:;
  956. #X text 441 224 At every recall \, the variable names and values are
  957. dumped to the first outlet.;
  958. #X obj 420 1171 cnv 15 370 80 empty empty Multiple_GUIs_for_the_same_domain
  959. 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577 0;
  960. #X text 424 1200 Look inside here how to create multiple GUIs for one
  961. domain:;
  962. #N canvas 147 251 432 243 \$0-multiple_guis 0;
  963. #X obj 132 71 ds_gui help;
  964. #X text 42 27 Of course \, it is possible to create more GUIs for the
  965. same storage domain. Put a [ds_gui <domain>] object to create one:
  966. ;
  967. #X restore 500 1221 pd \$0-multiple_guis;
  968. #X obj 432 174 ds_logic help;
  969. #X obj 610 78 ds_gui help;
  970. #X text 430 152 main abstraction;
  971. #X text 507 77 gui abstraction;
  972. #X text 45 206 This example uses "ds-help.txt". If you accidentally
  973. changed it by testing the examples \, you can load the backup "ds-help_bak.txt".
  974. ;
  975. #X text 45 106 This is a state saving solution \, based entirely on
  976. Pd-Vanilla. It consists of 3 main parts of abstractions: [ds_logic
  977. <domain>] is the main abstraction of this system \, and should be created
  978. once for each domain. [ds_gui <domain>] provides the corresponding
  979. graphical control. [ds_reg <domain> <name>] registers a variabl to
  980. the given storage domain.;
  981. #X connect 5 0 8 0;
  982. #X connect 6 0 8 0;
  983. #X connect 7 0 8 0;
  984. #X connect 13 0 12 0;
  985. #X connect 14 0 13 1;
  986. #X connect 49 0 50 0;
  987. #X connect 50 0 51 0;
  988. #X connect 53 0 54 0;
  989. #X connect 54 0 55 0;
  990. #X connect 80 0 13 0;
  991. #X coords 0 756 1 755 150 115 0;