@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+OSCprepend - "Prepends" first argument to an OSC message list.
+compare-any - Test if two anythings are the same. Out: 1 if equal
+last-x - last-x: make a list of the last x floats (deprecated: use [list-lastx] instead
+list-abs - apply abs() on float elements of a list.
+list-accum - add all floats in a list
+list-add - Add two lists element by element
+list-apply - apply the object created by [arg1 arg2] on
+list-centroid - Calculates the centroid or center of mass of a list of
+list-clip - clip for lists
+list-compare - Compare two lists element by element.
+list-delete - delete element at position POS from list.
+list-dotprod - dot-product of two lists: res = sum(Xi*Yi)
+list-drip - list-drip: drips or serializes a list
+list-drip2 - Drips two lists in sync as long as the first list
+list-dripslow - Serialize a list on demand.
+list-emath - Do math on lists element by element
+list-enumerate - serialize a list and put numbers in front of every element
+list-equalize - scale a list so that all float elements sum up to 1
+list-extend - Build a list from incoming lists or elements.
+list-fifo-delim - This object is obsolete! Use [list-fifo] instead!
+list-fifo - stores incoming (list-)messages
+list-filter - filter out list elemnent by a condition
+list-find - Find position(s) of a value in a list.
+list-group - group items into lists of the same size
+list-geometric-mean - Calculates the geometric mean of a list (of floats)
+list-harmonic-mean - Calculates the harmonic mean of a list (of floats)
+list-idx - Get element at position idx.
+list-insert - insert LIST before element at position POS
+list-inter - elementwise linear interpolation between
+list-inter-many - Elementwise linear interpolation between several float lists
+list-iter - group lists into sub-lists with size-limit
+list-l2s - Concatenate a list into a single symbol using ARG1 as delimiter
+list-lastx - make a list of the last x floats.
+list-len - calculate length of a list (use [list length] if available)
+list-lifo - stores incoming (list-)messages
+list-makefilename - Change symbols in a list pass floats unchanged.
+list-map - Calls a user-defined operation for each of the incoming list elements
+list-map2 - Calls a user-defined operation for each pair of elements of two lists
+list-math - simple mathematical operations on lists.
+list-mean - Calculates the arithmetric mean of a list (of floats)
+list-minmax - find minimum and maximum float in a list.
+list-moses - [moses] for lists
+list-mult - Substract two lists element by element
+list-normalize - normalize a list
+list-nth - look up the nth element in a list. n has to be positive
+list-onearg - defaults for abstractions arguments
+list-pad - pad a list with elements from a longer list
+list-quicksort - Sort a list of floats into ascending order using a quicksort
+list-random - generate lists of pseudorandom integers
+list-rdrip - drips or serializes a list in reverse.
+list-reduce - apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a list
+list-replace - replace a list starting at position POS with another list
+list-rev - reverse a list
+list-rot - Rotate a list (move ROT# elements from front to back)
+list-round - round all numbers in a list
+list-sect - outputs the elements that are common to both input lists.
+list-seek - walk through a list element by element - similar to [textfile]
+list-shellsort - Sort a list of floats into ascending order using a Shell sort
+list-sieve - Look up occurence of incoming floats in a list
+list-sort - Sort an incoming list of values
+list-splat - like [list split] which also accepts negative split locations
+list-stddev - calculate the standard deviation of a float
+list-sub - Substract two lists element by element
+list-swap - swap two elements of a list at given indices.
+list-tabdump - dump a [table] into a list
+list-unique - remove duplicates from a list
+list-unitvec - make a unit vector out of any list
+list-wrandom - Use a list as a probability table for weighted random values
+prepent - shortcut for [list prepend]--[list trim]
+sroute - settable [route]
+take-two - take a list as input and print all combinations of
+triple-scale - interpolate linearily between two points (x y z)