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  484. <h1>Getting started</h1>
  485. <h2 id="lets-do-the-most-simple-sketch">Let's do the most simple sketch<a class="headerlink" href="#lets-do-the-most-simple-sketch" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  486. <p>Open the Arduino IDE, write the following sketch and upload it. The feature of this sketch is that the SSID and Password are not coded.</p>
  487. <div class="highlight" style="background: #272822"><pre style="line-height: 125%; margin: 0;"><span></span><code><span style="color: #75715e">#include</span> <span style="color: #75715e">&lt;ESP8266WiFi.h&gt; // Replace with WiFi.h for ESP32</span>
  488. <span style="color: #75715e">#include</span> <span style="color: #75715e">&lt;ESP8266WebServer.h&gt; // Replace with WebServer.h for ESP32</span>
  489. <span style="color: #75715e">#include</span> <span style="color: #75715e">&lt;AutoConnect.h&gt;</span>
  490. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">ESP8266WebServer</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">Server;</span> <span style="color: #75715e">// Replace with WebServer for ESP32</span>
  491. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">AutoConnect</span> <span style="color: #a6e22e">Portal</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">(Server);</span>
  492. <span style="color: #66d9ef">void</span> <span style="color: #a6e22e">rootPage</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">()</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">{</span>
  493. <span style="color: #66d9ef">char</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">content[]</span> <span style="color: #f92672">=</span> <span style="color: #e6db74">&quot;Hello, world&quot;</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">;</span>
  494. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">Server.send(</span><span style="color: #ae81ff">200</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">,</span> <span style="color: #e6db74">&quot;text/plain&quot;</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">,</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">content);</span>
  495. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">}</span>
  496. <span style="color: #66d9ef">void</span> <span style="color: #a6e22e">setup</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">()</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">{</span>
  497. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">delay(</span><span style="color: #ae81ff">1000</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">);</span>
  498. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">Serial.begin(</span><span style="color: #ae81ff">115200</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">);</span>
  499. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">Serial.println();</span>
  500. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">Server.on(</span><span style="color: #e6db74">&quot;/&quot;</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">,</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">rootPage);</span>
  501. <span style="color: #66d9ef">if</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">(Portal.begin())</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">{</span>
  502. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">Serial.println(</span><span style="color: #e6db74">&quot;WiFi connected: &quot;</span> <span style="color: #f92672">+</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">WiFi.localIP().toString());</span>
  503. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">}</span>
  504. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">}</span>
  505. <span style="color: #66d9ef">void</span> <span style="color: #a6e22e">loop</span><span style="color: #f8f8f2">()</span> <span style="color: #f8f8f2">{</span>
  506. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">Portal.handleClient();</span>
  507. <span style="color: #f8f8f2">}</span>
  508. </code></pre></div>
  509. <div class="admonition note">
  510. <p>The above code can be applied to ESP8266. To apply to ESP32, replace <code>ESP8266WebServer</code> class with <code>WebServer</code> and include <code>WiFi.h</code> and <code>WebServer.h</code> of arduino-esp32 appropriately.</p>
  511. </div>
  512. <h3 id="run-at-first"><i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i> Run at first<a class="headerlink" href="#run-at-first" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
  513. <p>After about 30 seconds, if the ESP8266 cannot connect to nearby Wi-Fi spot, you pull out your smartphone and open <em>Wi-Fi settings</em> from the <em>Settings</em> Apps. You can see the <strong>esp8266ap</strong> <sup id="fnref:1"><a class="footnote-ref" href="#fn:1">1</a></sup> in the list of <em>"CHOOSE A NETWORK..."</em>. Then tap the esp8266ap and enter password <strong>12345678</strong>, a something screen pops up automatically as shown below.</p>
  514. <p><span style="display:inline-block;width:282px;height:501px;border:1px solid lightgrey;"><img data-gifffer="images/login_ani.gif" data-gifffer-width="280" style="width:280px;" /></span><img src="images/arrow_right.svg" style="vertical-align:top;padding-top:120px;width:48px;margin-left:30px;margin-right:30px;" /><img src="images/stat.png" style="border:1px solid lightgrey;width:280px;" /></span></p>
  515. <p>This is the AutoConnect statistics screen. This screen displays the current status of the established connection, WiFi mode, IP address, free memory size, and etc. Also, the <strong>hamburger icon</strong> is the control menu of AutoConnect seems at the upper right. By tap the hamburger icon, the control menu appears as the below.</p>
  516. <h3 id="join-to-the-new-access-point"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> Join to the new access point<a class="headerlink" href="#join-to-the-new-access-point" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
  517. <p>Here, tap <em>"Configure new AP"</em> to connect the new access point then the SSID configuration screen would be shown. Enter the <strong>SSID</strong> and <strong>Passphrase</strong> and tap <strong>apply</strong> to start connecting the access point.</p>
  518. <p><img src="images/menu_login.png" style="border:1px solid lightgrey;width:280px;" /><img src="images/arrow_right.svg" style="vertical-align:top;padding-top:120px;width:48px;margin-left:30px;margin-right:30px;" /><img src="images/config_ssid.png" style="border:1px solid lightgrey;width:280px;" /></p>
  519. <div class="admonition info">
  520. <p class="admonition-title">Can be configured with static IP</p>
  521. <p>Since v1.1.0, <a href="menu.html#configure-new-ap"><strong>Configure new AP</strong></a> menu can configure for WIFI_STA with static IP.</p>
  522. </div>
  523. <h3 id="connection-establishment"><i class="fa fa-rss"></i> Connection establishment<a class="headerlink" href="#connection-establishment" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
  524. <p>After connection established, the current status screen will appear. It is already connected to WLAN with WiFi mode as WIFI_AP_STA and the IP connection status is displayed there including the SSID. Then at this screen, you have two options for the next step.</p>
  525. <p>For one, continues execution of the Sketch while keeping this connection. You can access ESP8266 via browser through the established IP address after cancel to "<strong>Log in</strong>" by upper right on the screen.<br />
  526. Or, "<strong>RESET</strong>" can be selected. The ESP8266 resets and reboots. After that, immediately before the connection will be restored automatically with WIFI_STA mode.</p>
  527. <p><img src="images/established.png" style="border:1px solid lightgrey;width:280px;" /><img src="images/arrow_right.svg" style="vertical-align:top;padding-top:120px;width:48px;margin-left:30px;margin-right:30px;" /><img src="images/reset.png" style="border:1px solid lightgrey;width:280px;" /></p>
  528. <h3 id="run-for-usually"><i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i> Run for usually<a class="headerlink" href="#run-for-usually" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
  529. <p>The IP address of ESP8266 would be displayed on the serial monitor after connection restored. Please access its address from the browser. The "Hello, world" page will respond. It's the page that was handled by in the Sketch with "<strong>on</strong>" function of <em>ESP8266WebServer</em>.</p>
  530. <p><img src="images/serial.png" style="vertical-align:top;" /><img src="images/arrow_right.svg" style="vertical-align:top;padding-top:60px;width:48px;margin-left:45px;margin-right:30px;" /><img src="images/hello_world.png" style="border:1px solid lightgrey;width:280px;" /></p>
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  536. <div class="footnote">
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  538. <ol>
  539. <li id="fn:1">
  540. <p>When applied to ESP32, SSID will appear as <strong>esp32ap</strong>.&#160;<a class="footnote-backref" href="#fnref:1" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text">&#8617;</a></p>
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