Process Any processing function. Decision A decision or switching type operation. image/svg+xml CONNECTED autoReconnect WiFi.scanNetworks Load BSSIDmatched credential WiFi.begin(SSID,PASSWORD) CONNECTED AP_STA STA WiFi.softAP START Web Server START DNS Server START Web Server portalTimeout handleClientprocessNextRequest CONNECTED retainPortal STOP DNS Server EXITAutoConnect::begin WiFi.begin() YES NO NO YES NO YES YES NO NO YES YES NO YES NO SSID & Password immediateStart WiFi.disconnect() Notpresented Specified Set hostname WiFi.config (STA) Load current config Static IP Restore saved config NO YES Loads saved credentials from the flashthat matches the last SSID stored inthe ESP module. If that credential has a static IP,restore it. autoRise YES NO CallwhileCaptivePortal Eixit? YES NO