## Constructor
### AutoConnectUpdate
AutoConnectUpdate(const String& host, const uint16_t port, const String& uri, const int timeout, const uint8_t ledOn)
- Parameters
- hostUpdate server address. Specifies IP address or FQDN.
- portSpecifies HTTP port for the updating process. The default assumes
defined in the AutoConnectDefs.h
header file.
- uriSpecifies a URI on the update server that has deployed available binary sketch files.
- timeoutSpecifies the maximum response time for the update server. The default assumes
in the AutoConnectDefs.h
header file.
- ledOnActive signal to light the LED ticker during the update. Specifies HIGH or LOW
The AutoConnectUpdate class inherits from the **ESP8266HTTPUpdate** (**HTTPUpdate** for ESP32) class.
## Public member functions
### attach
void AutoConnectUpdate::attach(AutoConnect& portal)
Attaches the [AutoConnectUpdate](apiupdate.md) to the AutoConnect which constitutes the bedrock of the update process. This function creates a [dialog page](otaserver.md#behavior-of-the-autoconnectupdate-class) for the update operation as an instance of [AutoConnectAux](apiaux.md) and participates in the [AutoConnect menu](menu.md).
- **Parameter**
- portalSpecifies a reference to the AutoConnect instance to attach.
### disable
void AutoConnectUpdate::disable(const bool activate)
Disable the Update item in [AutoConnect menu](menu.md). The [AutoConnect::disable](#disable) function only hides the Update item from the menu, and the [AutoConnectUpdate](apiupdate.md) class is still active with the parameter condition. You can use the [AutoConnectUpdate::enable](#enable) function to appear it again in the menu.
- **Parameter**
- activateIf specified the **true** then the Update item will be displayed on the [AutoConnect menu](menu.md) and OTA update will be available during the WiFi status is WL_CONNECTED. For the **false**, the OTA update feature is disabled.
### enable
void AutoConnectUpdate::enable(void)
Makes [AutoConnectUpdate](apiupdate.md) class available by incorporating the OTA update function into the [AutoConnect menu](menu.md). In ordinarily, the [AutoConnectUpdate](apiupdate.md) class becomes available by just calling the [AutoConnectUpdate::attach](#attach) function.
### handleUpdate
void AutoConnectUpdate::handleUpdate(void)
Performs the update process. This function is called by [AutoConnect::handleClient](api.md#handleClient) when AutoConnectUpdate is enabled. In many cases, sketches do not need to call this function on purpose.
### isEnabled
bool AutoConnectUpdate::isEnabled(void)
Returns whether AutoConnectUpdate is enabled.
### rebootOnUpdate
void AutoConnectUpdate::rebootOnUpdate(bool reboot)
Specifies whether or not to automatically restart the module as a result of the successful completion of the update process.
- **Parameter**
- rebootIf specified the **true** then the ESP module will reboot after the updating successfully completed. For the **false**, The module does not reboot automatically. The uploaded new firmware remains in the updating stage of the flash on the ESP module.
The boot process during the next start turn of the module by reset will copy the updated firmware to the actual program area and a new sketch program will start. The default value is true.
This function inherits from the ESP8266HTTPUpdate (HTTPUpdate for ESP32) class.
### setLedPin
void AutoConnectUpdate::setLedPin(int ledPin, uint8_t ledOn)
Sets the port and the ON signal level of the externally connected LED that should act as a ticker during the update process.
- **Parameter**
- ledPinSpecifies the PIN connected external LED for the ticker. The default assumes `AUTOCONNECT_TICKER_PORT` defined in the [`AutoConnectDefs.h`](api.md#defined-macros) header file and it is derived from the board-specific **LED_BUILTIN**. By default, the AutoConnectUpdate class does not use the ticker for boards without the LED_BUILTIN definition. If you connect the ticker LED externally, you need to specify the PIN using the [setLedPin](#setledpin) function.
- ledOnSpecifies the the ON signal level of the LED PIN port. It is **HIGH** or **LOW**.
This function inherits from the ESP8266HTTPUpdate (HTTPUpdate for ESP32) class.
### status
AC_UPDATESTATUS_t AutoConnectUpdate::status(void)
Returns the update process status transition indicator as an enumerated value of the **AC_UPDATESTATUS_t** type that indicates the process status of the AutoConnectUpdate class.
- **Return value**
- One of the enumerated values indicating the status of the Update class as follows:
- UPDATE_RESET : Update process ended, need to reset.
- UPDATE_IDLE : Update process has not started.
- UPDATE_START : Update process has been started.
- UPDATE_PROGRESS : Update process has been started.
- UPDATE_SUCCESS : Update successfully completed.
- UPDATE_NOAVAIL : No available update.
- UPDATE_FAIL : Update failed.
## Public member variables
### host
Update server address. Specifies IP address or FQDN.
- **Type**
- String
### port
HTTP port for the updating process.
- **Type**
- StringThe default assumes `AUTOCONNECT_UPDATE_PORT` defined in the [`AutoConnectDefs.h`](api.md#defined-macros) header file.
### uri
URI on the update server that has deployed available binary sketch files.
- **Type**
- String