## Constructor ### AutoConnectConfig ```cpp AutoConnectConfig() ```

```cpp AutoConnectConfig(const char* ap, const char* password) ```

```cpp AutoConnectConfig(const char* ap, const char* password, const unsigned long timeout) ```

```cpp AutoConnectConfig(const char* ap, const char* password, const unsigned long timeout, const uint8_t channel) ```
apSSID for SoftAP. The length should be up to 31. The default value is esp8266ap for ESP8266, esp32ap for ESP32.
passwordPassword for SoftAP. The length should be from 8 to up to 63. The default value is 12345678.
timeoutThe timeout value of the captive portal in [ms] units. The default value is 0.
channelThe channel number of WIFi when SoftAP starts. The default values is 1.
## Public member variables ### apid SoftAP's SSID.
StringThe default value is **esp8266ap** for ESP8266, **esp32ap** for ESP32.
### apip Sets IP address for Soft AP in captive portal. When AutoConnect fails the initial WiFi.begin, it starts the captive portal with the IP address specified this.
IPAddressThe default value is ****
### auth Apply HTTP authentication with the AutoConnect web page. This This setting allows the Sketch to authenticate with "BASIC" or "DIGEST" scheme. It is given as an enumeration value of **AC_AUTH_t** that indicates the authentication scheme. This setting determines the default scheme for HTTP authentication with AutoConnect. When the [**AutoConnectConfig::authScope**](#authscope) is **AC_AUTHSCOPE_PARTIAL**, each [AutoConnectAux authentication](apiaux.md#authentication) scheme has priority.
AC_AUTH_NONE No authentication. This is the default.
AC_AUTH_DIGEST Use the [digest scheme](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617#section-3).
AC_AUTH_BASIC Use the [basic scheme](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617#section-2).
### authScope Specifies the authentication scope of AutoConnect Web pages. The Sketch will be able to expand or narrow the range of authentication by this setting, which can be either as **AC_AUTHSCOPE_t** enumeration value.
AC_AUTHSCOPE_AUX Require authentication to access for all custom Web pages, excepting AutoConnect's pages. This is the Default.
AC_AUTHSCOPE_PARTIAL Authenticate only specific custom Web pages which are specified by [AutoConnectAux::authentication](apiaux.md#authentication) function or JSON description.
AC_AUTHSCOPE_PORTAL Require authentication to access for all AutoConnect's pages, including custom Web pages.
This setting is available only when [AutoConnectConfig::auth](#auth) is other than **AC_AUTH_NONE**. Ignored if it is AC_AUTH_NONE. Also, the authScope setting has another bit that indicates to allow authentication in the captive portal state. Its enum value cannot be used alone and is always for qualifying the above three enum values.
AC_AUTHSCOPE_WITHCP Allow authentication with the captive portal state. This value cannot be used alone to declare an authentication scope. It indicates to enable authentication in the captive portal by the logical OR operator with one of the AC_AUTHSCOPE_t values above.
### autoReconnect Automatically will try to reconnect with the past established access point (BSSID) when the current configured SSID in ESP8266/ESP32 could not be connected. By enabling this option, *AutoConnect::begin()* function will attempt to reconnect to a known access point using credentials stored in the flash, even if the connection failed by current SSID. If the connection fails, starts the captive portal in SoftAP+STA mode.
trueReconnect automatically.
falseStarts Captive Portal in SoftAP + STA mode without trying to reconnect. This is the default.
When the autoReconnect option is enabled, an automatic connection will behave if the following conditions are satisfied. - Invokes *AutoConnect::begin* without user name and password parameter as `begin()`. - If one of the saved credentials matches the BSSID (or SSID) detected by the network scan. !!! Info "Either BSSID or SSID to aim the access point" Whether or not it points to the target access point is determined by matching the **SSID** or **BSSID**. The default key to collate is **BSSID**. The BSSID is usually fixed to the MAC address unique to its access point device, but when using some mobile hotspots, the BSSID may change even for the same access point. If you operate inconvenience in aiming at the access point by BSSID, you can change the collation key to SSID by uncomment the below line in `AutoConnectDefs.h`: ```cpp #define AUTOCONNECT_APKEY_SSID ``` If `AUTOCONNECT_APKEY_SSID` macro is defined when the library is compiled, the access points are collated by the SSID. ### autoReset Reset ESP8266 module automatically after WLAN disconnected.
trueReset after WiFi disconnected automatically.
falseNo reset.
### autoRise Captive portal activation switch. False for disabling the captive portal. It prevents starting the captive portal even if the connection at the 1st-WiFi.begin fails.
trueEnable the captive portal. This is the default.
falseDisable the captive portal.
### autoSave The credential saved automatically at the connection establishment.
AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_AUTO The credential saved automatically. This is the default.
AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_NEVER The credential no saved.
### beginTimeout Specify the limit time to attempt WiFi connection to the accesspoint. AutoConnect uses this value to abort the connection attempt at **WiFi.begin**. Its actual value specified in milliseconds unit. The default value is `AUTOCONNECT_TIMEOUT` defined in [`AutoConnectDefs.h`](https://github.com/Hieromon/AutoConnect/blob/master/src/AutoConnectDefs.h#L132) and the initial value is 30 seconds.
unsigned long
### bootUri Specify the location to be redirected after module reset in the AutoConnect menu. It is given as an enumeration value of **AC_ONBOOTURI_t** indicating either the AutoConnect root path or the user screen home path.
AC_ONBOOTURI_ROOT Resetting the module redirects it to the AutoConnect root path. The root path is assumed to be AUTOCONNECT_URI defined in [`AutoConnectDefs.h`](api.md#defined-macros).
AC_ONBOOTURI_HOME It is redirected to the URI specified by [**AutoConnectConfig::homeUri**](apiconfig.md#homeuri).
### boundaryOffset Sets the offset address of the credential storage area for EEPROM. This value must be between greater than 4 and less than flash sector size. (4096 by SDK) The default value is 0. This option is valid only for ESP8266 or ESP32 arduino core 1.0.2 earlier.
!!! warning "It will conflict with user data." If the Sketch leaves this offset at zero, it will conflict the storage area of credentials with the user sketch owned data. It needs to use the behind of credential area. ### channel The channel number of WIFi when SoftAP starts.
1 ~ 14. The default value is 1.
!!! info "How do I choose Channel" Espressif Systems had announced the [application note](https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/esp8266_wi-fi_channel_selection_guidelines.pdf) about Wi-Fi channel selection. ### dns1 Set primary DNS server address when using static IP address.
### dns2 Set secondary DNS server address when using static IP address.
### gateway Sets gateway address for Soft AP in captive portal. When AutoConnect fails the initial WiFi.begin, it starts the captive portal with the IP address specified this.
IPAddressThe default value is ****
### hidden Sets SoftAP to hidden SSID.
0SSID will be appeared. This is the default.
1SSID will be hidden.
### homeUri Sets the home path of user sketch. This path would be linked from 'HOME' in the AutoConnect menu. The default for homeUri is "/".
### hostName Sets the station host name of ESP8266/ESP32.
### immediateStart Disable the 1st-WiFi.begin and start the captive portal. If this option is enabled, the module will be in AP_STA mode and the captive portal. The evaluation rank of this parameter is lower than the [**AutoConnectConfig::autoRise**](apiconfig.md#autorise). Even if immediateStart is true, the captive portal will not launch if autoRise is false.
trueStart the captive portal with [**AutoConnect::begin**](api.md#begin).
falseEnable the 1st-WiFi.begin and it will start captive portal when connection failed. This is default.
### menuItems Configure applying items of the [AutoConnect menu](menu.md). You can arbitrarily combine valid menus by coordinating the menuItems value.
uint16_tIt provides the combined **AC_MENUITEM_t** value of the item to apply to the AutoConnect menu.
Specify the value calculated from the **logical OR** by the AC_MENUITEM_t value of each item applied as a menu. It affects not only disappear the items from the menu also invalidates the URI they have. As a consequence, even if it accesses the URL directly will occur a 404 error.
AC_MENUITEM_NONE No assign items except for the AutoConnectAux page item.
AC_MENUITEM_CONFIGNEW Appends [Configure new AP](menu.md#config-new-ap) item.
AC_MENUITEM_OPENSSIDS Appends [Open SSIDs](menu.md#open-ssids) item.
AC_MENUITEM_DISCONNECT Appends [Disconnect](menu.md#disconnect) item.
AC_MENUITEM_RESET Appends [Reset...](menu.md#reset) item.
AC_MENUITEM_UPDATE Appends [Update](menu.md#update) item.
AC_MENUITEM_HOME Appends [HOME](menu.md#home) item.
AC_MENUITEM_DEVINFO Appends the **Device info** item which links to [AutoConnect statistics page](menu.md##where-the-from).
!!! info "How to specify the value of the menu items" An menuItems accepts the logical OR of AC_MENUITEM_t type value. For example, to enable only Open SSIDs and HOME items, specify: ```cpp AutoConnectConfig config; config.menuItems = AC_MENUITEM_OPENSSIDS | AC_MENUITEM_HOME; ``` However, even if you specify like the above, the AutoConnectAux page items still display on the menu. To remove the AutoConnectAux items, use the [AutoConnectAux::menu](apiaux.md#menu) function. ### minRSSI Specify the lower limit of the WiFi signal strength allowed to use as an access point. This value should be greater than -120 as RSSI. Generally, a data link will not be established unless it exceeds -90 dBm. Also, packet transmission is not reliable below -70 dBm to -80 dBm.
int16_tThe default value is -120
### netmask Sets subnet mask for Soft AP in captive portal. When AutoConnect fails the initial WiFi.begin, it starts the captive portal with the IP address specified this.
IPAddressThe default value is ****
### ota Specifies to import the built-in OTA update class into the Sketch. When this option is enabled, an **Update** item will appear in the AutoConnect menu, and the OTA update via Web browser will be automatically embedded to the Sketch.
AC_OTA_EXTRA AutoConnect does not import AutoConnectOTA. This is the default.
AC_OTA_BUILTIN Specifies to include AutoConnectOTA in the Sketch.
### password Set the password for authentication.
String The default value is same as [psk](#psk).
### portalTimeout Specify the timeout value of the captive portal in [ms] units. It is valid when the station is not connected and does not time out if the station is connected to the ESP module in SoftAP mode (i.e. Attempting WiFi connection with the portal function). If 0, the captive portal will not be timed-out.
unsigned longCaptive portal timeout value. The default value is 0.
### preserveAPMode Specifies starting the STA while maintaining the state of the SoftAP mode in the [**AutoConnect::begin**](api.md#begin). This setting only applies when the [**AutoConnectConfig::autoRise**](apiconfig.md#autorise) is false.
trueAutoConnect::begin keeps AP mode.
falseAutoConnect::begin will stop SoftAP at the beginning of the process.
Note that this option is not for starting the SoftAP forcibly in [**AutoConnect::begin**](api.md#begin) and only keeps AP mode, SoftAP initiation is left to the Sketch. ### principle Specify the connection order will attempt to connect to one of the highest RSSI values among multiple available access points. It is given as an enumeration value of **AC_PRINCIPLE_t** indicating.
AC_PRINCIPLE_RECENT Attempts to connect in the order of the saved credentials entries. The entry order is generally a time series connected in the past.
AC_PRINCIPLE_RSSI Attempts to connect to one of the highest RSSI values among multiple available access points.
### psk Sets password for SoftAP. The length should be from 8 to up to 63. The default value is **12345678**.
### reconnectInterval Specifies the number of units for interval time to attempt automatic reconnection when [**AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect**](#autoreconnect) is enabled. This value is specified by the number of unit times from 0 to 255, and one unit time is macro-defined as `AUTOCONNECT_UNITTIME` in `AutoConnectDefs.h` file of library source code, and its initial value is 30[s].
WiFi connection retry is repeated inside [**AutoConnect::handleClient**](api.md#handleClient) after the number of seconds that the reconnectInterval value is multiplied by `AUTOCONNECT_UNITTIME` from the previous attempt. Then, when the connection with one of the saved credentials is established, the automatic reconnection will stop. And while [**AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect**](#autoreconnect) is enabled, if the WiFi connection is lost, it will start to auto-reconnect again inside [**AutoConnect::handleClient**](api.md#handleclient). If **0** is specified for the reconnectInterval, background reconnection attempt repeatedly will not be made, and only once at the 1st-WiFi.begin failure in [**AutoConnect::begin**](api.md#begin). (Only when [**AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect**](#autoreconnect) is enabled) The default value is 0. !!! Info "AUTOCONNECT_UNITTIME" **`AUTOCONNECT_UNITTIME`** as macro defined in `AutoConnectDefs.h` file of library source code as the below: ```cpp // Number of seconds in uint time [s] #ifndef AUTOCONNECT_UNITTIME #define AUTOCONNECT_UNITTIME 30 #endif ``` ### retainPortal Specify whether to continue the portal function even if the captive portal timed out. If the true, when a timeout occurs, the [**AutoConnect::begin**](api.md#begin) function is exited with returns false, but the portal facility remains alive. So SoftAP remains alive and you can invoke AutoConnect while continuing sketch execution. The default is false.
trueContinue the portal function even if the captive portal times out. The STA + SoftAP mode of the ESP module continues and accepts the connection request to the AP.
falseWhen the captive portal times out, STA + SoftAP mode of the ESP module is stopped. This is default.
!!! hint "Connection request after timed-out" With the **retainPortal**, even if AutoConnect::begin in the setup() is timed out, you can execute the Sketch and the portal function as a WiFi connection attempt by calling AutoConnect::handleClient in the loop(). !!! info "All unresolved addresses redirects to /_ac" If you enable the **retainPortal** option, **all unresolved URIs will be redirected to `SoftAPIP/_ac`**. It happens frequently as client devices repeat captive portal probes in particular. To avoid this, you need to exit from the WiFi connection Apps on your device once. ### staip Set a static IP address. The IP will behave with STA mode.
### staGateway Set the gateway address when using static IP address.
### staNetmask Set the subnetmask when using static IP address.
### ticker Set flicker signal output according to WiFi connection status during AutoConnect::begin behavior.
trueOutput the flicker signal while [AutoConnect::begin](api.md#begin) operation. The `AUTOCONNECT_TICKER_PORT` macro in the `AutoConnectDefs.h` header file assigns pins for signal output. The default pin is arduino valiant's `LED_BUILTIN`. For boards without the LED_BUILTIN pin, assume pin #2.
falseNo flicker signal output.
### tickerPort Specifies the GPIO port number to output the flicker signal of the ticker. The default assumes on the board dependent definition LED_BUILTIN macro redefined by **`AUTOCONNECT_TICKER_PORT`** in [`AutoConnectDefs.h`](api.md#defined-macros).
### tickerOn Specifies the active logic level of the flicker signal. This value indicates the active signal level when driving the ticker.
LOWA flicker signal is an active-high.
HIGHA flicker signal is an active-low.
### title Set the menu title.
### uptime Specifies the waiting time for the module to reboot.
intThe default value is AUTOCONNECT_TIMEOUT/1000.
### username Set the username for authentication.
StringThe default value is same as [apid](#apid).
## AutoConnectConfig Initial values | Public member | Data type | Initial value definition | Defined symbol [^1] | |---------------|------|----------------|--------------------------| | [apid](#apid) | String | `esp8266ap`
`esp32ap` | AUTOCONNECT_APID | | [apip](#apip) | IPAddress | | AUTOCONNECT_AP_IP | | [auth](#auth) | AC_AUTH_t | AC_AUTH_NONE | AC_AUTH_NONE
AC_AUTHSCOPE_WITHCP | | [autoReconnect](#autoreconnect) | bool | false | | | [autoReset](#autoreset) | bool | true | | | [autoRise](#autorise) | bool | true | | | [autoSave](#autosave) | AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_t | AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_AUTO | AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_NEVER
AC_ONBOOTURI_HOME | | [boundaryOffset](#boundaryoffset) | uint16_t | 0 | AC_IDENTIFIER_OFFSET | | [channel](#channel) | uint8_t | 1 | AUTOCONNECT_AP_CH | | [dns1](#dns1) | IPAddress | 0U | | | [dns2](#dns2) | IPAddress | 0U | | | [gateway](#gateway) | IPAddress | | AUTOCONNECT_AP_GW | | [hidden](#hidden) | uint8_t | 0 | | | [homeUri](#homeuri) | String | `/` | AUTOCONNECT_HOMEURI | | [hostName](#hostname) | String | NULL | | | [immediateStart](#immediatestart) | bool | false | | | [menuItems](#menuIiems) | uint16_t | AC_MENUITEM_CONFIGNEW
AC_MENUITEM_HOME | | [minRSSI](#minrssi) | int16_t | -120 | AUTOCONNECT_MIN_RSSI | | [netmask](#netmask) | IPAddress | | AUTOCONNECT_AP_NM | | [ota](#ota) | AC_OTA_t | AC_OTA_EXTRA | AC_OTA_EXTRA
AC_OTA_BUILTIN | | [password](#password) | String | Follow [psk](#psk) | | | [portalTimeout](#portaltimeout) | unsigned long | 0 | AUTOCONNECT_CAPTIVEPORTAL_TIMEOUT | | [preserveAPMode](#preserveapmode) | bool | false | | | [principle](#principle) | AC_PRINCIPLE_t | AC_PRINCIPLE_RECENT | AC_PRINCIPLE_RECENT
AC_PRINCIPLE_RSSI | | [psk](#psk) | String | `12345678` | AUTOCONNECT_PSK | | [reconnectInterval](#reconnectinterval) | uint8_t | 0 | | | [retainPortal](#retainportal) | bool | false | | | [staGateway](#stagateway) | IPAddress | 0U | | | [staip](#staip) | IPAddress | 0U | | | [staNetmask](#stanetmask) | IPAddress | 0U | | | [ticker](#ticker) | bool | false | | | [tickerOn](#tickeron) | uint8_t | LOW | AUTOCONNECT_UPDATE_LEDON | | [tickerPort](#tickerport) | uint8_t | LED_BUILTIN | AUTOCONNECT_TICKER_PORT | | [title](#title) | String | `AutoConnect` | AUTOCONNECT_MENU_TITLE | | [uptime](#uptime) | int | AUTOCONNECT_TIMEOUT/1000 | AUTOCONNECT_STARTUPTIME | | [username](#username) | String | Follow [apid](#apid) | | [^1]: Those symbols are defined in [`AutoConnectDefs.h`](https://github.com/Hieromon/AutoConnect/blob/master/src/AutoConnectDefs.h). ## AutoConnectConfig example ```cpp AutoConnect Portal; AutoConnectConfig Config("", "passpass"); // SoftAp name is determined at runtime Config.apid = ESP.hostname(); // Retrieve host name to SotAp identification Config.apip = IPAddress(192,168,10,101); // Sets SoftAP IP address Config.gateway = IPAddress(192,168,10,1); // Sets WLAN router IP address Config.netmask = IPAddress(255,255,255,0); // Sets WLAN scope Config.autoReconnect = true; // Enable auto-reconnect Config.autoSave = AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_NEVER; // No save credential Config.boundaryOffset = 64; // Reserve 64 bytes for the user data in EEPROM. Config.portalTimeout = 60000; // Sets timeout value for the captive portal Config.retainPortal = true; // Retains the portal function after timed-out Config.homeUri = "/index.html"; // Sets home path of Sketch application Config.title ="My menu"; // Customize the menu title Config.staip = IPAddress(192,168,10,10); // Sets static IP Config.staGateway = IPAddress(192,168,10,1); // Sets WiFi router address Config.staNetmask = IPAddress(255,255,255,0); // Sets WLAN scope Config.dns1 = IPAddress(192,168,10,1); // Sets primary DNS address Portal.config(Config); // Configure AutoConnect Portal.begin(); // Starts and behaves captive portal ```