@@ -1,21 +1,88 @@
-#include <Automaton.h>
-#include "Atm_AccelStepper.h"
-// Basic Arduino sketch - instantiates the state machine and nothing else
-Atm_AccelStepper AccelStepper;
-void setup() {
- // Serial.begin( 9600 );
- // AccelStepper.trace( Serial );
- AccelStepper.begin();
-void loop() {
- automaton.run();
+#include <Automaton.h>
+#include "Atm_AccelStepper.h"
+Atm_AccelStepper stepper ;
+int STEPPER_DIRPIN = 26 ;
+int STEPPER_MAXSPEED = 1000000 ;
+Atm_timer timer;
+char cmd_buffer[80];
+Atm_command cmd;
+enum { CMD_M, CMD_M2, CMD_R, CMD_S, CMD_P };
+const char cmdlist[] =
+ "m m2 r s p";
+void cmd_callback( int idx, int v, int up ) {
+ int pin = atoi( cmd.arg( 1 ) );
+ switch ( v ) {
+ case CMD_M:
+ Serial.print("move : ");
+ Serial.println(pin);
+ stepper.move(pin);
+ return;
+ case CMD_M2:
+ Serial.print("moveTo : ");
+ Serial.println(pin);
+ stepper.moveTo(pin);
+ return;
+ case CMD_R:
+ Serial.print("rotate : ");
+ Serial.println(pin);
+ stepper.rotate(pin);
+ return;
+ case CMD_S:
+ Serial.println("stop");
+ stepper.stop();
+ return;
+ case CMD_P:
+ Serial.print("position : ");
+ Serial.println(stepper.getPosition());
+ return;
+ }
+void timer_callback( int idx, int v, int up ) {
+ //Serial.println("timer");
+ Serial.print("position : ");
+ Serial.println(stepper.getPosition());
+ stepper.rotate(50);
+void setup() {
+ Serial.begin( 9600 );
+ cmd.begin( Serial, cmd_buffer, sizeof( cmd_buffer ) )
+ .list( cmdlist )
+ .onCommand( cmd_callback );
+ // AccelStepper.trace( Serial );
+ .pinReversed(0, 0, 0)
+ .setAcceleration(STEPPER_ACCELERATION)
+ .enable();
+ stepper.trace(Serial);
+ stepper.limitLow_set(1, 15, 0).limitLow_isHard(1)//.limitLow_setThresholds(1200, 2300)
+ .limitHigh_set(1, 2, 0).limitHigh_isHard(1)
+ // .onOnlimitlow([](int idx, int v, int up){ stepper.setPosition(0);stepper.move(1000);})
+ .onOnlimitlow([](int idx, int v, int up){ Serial.println('limit low');})
+ // // .onOnlimithigh([](int idx, int v, int up){stepper.setPosition(DAY_STEPS*MICROSTEPPING);})
+ .onOnlimithigh([](int idx, int v, int up){Serial.println('limit high');})
+ ;
+ timer.begin(2000).repeat(-1).onTimer(timer_callback).start();
+void loop() {
+ automaton.run();
+ //Serial.println(stepper.limitLow_State);