123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732 |
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * Fraise device firmware v2.1
- *
- *********************************************************************
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- * Copyright (c) Antoine Rousseau 2009-2015
- ********************************************************************/
- //#include <config.h>
- //#include <pic18fregs.h>
- //#include <boardconfig.h>
- //#include <boardio.h>
- //#include <stdlib.h>
- //#include <stdio.h>
- //#include <string.h>
- //#include <typedefs.h>
- //#include <ctype.h>
- //#include <typedefs.h>
- #include "fraisedevice.h"
- //--------------- Serial macros : -----------------
- //serial drive:
- #define InitSerDrv() do { SERDRV_TRI = 0; } while(0)
- #define SerDrv_On() do { SERDRV_PIN = SERDRV_POL; } while(0)
- #define SerDrv_Off() do { SERDRV_PIN =! SERDRV_POL; } while(0)
- #define SerDrv_isOn() (SERDRV_PIN == SERDRV_POL)
- //serial port:
- #if UART_PORT==1
- #define SPBRGx SPBRG1
- #define SPBRGHx SPBRGH1
- #define BAUDCONxbits BAUDCON1bits
- #define RCREGx RCREG1
- #define RCSTAx RCSTA1
- #define RCSTAxbits RCSTA1bits
- #define TXREGx TXREG1
- #define TXSTAx TXSTA1
- #define TXSTAxbits TXSTA1bits
- #define RCxIF PIR1bits.RC1IF
- #define TXxIF PIR1bits.TX1IF
- #define RCxIE PIE1bits.RC1IE
- #define TXxIE PIE1bits.TX1IE
- #define RCxIP IPR1bits.RC1IP
- #define TXxIP IPR1bits.TX1IP
- #else
- #define SPBRGx SPBRG2
- #define SPBRGHx SPBRGH2
- #define BAUDCONxbits BAUDCON2bits
- #define RCREGx RCREG2
- #define RCSTAx RCSTA2
- #define RCSTAxbits RCSTA2bits
- #define TXREGx TXREG2
- #define TXSTAx TXSTA2
- #define TXSTAxbits TXSTA2bits
- #define RCxIF PIR3bits.RC2IF
- #define TXxIF PIR3bits.TX2IF
- #define RCxIE PIE3bits.RC2IE
- #define TXxIE PIE3bits.TX2IE
- #define RCxIP IPR3bits.RC2IP
- #define TXxIP IPR3bits.TX2IP
- #endif
- //(1 port equ)
- #ifndef BAUDCON1
- #define SPBRG1 SPBRG
- #define SPBRGH1 SPBRGH
- #define BAUDCON1bits BAUDCONbits
- #define RCREG1 RCREG
- #define RCSTA1 RCSTA
- #define RCSTA1bits RCSTAbits
- #define TXREG1 TXREG
- #define TXSTA1 TXSTA
- #define TXSTA1bits TXSTAbits
- #define RC1IF RCIF
- #define TX1IF TXIF
- #define RC1IE RCIE
- #define TX1IE TXIE
- #define RC1IP RCIP
- #define TX1IP TXIP
- #endif
- static void Serial_Init_Receiver() {
- while(TXSTAxbits.TRMT == 0);
- SerDrv_Off();
- __asm nop __endasm ;
- RCSTAxbits.CREN = 0;
- RCSTAxbits.CREN = 1;
- RCSTAxbits.ADDEN = 1;
- RCxIE = 1;
- TXxIE = 0;
- }
- #define Serial_Init_Driver() do {\
- SerDrv_On(); \
- RCxIE = 0; \
- RCSTAxbits.CREN = 0;\
- } while(0)
- #define Serial_Is_Driver() SerDrv_isOn()
- //---------- FrTX : App to Device -------------------------------------------
- unsigned char FrTXbuf[256]; //Fraise TX ring buffer
- unsigned char FrTXin = 0,FrTXout = 0,FrTXbufFree = 255; //Pointers to Fraise TX buffer
- #define FrTXempty (FrTXin == FrTXout)
- //---------- fraiseSend : Device to Master -------------------------------------------
- unsigned char FrTXpacket[35]; //Fraise TX packet buffer
- unsigned char FrTXpacket_i;
- unsigned char FrTXpacket_len;
- unsigned char FrTXchksum;
- unsigned char FrTXtries; //number of tries to send the TX packet
- //---------- FrRX : Master to device -------------------------------------------
- unsigned char FrRXbuf[128]; //Fraise RX ring buffer
- unsigned char FrRXchksum;
- unsigned char FrRXin; //index following last validated packet
- unsigned char FrRXin_tmp; //index following last received byte==next address to write to
- unsigned char FrRXin_end; //index that will follow incoming packet
- unsigned char FrRXout; //index of next byte to read from buffer
- unsigned char FrRXout_end; //index following index of last byte of currently scanned packet
- unsigned char FrRXout_len; //length of currently scanned packet
- unsigned char FrRXout_first; //index of 1st byte of currently scanned packet
- /*
- packets in FrRXbuf ring buffer:
- 1st byte=length+128*buffer_was_char, then _length_ bytes of data.
- when writing to buffer, if FrRXin_tmp==FrRXout then next write would overwrite some unread data.
- when reading from buffer, if FrRXin==FrRXout then there's nothing more to read.
- */
- //---------- FraiseStatus bits -------------------------------------------
- union {
- unsigned char VAL;
- struct {
- unsigned RX_OERR :1 ; // an OVERRUN ERROR occured on fraise RX side (firmware timing issue)
- unsigned RX_FERR :1 ; // an FRAME ERROR occured on fraise RX side (too much noise on physical transport,
- // e.g. bad connection, bug from another device...)
- unsigned RX_SERR :1 ; // an checksum error occured on fraise RX side (noise, bug...)
- //unsigned RX_BFUL :1 ; // couldn't get rx packet : buffer was full.
- unsigned RX_BRDCST :1 ; //current RX is broadcast
- unsigned RX_POLL :1 ; //current RX is poll signal
- /*unsigned TX_NACK :1 ; // master returned a NACK : checksum error on TX (noise, bug...)
- unsigned TX_NOACK :1 ; // master didn't acknowledge at all (noise, bug...)*/
- unsigned TX_ERR :1 ; //couldn't achieve to transmit data to master (noise, bug...)
- };
- } FraiseStatus;
- char FrInterruptEnabled = 0;
- //---------- eeprom addresses ----------------------------
- #define EE_ID 0
- #define EE_PREFIX 1
- #define EE_NAMEMAXLEN 16
- //---------- finite state machine FraiseState ----------------------------
- typedef enum {
- ,fOUT
- ,fIN
- } tFraiseState;
- tFraiseState FraiseState;
- //---------- Devices State tables ----------------------------------------
- unsigned char FrID=0; // device fraise id
- /*#define bitset(var,bitno) ((var) |= (1 << (bitno)))
- #define bitclr(var,bitno) ((var) &= ~(1 << (bitno)))
- #define bittst(var,bitno) (var & (1 << (bitno)))*/
- void fraiseSetID(unsigned char id)
- {
- eeWriteByte(EE_ID,FrID = id);
- }
- void fraiseInit(void)
- {
- FrTXin = 0;
- FrTXout = 0;
- FrTXbufFree = 255;
- SerDrv_Off();
- InitSerDrv();
- //baud rate : br = FOSC/[4 (n+1)] : n = FOSC / (4 * br) - 1 : br = 250kHz, n = FOSC/1000000 - 1
- #define BRGHL (FOSC/1000000 - 1)
- SPBRGHx = BRGHL/256;
- SPBRGx = BRGHL%256;
- BAUDCONxbits.BRG16 = 1;
- TXSTAxbits.TXEN = 1;
- TXSTAxbits.BRGH = 1;
- TXSTAxbits.TX9 = 1;
- TXSTAxbits.TX9D = 0;
- RCSTAxbits.RX9 = 1;
- RCSTAxbits.SPEN = 1;
- FraiseStatus.VAL = 0;
- FraiseState = fIDLE;
- FrRXin = 0;
- FrRXout = 0;
- FrTXpacket_len = 0;
- FrID = eeReadByte(EE_ID);
- // set serial interrupts to low priority
- TXxIP = 0;
- RCxIP = 0;
- FrInterruptEnabled = 1;
- // Use our own special output function for STDOUT
- stdout = STREAM_USER;
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- }
- void fraiseSetInterruptEnable(char enable)
- {
- FrInterruptEnabled = enable;
- if(enable == 0) {
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- RCxIE = 0;
- TXxIE = 0;
- }
- }
- char fraiseGetInterruptEnable(void)
- {
- return FrInterruptEnabled;
- }
- //----------------- RX buffer utils : --------------------------------------------
- static void fraisePutChar(unsigned char c)
- {
- if((FrTXin + 1) == FrTXout) {
- //printf("!50 Err: undetected FrTX full !!!\r\n");
- return; //overflow check done by fraiseSend, but...
- }
- FrTXbuf[FrTXin] = c;
- FrTXin++;
- }
- static unsigned char fraiseGetTXChar()
- {
- unsigned char c;
- if(FrTXin == FrTXout) return 0; //underflow check
- c = FrTXbuf[FrTXout];
- FrTXout++;
- return c;
- }
- char fraiseSend(const unsigned char *buf,unsigned char len)
- {
- unsigned char i,c;
- FrTXbufFree = FrTXout;
- FrTXbufFree -= FrTXin;
- FrTXbufFree -= 1;
- if ((len + 3) > FrTXbufFree) {
- //printf("!10 Err: Fraise TXbuf full\r\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (len < 2) {
- //printf("!11 Err: null Fraise TXpacket\r\n");
- return 0;
- }
- len -= 1; //don't keep '\n' terminator
- fraisePutChar(len); //prefix tx packet buffer by its length
- i = 0;
- while(i < len) { //fill tx packet buffer
- c = buf[i];
- i++;
- fraisePutChar(c);
- }
- //FrTXbufFree = ((int)FrTXout - (int)FrTXin + (sizeof(FrTXbuf) - 1)) %sizeof(FrTXbuf);
- FrTXbufFree = FrTXout;
- FrTXbufFree -= FrTXin;
- FrTXbufFree -= 1;
- return 0;
- }
- #define fraiseSendInit(b) do { FrTXpacket_i = 0 ; FrTXchksum = (b); FrTXpacket[FrTXpacket_i] = (b); FrTXpacket_i++; } while(0)
- #define fraiseSendData(b) do { FrTXchksum += (b); FrTXpacket[FrTXpacket_i] = (b); FrTXpacket_i++; } while(0)
- #define fraiseSendClose() do { FrTXpacket[FrTXpacket_i] = -FrTXchksum; FrTXpacket_i++; FrTXpacket_len = FrTXpacket_i; } while(0)
- #define fraiseSendLaunch() \
- { \
- TXREGx = FrTXpacket[0]; \
- FrTXpacket_i = 1; \
- TXxIE = 1; \
- }
- static void fraiseDecodeNextTXPacket()
- {
- unsigned char len, c, txout_end, ischar;
- if(TXSTAxbits.TRMT == 0) return; //return if a serial transmission is in progress
- len = fraiseGetTXChar(); //1st byte = len
- if(!len) {
- //printf("!12 Err: TXbuffer inconsistency !\n");
- FrTXin = FrTXout=0;
- return; //?
- }
- txout_end = FrTXout;
- txout_end += len;
- c=fraiseGetTXChar(); //2nd byte = command (or hi nibble of address)
- len -= 1;
- if(c == '#') {
- //****************** system command , begining by '#': **********************
- if(len < 1) goto discard;
- c = fraiseGetTXChar(); //what is the command ?
- if(c == 'i'){
- //printf("s fraise init...\n");
- fraiseInit();
- goto discard;
- }
- /*else if(c=='l'){
- printf("flog:stat=%d,rxout=%d,rxin=%d,adden=%d,cren=%d,rcie=%d,rcif=%d\n",
- FraiseStatus.VAL,FrRXout,FrRXin,RCSTAbits.ADDEN,RCSTAbits.CREN,PIE1bits.RCIE,PIR1bits.RCIF);
- goto discard;
- }*/
- else if(c == 'r'){
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- goto discard;
- }
- else if(c == 's'){
- //FraiseStatus.VAL=0;
- SerDrv_Off();
- RCSTAxbits.ADDEN = 1;
- RCxIE = 1;
- TXxIE = 0;
- c = RCREGx;
- c = RCREGx;
- RCSTAxbits.CREN = 0;
- RCSTAxbits.CREN = 1;
- goto discard;
- }
- goto discard; //unknown system command ; discard packet.
- }
- if(c == 'C') { //"char" packet
- ischar = 1;
- goto fill_packet;
- }
- if(c == 'B') { //"bytes" packet
- ischar = 0;
- goto fill_packet;
- }
- goto discard;
- fill_packet:
- if(ischar) len |= 128;
- fraiseSendInit(len);
- while(FrTXout != txout_end) {
- c = fraiseGetTXChar();
- fraiseSendData(c);
- }
- fraiseSendClose();
- FrTXtries = 0;
- discard:
- FrTXout = txout_end;
- return;
- }
- //--------------------- Interrupt routine : -------------------------------
- void fraiseISR(void)
- {
- static unsigned char c, c2;
- if(FrInterruptEnabled == 0) return;
- if(TXxIE && TXxIF) {
- if(FrTXpacket_i == FrTXpacket_len) { //if end of the packet:
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- FrTXpacket_len = 0;
- return;
- }
- c = FrTXpacket[FrTXpacket_i];
- FrTXpacket_i++;
- TXREGx = c; // send next byte
- return;
- }
- if(RCxIF) {
- if(RCSTAxbits.OERR){
- FraiseStatus.RX_OERR = 1;
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- return;
- }
- if(RCSTAxbits.FERR){
- FraiseStatus.RX_FERR = 1;
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- return;
- }
- if (RCSTAxbits.RX9D) { // ------- address :
- c = RCREGx; // get byte
- if(c == (FrID | 128)) { // poll signal
- FraiseStatus.RX_POLL = 1;
- RCSTAxbits.ADDEN = 0;
- return;
- }
- if ((c == 0) || (c == FrID)) {
- FraiseStatus.RX_POLL = 0;
- RCSTAxbits.ADDEN = 0;
- if(c) FraiseStatus.RX_BRDCST = 0;
- else FraiseStatus.RX_BRDCST = 1;
- FrRXchksum = c;
- FrRXin_tmp = FrRXin;
- FrRXin_end = FrRXin - 1; // protect FrRXin_end
- FrRXbuf[FrRXin_tmp] = c;
- FrRXin_tmp++;
- if(FrRXin_tmp == sizeof(FrRXbuf)) FrRXin_tmp = 0;
- return;
- }
- FraiseStatus.RX_POLL= 0;
- RCSTAxbits.ADDEN = 1;
- return;
- }
- // ----------- data :
- c = RCREGx; // get byte
- if(FraiseStatus.RX_POLL) { // had a poll signal
- if(c == (FrID | 128)){ // confirmation byte of poll signal:
- // answer poll signal :
- Serial_Init_Driver();
- if(FrTXpacket_len == 0) {
- TXREGx = 0;
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- } else {
- fraiseSendLaunch();
- return;
- }
- }
- RCSTAxbits.ADDEN = 1;
- return;
- }
- FrRXchksum += c;
- if(FrRXin_tmp == FrRXin_end) {// RX packet complete
- if(!FrRXchksum) { // RX packet checksum ok
- FrRXin = FrRXin_tmp; //validation of packet
- if(!FraiseStatus.RX_BRDCST){
- Serial_Init_Driver();
- TXREGx = 0; //Acknowldge
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- }
- }
- else { // RX packet checksum error
- FraiseStatus.RX_SERR = 1;
- if(!FraiseStatus.RX_BRDCST){
- Serial_Init_Driver();
- TXREGx = 1; //Checksum nack
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- }
- }
- return;
- }// endof RX packet complete
- if((FrRXin_tmp == FrRXout)&&(FrRXout != FrRXin)) { //collision case : RX buffer full !
- Serial_Init_Receiver(); // discard current packet... TODO:send an buffer full nack (2)
- return;
- }
- c2 = (FrRXin + 1) % sizeof(FrRXbuf);
- if(FrRXin_tmp == c2) { //FrRXin_tmp == (FrRXin + 1): first byte following address = data length...
- FrRXin_end = (c & 31);
- FrRXin_end += 2;
- FrRXin_end += FrRXin;
- FrRXin_end %= sizeof(FrRXbuf);
- }
- FrRXbuf[FrRXin_tmp++] = c;
- if(FrRXin_tmp == sizeof(FrRXbuf)) FrRXin_tmp = 0; //ring buffer index
- return;
- }
- }
- //----------------- RX buffer utils : --------------------------------------------
- unsigned char fraiseGetChar()
- {
- unsigned char c;
- if((FrRXout == FrRXout_end) || (FrRXout == FrRXin)) return 0; //underflow error
- c = FrRXbuf[FrRXout++];
- if(FrRXout == sizeof(FrRXbuf)) FrRXout = 0;
- return c;
- }
- unsigned char fraisePeekChar()
- {
- return FrRXbuf[FrRXout];
- }
- unsigned char fraiseGetLen()
- {
- return FrRXout_len;
- }
- unsigned char fraiseGetIndex()
- {
- return FrRXout;
- }
- unsigned char fraiseGetAt(unsigned char i)
- {
- return FrRXbuf[(i + FrRXout_first)%sizeof(FrRXbuf)];
- }
- void fraiseSendCopy()
- {
- char l;
- unsigned char i;
- l = (FrRXout - FrRXout_first)%sizeof(FrRXbuf);
- l--;
- i = FrRXout_first;
- putchar('C'); putchar(' ');
- while(l > 0) {
- printf("%d ", FrRXbuf[i]);
- i++;
- if(i == sizeof(FrRXbuf)) i = 0;
- l--;
- }
- }
- //----------------- System : --------------------------------------------
- static char CompareName()
- {
- unsigned char c, c2, eei;
- eei = EE_PREFIX;
- while(c = fraiseGetChar()){
- c2 = eeReadByte(eei);
- if(c2 == 0) { //end of string
- if(eei < EE_NAME) { //end of prefix
- eei = EE_NAME; //goto to name first char
- c2 = eeReadByte(eei);
- if(c2 == 0) { //no name?!
- return -1;
- }
- }
- else { //end of name before end of spelled name ; discard.
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(c2 != c) { //spelled name differs from device name; discard.
- return -1;
- }
- eei++;
- if(eei > EE_NAMEMAX) { //spelled name too long; discard.
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void Assign() //"N" command
- {
- unsigned char c, c2, tmpid;
- c = fraiseGetChar();
- c2 = fraiseGetChar();
- c -= '0'; if (c > 9) c -= 'A' - '9' - 1;
- c2 -= '0'; if (c2 > 9) c2 -= 'A' - '9' - 1;
- if((c > 7) || (c2 > 15)) { // bad id... discard
- return;
- }
- tmpid = c2 + (c << 4);
- if(CompareName()) return;
- fraiseSetID(tmpid);
- return;
- }
- static void ResetToBld() //"F" command
- {
- if(CompareName()) return;
- Reset();
- }
- //----------------- Main Service : -----------------------------------------
- void fraiseService(void)
- {
- unsigned char c, ischar, isbroadcast;
- if(FrRXout != FrRXin) //FraiseStatus.RX_FULL
- {
- c = FrRXout;
- c += 1;
- c %= sizeof(FrRXbuf);
- FrRXout_len = FrRXbuf[c];
- FrRXout_len &= 31;
- FrRXout_end = FrRXout;
- FrRXout_end += FrRXout_len;
- FrRXout_end += 2;
- FrRXout_end %= sizeof(FrRXbuf);
- isbroadcast = (fraiseGetChar() == 0);
- FrRXout_len = fraiseGetChar();
- ischar = FrRXout_len & 128;
- if(!(FrRXout_len &= 31)){ //packet error
- FrRXout = FrRXin;
- return;
- }
- if(isbroadcast) //Broadcast packet
- {
- if(ischar){
- c = fraiseGetChar();
- FrRXout_len -= 1;
- if (c == 'B') {
- #ifdef UD_RCVCB
- fraiseReceiveCharBroadcast();
- #endif
- }
- else if(c == 'N') Assign(); /* assign to id if name matchs */
- else if(c == 'F') ResetToBld(); /* goto Fraisebootloader if name matchs */
- else if(c == 'I') __asm reset __endasm; //init
- }
- #ifdef UD_RCVB
- else fraiseReceiveBroadcast();
- #endif
- }
- else //Normal device packet
- {
- FrRXout_first = FrRXout;
- if(ischar) {
- #ifdef UD_RCVC
- fraiseReceiveChar();
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef UD_RCV
- else fraiseReceive();
- #endif
- }
- goto discard;
- discard:
- FrRXout = FrRXout_end;
- }
- if((!FrTXempty) && (!FrTXpacket_len)) { // if there is sth to send to master and nothing in TXpacket :
- fraiseDecodeNextTXPacket();
- }
- else if(Serial_Is_Driver() && (!FrTXpacket_len) && TXSTAxbits.TRMT)// security:
- Serial_Init_Receiver();
- return;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // user putchar :
- unsigned char txbuf[35];
- unsigned char txlen = 0;
- #ifndef PUTCHAR
- #define PUTCHAR(c) void putchar(char c) __wparam
- #endif
- //PUTCHAR (c){c;} //dummy putchar
- PUTCHAR (c) {
- txbuf[txlen] = c;
- if(txlen < (sizeof(txbuf) - 1)) txlen++;
- if(c == '\n') {
- fraiseSend(txbuf, txlen);
- txlen = 0;
- }
- }