1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003 |
- Release Notes for PICkit 2 Command Line Interface
- Linux Kernel 2.6 binary
- PK2CMD.EXE v1.20
- Device File v1.55.00 (included)
- PICkit 2 Firmware v2.32.00 (minimum required)
- 8 January, 2009
- Special thanks to the following individuals for their critical contributions
- to the development of this software:
- Jeff Post, Xiaofan Chen, and Alain Gibaud.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Table of Contents
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Tool Definition
- 2. Device Support List
- 3. Operating System Support List
- 4. What's New or Updated
- 5. Known Problems
- 6. Important Notes
- 7. Installation
- 8. Upgrading the PICkit 2 Operating System
- 9. Command Line Options
- 10. Command Line Examples
- 11. Return Codes
- 12. Customer Support
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Tool Definition
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PICkit 2 Command Line Interface (PK2CMD) is a 32-bit command-line interface
- to the PICkit 2 device programmer.
- The PK2CMD executable requires the "PK2DeviceFile.dat" file for execution.
- As root (using 'su' or 'sudo'), copy the file pk2cmd to /usr/local/bin and
- the file PK2DeviceFile.dat to /usr/share/pk2.
- Your user PATH environment variable should include /usr/share/pk2. If using
- bash, edit the file .bashrc to include:
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/pk2
- export PATH
- Other command line interfaces should have a similar mechanism for setting
- your PATH variable.
- Optionally, the path to the device file may be explicitly specified on the
- command line using option -b (-B).
- Please read the file 'usbhotplug.txt' before installing pk2cmd. It explains
- how to set up USB udev or hotplug rules so pk2cmd can be run in user mode.
- You must also have libusb (http://libusb.sourceforge.net) installed on your
- system. (See the Installation section for more information)
- This Readme is targeted to users of the command-line interface. Refer to the
- "PICkit 2 User's Guide" for more information about the PICkit 2 Programmer.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. Device Support List
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Device support is dependent on the device file version installed
- with the PICkit 2 device programmer. For the versions listed above
- device support is listed below.
- When selecting a part using the "P" option (section 9), use the
- full name from the list below.
- + Indicates parts that require 4.75V minimum VDD for programming.
- PICkit 2 may not be able to generate sufficiently high VDD,
- so an external 5.0v power supply may be required.
- # indicates Midrange parts that support low Vdd programming
- Baseline Devices
- ----------------
- PIC10F200 PIC10F202 PIC10F204 PIC10F206
- PIC10F220 PIC10F222
- PIC12F508 PIC12F509 PIC12F510 PIC12F519
- PIC16F505 PIC16F506 PIC16F526
- PIC16F54 PIC16F57 PIC16F59
- Midrange/Standard Devices
- ----------------
- >> All 'LF' versions of devices are supported
- PIC12F609 PIC12HV609
- PIC12F615 PIC12HV615
- PIC12F629 PIC12F635# PIC12F675 PIC12F683#
- PIC16F610 PIC16HV610 PIC16F616 PIC16HV616
- PIC16F627 PIC16F628 PIC16F639
- PIC16F627A PIC16F628A PIC16F648A
- PIC16F630 PIC16F631 PIC16F636# PIC16F676
- PIC16F677 PIC16F684# PIC16F685# PIC16F687#
- PIC16F688# PIC16F689# PIC16F690#
- PIC16F72+
- PIC16F73+ PIC16F74+ PIC16F76+ PIC16F77+
- PIC16F716
- PIC16F737+ PIC16F747+ PIC16F767+ PIC16F777+
- PIC16F785 PIC16HV785
- PIC16F84A PIC16F87# PIC16F88#
- PIC16F818# PIC16F819#
- PIC16F870 PIC16F871 PIC16F872
- PIC16F873 PIC16F874 PIC16F876 PIC16F877
- PIC16F873A PIC16F874A PIC16F876A PIC16F877A
- PIC16F882#
- PIC16F883# PIC16F884# PIC16F886# PIC16F887#
- PIC16F913# PIC16F914# PIC16F916# PIC16F917#
- PIC16F946#
- Midrange/1.8V Min Devices
- ----------------
- PIC16F722 PIC16LF722
- PIC16F723 PIC16LF723 PIC16F724 PIC16LF724
- PIC16F726 PIC16LF726 PIC16F727 PIC16LF727
- PIC16F1933 PIC16F1934 PIC16F1936 PIC16F1937
- PIC16F1938 PIC16F1939
- PIC16LF1933 PIC16LF1934 PIC16LF1936 PIC16LF1937
- PIC16LF1938 PIC16LF1939
- PIC18F Devices
- --------------
- >> All 'LF' versions of devices are supported
- PIC18F242 PIC18F252 PIC18F442 PIC18F452
- PIC18F248 PIC18F258 PIC18F448 PIC18F458
- PIC18F1220 PIC18F1320 PIC18F2220
- PIC18F1230 PIC18F1330 PIC18F1330-ICD
- PIC18F2221 PIC18F2320 PIC18F2321 PIC18F2331
- PIC18F2410 PIC18F2420 PIC18F2423 PIC18F2431
- PIC18F2450 PIC18F2455 PIC18F2458 PIC18F2480
- PIC18F2510 PIC18F2515 PIC18F2520 PIC18F2523
- PIC18F2525 PIC18F2550 PIC18F2553 PIC18F2580
- PIC18F2585
- PIC18F2610 PIC18F2620 PIC18F2680 PIC18F2682
- PIC18F2685
- PIC18F4220 PIC18F4221 PIC18F4320 PIC18F4321
- PIC18F4331 PIC18F4410 PIC18F4420 PIC18F4423
- PIC18F4431 PIC18F4450 PIC18F4455 PIC18F4458
- PIC18F4480
- PIC18F4510 PIC18F4515 PIC18F4520 PIC18F4523
- PIC18F4525 PIC18F4550 PIC18F4553 PIC18F4580
- PIC18F4585
- PIC18F4610 PIC18F4620 PIC18F4680 PIC18F4682
- PIC18F4685 PIC18F6310 PIC18F6390 PIC18F6393
- PIC18F6410 PIC18F6490 PIC18F6493 PIC18F6520
- PIC18F6525 PIC18F6527
- PIC18F6585 PIC18F6620 PIC18F6621 PIC18F6622
- PIC18F6627 PIC18F6628 PIC18F6680 PIC18F6720
- PIC18F6722 PIC18F6723
- PIC18F8310 PIC18F8390 PIC18F8393 PIC18F8410
- PIC18F8490 PIC18F8493
- PIC18F8520 PIC18F8525 PIC18F8527 PIC18F8585
- PIC18F8620 PIC18F8621 PIC18F8622 PIC18F8627
- PIC18F8628
- PIC18F8680 PIC18F8720 PIC18F8722 PIC18F8723
- PIC18F_J_ Devices
- -----------------
- PIC18F24J10 PIC18LF24J10
- PIC18F24J11 PIC18LF24J11 PIC18F24J50 PIC18LF24J50
- PIC18F25J10 PIC18LF25J10
- PIC18F25J11 PIC18LF25J11 PIC18F25J50 PIC18LF25J50
- PIC18F26J11 PIC18LF26J11 PIC18F26J50 PIC18LF26J50
- PIC18F44J10 PIC18LF44J10
- PIC18F44J11 PIC18LF44J11 PIC18F44J50 PIC18LF44J50
- PIC18F45J10 PIC18LF45J10
- PIC18F45J11 PIC18LF45J11 PIC18F45J50 PIC18LF45J50
- PIC18F46J11 PIC18LF46J11 PIC18F46J50 PIC18LF46J50
- PIC18F63J11 PIC18F63J90 PIC18F64J11 PIC18F64J90
- PIC18F65J10 PIC18F65J11 PIC18F65J15 PIC18F65J50
- PIC18F65J90
- PIC18F66J10 PIC18F66J11 PIC18F66J15 PIC18F66J16
- PIC18F66J50 PIC18F66J55 PIC18F66J60 PIC18F66J65
- PIC18F66J90
- PIC18F67J10 PIC18F67J11 PIC18F67J50 PIC18F67J60
- PIC18F67J90
- PIC18F83J11 PIC18F83J90 PIC18F84J11 PIC18F84J90
- PIC18F85J10 PIC18F85J11 PIC18F85J15 PIC18F85J50
- PIC18F85J90
- PIC18F86J10 PIC18F86J11 PIC18F86J15 PIC18F86J16
- PIC18F86J50 PIC18F86J55 PIC18F86J60 PIC18F86J65
- PIC18F86J90
- PIC18F87J10 PIC18F87J11 PIC18F87J50 PIC18F87J60
- PIC18F87J90
- PIC18F96J60 PIC18F96J65 PIC18F97J60
- PIC18F_K_ Devices
- -----------------
- PIC18F13K22 PIC18LF13K22 PIC18F14K22 PIC18LF14K22
- PIC18F13K50 PIC18LF13K50 PIC18F14K50 PIC18LF14K50
- PIC18F14K50-ICD
- PIC18F23K20 PIC18F24K20 PIC18F25K20 PIC18F26K20
- PIC18F43K20 PIC18F44K20 PIC18F45K20 PIC18F46K20
- PIC24 Devices
- -------------
- PIC24FJ16GA002 PIC24FJ16GA004
- PIC24FJ32GA002 PIC24FJ32GA004
- PIC24FJ48GA002 PIC24FJ48GA004
- PIC24FJ64GA002 PIC24FJ64GA004
- PIC24FJ64GA006 PIC24FJ64GA008 PIC24FJ64GA010
- PIC24FJ96GA006 PIC24FJ96GA008 PIC24FJ96GA010
- PIC24FJ128GA006 PIC24FJ128GA008 PIC24FJ128GA010
- PIC24FJ128GA106 PIC24FJ128GA108 PIC24FJ128GA110
- PIC24FJ192GA106 PIC24FJ192GA108 PIC24FJ192GA110
- PIC24FJ256GA106 PIC24FJ256GA108 PIC24FJ256GA110
- PIC24FJ64GB106 PIC24FJ64GB108 PIC24FJ64GB110
- PIC24FJ128GB106 PIC24FJ128GB108 PIC24FJ128GB110
- PIC24FJ192GB106 PIC24FJ192GB108 PIC24FJ192GB110
- PIC24FJ256GB106 PIC24FJ256GB108 PIC24FJ256GB110
- PIC24HJ12GP201 PIC24HJ12GP202
- PIC24HJ16GP304
- PIC24HJ32GP202 PIC24HJ32GP204
- PIC24HJ32GP302 PIC24HJ32GP304
- PIC24HJ64GP202 PIC24HJ64GP204
- PIC24HJ64GP206 PIC24HJ64GP210
- PIC24HJ64GP502
- PIC24HJ64GP504 PIC24HJ64GP506 PIC24HJ64GP510
- PIC24HJ128GP202 PIC24HJ128GP204
- PIC24HJ128GP206 PIC24HJ128GP210
- PIC24HJ128GP306 PIC24HJ128GP310
- PIC24HJ128GP502 PIC24HJ128GP504
- PIC24HJ128GP506 PIC24HJ128GP510
- PIC24HJ256GP206 PIC24HJ256GP210 PIC24HJ256GP610
- dsPIC33 Devices
- ---------------
- dsPIC33FJ06GS101 dsPIC33FJ06GS102 dsPIC33FJ06GS202
- dsPIC33FJ16GS402 dsPIC33FJ16GS404
- dsPIC33FJ16GS502 dsPIC33FJ16GS504
- dsPIC33FJ12GP201 dsPIC33FJ12GP202
- dsPIC33FJ16GP304
- dsPIC33FJ32GP202 dsPIC33FJ32GP204
- dsPIC33FJ32GP302 dsPIC33FJ32GP304
- dsPIC33FJ64GP202 dsPIC33FJ64GP204
- dsPIC33FJ64GP206 dsPIC33FJ64GP306 dsPIC33FJ64GP310
- dsPIC33FJ64GP706 dsPIC33FJ64GP708 dsPIC33FJ64GP710
- dsPIC33FJ64GP802 dsPIC33FJ64GP804
- dsPIC33FJ128GP202 dsPIC33FJ128GP204
- dsPIC33FJ128GP206 dsPIC33FJ128GP306 dsPIC33FJ128GP310
- dsPIC33FJ128GP706 dsPIC33FJ128GP708 dsPIC33FJ128GP710
- dsPIC33FJ256GP506 dsPIC33FJ256GP510 dsPIC33FJ256GP710
- dsPIC33FJ128GP802 dsPIC33FJ128GP804
- dsPIC33FJ12MC201 dsPIC33FJ12MC202
- dsPIC33FJ16MC304
- dsPIC33FJ32MC202 dsPIC33FJ32MC204
- dsPIC33FJ32MC302 dsPIC33FJ32MC304
- dsPIC33FJ64MC202 dsPIC33FJ64MC204
- dsPIC33FJ64MC506 dsPIC33FJ64MC508 dsPIC33FJ64MC510
- dsPIC33FJ64MC706 dsPIC33FJ64MC710
- dsPIC33FJ64MC802 dsPIC33FJ64MC804
- dsPIC33FJ128MC202 dsPIC33FJ128MC204
- dsPIC33FJ128MC506 dsPIC33FJ128MC510 dsPIC33FJ128MC706
- dsPIC33FJ128MC708 dsPIC33FJ128MC710
- dsPIC33FJ256MC510 dsPIC33FJ256MC710
- dsPIC33FJ128MC802 dsPIC33FJ128MC804
- dsPIC30 Devices
- ---------------
- dsPIC30F2010 dsPIC30F2011 dsPIC30F2012
- dsPIC30F3010 dsPIC30F3011 dsPIC30F3012
- dsPIC30F3013 dsPIC30F3014
- dsPIC30F4011 dsPIC30F4012 dsPIC30F4013
- dsPIC30F5011^ dsPIC30F5013^ dsPIC30F5015
- dsPIC30F5016
- dsPIC30F6010A dsPIC30F6011A dsPIC30F6012A
- dsPIC30F6013A dsPIC30F6014A dsPIC30F6015
- ^ These 2 devices are not supported for low VDD programming.
- dsPIC30 SMPS Devices
- --------------------
- dsPIC30F1010
- dsPIC30F2020 dsPIC30F2023
- PIC32 Devices
- --------------------
- PIC32MX320F032H PIC32MX320F064H PIC32MX320F128L
- PIC32MX320F128H
- PIC32MX340F128H PIC32MX340F128L
- PIC32MX340F256H
- PIC32MX360F256L PIC32MX360F512L
- PIC32MX420F032H
- PIC32MX440F128L PIC32MX440F128H
- PIC32MX440F256H PIC32MX440F512H
- PIC32MX460F256L PIC32MX460F512L
- KEELOQ HCS Devices
- ------------------
- HCS200 HCS201 HCS300 HCS301 HCS320
- HCS360 HCS361 HCS362
- HCSxxx File -> Import HEx Notes:
- The first line only may be imported from SQTP
- *.NUM files generated by the KEELOQ tool in
- Connections for HCS devices
- ---------------------------------------
- PICkit 2 Pin HCS Device Pin
- (2) Vdd 8
- (3) GND 5
- (5) PGC /3 HCS20x, 320
- \3 -or- 4 HCS30x, 36x
- (4) PGD 6
- (1) VPP 2 HCS360, 361 only
- MCP250xx CAN Devices
- --------------------
- MCP25020 MCP25025
- MCP25050 MCP25055
- !!IMPORTANT!! - MCP250xx devices are OTP and can only be
- programmed once.
- Connections for MCP250xx devices
- ---------------------------------------
- PICkit 2 Pin MCP Device Pin (DIP)
- (1) Vpp 11 Vpp
- (2) Vdd 14 VDD
- - The MCP device MUST be powered from PICkit 2!
- (3) GND 7 Vss
- (4) PGD 5 DATA
- (5) PGC 6 CLOCK
- Serial EEPROM Devices
- ---------------------
- NOTE: Other supported voltage grades are listed in parentheses
- next to the device. Select the "LC" part number to program
- these other voltage grades.
- 11LC010 (AA)
- 11LC020 (AA)
- 11LC040 (AA)
- 11LC080 (AA)
- 11LC160 (AA)
- 24LC00 (AA)(C) 25LC010A (AA)
- 24LC01B (AA) 25LC020A (AA)
- 24LC02B (AA) 25LC040A (AA)
- 24LC04B (AA) 25LC080A (AA)
- 24LC08B (AA) 25LC080B (AA)
- 24LC16B (AA) 25LC160A (AA)
- 24LC32A (AA) 25LC160B (AA)
- 24LC64 (AA)(FC) 25LC320A (AA)
- 24LC128 (AA)(FC) 25LC640A (AA)
- 24LC256 (AA)(FC) 25LC128 (AA)
- 24LC512 (AA)(FC) 25LC256 (AA)
- 24LC1025 (AA)(FC) 25LC512 (AA)
- 25LC1024 (AA)
- 93LC46A/B/C (AA)(-C)
- 93LC56A/B/C (AA)(-C)
- 93LC66A/B/C (AA)(-C)
- 93LC76A/B/C (AA)(-C)
- 93LC86A/B/C (AA)(-C)
- Connections for 11LC devices
- ---------------------------------------
- PICkit 2 Pin 11LC Device Pin (DIP)
- (2) Vdd ! 8 Vcc
- (3) GND 4 Vss
- (6) AUX 5 SCIO
- ! 11LC devices may not program properly below 3.6V VDD.
- This is a limitation of the PICkit 2 AUX IO pin.
- Connections for 24LC devices
- ---------------------------------------
- PICkit 2 Pin 24LC Device Pin (DIP)
- (2) Vdd ! 8 Vcc
- (3) GND 4 Vss
- (5) PGC 6 SCL (driven as push-pull)
- (6) AUX 5 SDA (requires pullup)
- 7 WP - disabled (GND)
- 1, 2, 3 Ax pins
- Connect to Vdd or GND per
- datasheet and to set address
- ! 24LC devices may not program properly below 3.6V VDD.
- This is a limitation of the PICkit 2 AUX IO pin.
- Connections for 25LC devices
- ---------------------------------------
- PICkit 2 Pin 25LC Device Pin (DIP)
- (1) VPP 1 nCS
- (2) Vdd 8 Vcc
- (3) GND 4 Vss
- (4) PGD 2 SO
- (5) PGC 6 SCK
- (6) AUX 5 SI
- 7 nHOLD - disabled (Vdd)
- 3 nWP - disabled (Vdd)
- Connections for 93LC devices
- ---------------------------------------
- PICkit 2 Pin 93LC Device Pin (DIP)
- (1) VPP 1 CS
- (2) Vdd 8 Vcc
- (3) GND 5 Vss
- (4) PGD 4 DO
- (5) PGC 2 CLK
- (6) AUX 3 DI
- 7 PE - enabled (Vdd)
- 6 'C' Device ORG
- Set to select word size
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. Operating System Support List (Tested)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The pk2cmd binary for kernel 2.6 was built on CentOS 4.7 (RHEL 4.7). It has
- been tested on the following systems:
- CentOS 4.7
- CentOS 5.1
- Ubuntu 6.06
- Ubuntu 7.10
- Ubuntu 8.04
- Ubuntu 8.10
- Fedora Core 6
- Fedora 9.
- It is recommended that you build a binary from the source code. The source
- code is downloadable from the Microchip PICkit 2 webpage, and includes build
- and installation instructions:
- www.microchip.com/pickit2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. What's New or Updated
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- >>> Version 1.20 <<<
- - Faster PIC24, dsPIC33 programming
- PIC24 and dsPIC33 devices now use a Programming Executive (aka Enhanced
- ICSP) for faster programming. The -Q option may be used to disable use
- of the PE, and revert programming to basic ICSP. The PIC24H/dsPIC33
- Device ID corruption workaround is implemeted when using the PE.
- ** NOTE: Using the PE may fail on certain programming ports of 44-pin
- devices, especially PGC3/PGD3. If an error is frequently
- encountered, try another port or use -Q to disable the PE.
- -?P New Help Command
- The help command -?P will list all supported devices in the current
- device file, along with the device's family. Optionally, a string
- may be specified to search for devices beginning with the string.
- For example, -?PPIC16 will list all devices supported by the current
- device file beginning with "PIC16".
- -P Command with Auto-Detect
- The -P command can now be used for auto detection of most microcontroller
- devices. Note that not all supported parts can be auto detected.
- See the online command help (-p?) for more information. A new return
- code AUTODETECT_FAILED may be returned when using auto detection.
- (See section 11.)
- ** NOTE: For integration with GUIs or other software, to avoid damage
- to parts by VPP voltage levels above that rated for the part
- the recommended method for auto detection is:
- A) Get and cache a list of supported devices and families with
- -?P
- B) Get and cache a list of auto detectable families and IDs
- with -PF
- c) Use A and B to determine the family ID for a given part.
- Auto detect this part using -PFn where n is the family ID.
- -J New Command
- The new -J option will display the percentage operation complete instead
- of a rotating slash for Write, Verify, Read, and Blank Check operations.
- -L New Command
- The -L option allows the ICSP programming clock rate to be changed
- (slowed). This can increase programming times but allow programming to
- work on heavily loaded ICSP signals or with longer cables that are
- otherwise intermittent or fail. Using -L is similar to disabling the
- "Fast Programming" option in the PICkit 2 Programmer GUI software.
- -B New Command
- The -B command allows the path to the device file PK2DeviceFile.dat
- to be specified on the command line. See -B? for more information.
- -I shows device name
- The -I command now displays the device name associated with the read
- Device ID, and warns if it is different from the selected device.
- - Binary file import / export
- For serial EEPROM devices only, binary format files may be loaded with
- -F for programming or read to with -GF. See the online help for these
- commands, -F? and -G?.
- - Faster Writes of PIC18F6xJxx and PIC18F8xJxx devices.
- - Fixed an issue that could cause verify or read lockups with certain USB
- chipsets, that often affected Apple MacOS machines.
- - PIC32 PE (Programming Executive) updated to fix programming problems with
- some devices.
- - A bug in previous versions caused serial EEPROM devices to not be verified
- during programming with -M. Serial EEPROMs are now properly verified
- on a -M command.
- - When no -T command is specified, PK2CMD will always exit with VDD off if
- a -P command is present.
- - When no -R command is specified, PK2CMD will always exit with MCLR on if
- a -P command is present.
- - An issue with displaying 14 character or longer Unit IDs was corrected.
- Unit ID length is now limited to 14 characters with -N.
- - Baseline device checksums are now computed correctly (matching MPLAB) when
- Code Protect is enabled.
- - PK2CMD now supports Device Files with more than 500 parts properly.
- - Fixed an issue with -GF file names being created with an extraneous space
- at the end in some cases.
- >>> Version 1.12 <<<<
- Bug fix for "-s" option allows simultaneous operation of multiple instances
- of PK2CMD and multiple PICkit 2 units.
- Changes to "-s" option:
- See online help "pk2cmd -s?"
- Bug fix for PIC32 programming with blank boot flash.
- Requires OS firmware v2.32.00 or later
- >>> Version 1.10 <<<<
- -N option for assigning a Unit ID string to a PICkit 2 unit.
- Support for multiple PICkit 2 units with 1 PC:
- -S option to list all connected PICkit 2 units, or to select a particular
- unit for use by the Unit ID.
- -M or -MP commands will only verify the programmed portions of Program
- Memory to reduce total programming time. (This does not apply to
- verification with -Y or -YP)
- PIC18 J-Series and PIC24FJ devices have updated handling of Configuration
- words to match MPLAB IDE and PICkit 2 Programmer v2.5x
- New support for PIC32, 11LCxxx, and MCP250xx devices.
- Now allows spacing between command options and parameters.
- Ex: -pPIC16F887 and -p PIC16F887 are both valid.
- For -GP and -GE option types, spaces are not allowed in the address ranges.
- EX:
- Supported: -G P 0-F, -GP0-F, -G P0-F, -GP 0-F
- Not Supported: -G P 0 - F, -GP0 -F, -GP0- F, or other combinations with
- spaces in the range
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Known Problems
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- When using option "-s" to list PICkit 2 units, it will display units
- with firmware older than v2.30.00 as being in the bootloader with
- a Unit ID of <bootloader>.
- Use "-s#" to accurately list units with older firmware distinctly from
- units in the bootloader.
- The Programming Executive (PE) support for PIC24 and dsPIC33 devices may not
- work with some programming ports (PGx3 usually) on some 44-Pin devices. If
- errors are frequently encountered, try using a different programming port or
- using -Q to disable the PE. Parts that may have this issue include but are
- not limited to:
- PIC24HJ16GP304, PIC24HJ32GP204
- dsPIC33FJ16GP304, dsPIC33FJ32GP204, dsPIC33FJ16MC304, dsPIC33FJ32MC204
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Important Notes
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------
- Note on -R and -T options
- -------------------------
- Four different cases requiring different uses of -R and -T to run after
- programming:
- 1) MCU is externally powered, and MCLR pin is configured as IO.
- Switches needed to run after programming: NONE
- 2) MCU is externally powered, and MCLR pin is configured as MCLR
- Switches needed to run after programming: -R
- 3) MCU needs to be powered from PICkit 2, MCLR configured as IO.
- Switches needed to run after programming : -T
- 4) MCU needs to be powered from PICkit 2, MCLR configured as MCLR.
- Switches needed to run after programming: -R -T
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7. Installation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- It is recommended that you build a binary from the source code. The source
- code is downloadable from the Microchip PICkit 2 webpage, and includes build
- and installation instructions:
- www.microchip.com/pickit2
- After building run "make install" as root (using 'su' or 'sudo'). See below
- for manual installation.
- The method to run pk2cmd as a normal user (not root) depends on your
- particular Linux distribution. Please consult your Linux distribution
- documentation or use the support option as detailed in Section 12 of this
- documentation if you can not get it to work.
- Please read the file 'usbhotplug.txt' before installing pk2cmd. It explains
- how to set up USB udev or hotplug rules so pk2cmd can be run in user mode.
- You will need libusb runtime to run pk2cmd. Typical linux distros will have
- libusb-0.1 package installed already, so no additonal installation is
- needed. If not, use your linux distro's package management software to
- install it (typically named libusb).
- If you are running a very old Linux version which only includes an older
- version of libusb (older than 0.1.10), then it is better you install
- libusb-0.1 from the website below. In this case, you will have both the
- runtime library and the development package installed in the same time.
- You can download libusb-0.1 from http://libusb.sourceforge.net. See the
- README and INSTALL files for instructions on how to install libusb on your
- system.
- The following describes manual installation, including for using a pre-built
- binary:
- As root (using 'su' or 'sudo'), copy the file pk2cmd to /usr/local/bin and
- the file PK2DeviceFile.dat to /usr/share/pk2.
- Your user PATH environment variable should include /usr/share/pk2. If using
- bash, edit the file .bashrc to include:
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/pk2
- export PATH
- Other command line interfaces should have a similar mechanism for setting
- your PATH variable.
- If you continue to have problems with pk2cmd not finding PK2DeviceFile.dat,
- try copying the dat file to /usr/local/bin manually as a last resort.
- Optionally, the path to the device file may be explicitly specified on the
- command line using option -b (-B).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8. Upgrading the PICkit 2 Operating System
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If the executable detects an incompatible OS, an updated operating system
- may be downloaded using the -D command line option. The latest OS firmware
- can be downloaded from the PICkit 2 webpage at www.microchip.com/pickit2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9. Command Line Options
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following commands are available in the command line interface.
- Options Description Default
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A<value> Set Vdd voltage Device Specific
- B<path> Specify the path to PK2DeviceFile.dat Searches PATH
- and calling dir
- C Blank Check Device No Blank Check
- D<file> OS Download None
- E Erase Flash Device Do Not Erase
- F<file> Hex File Selection None
- G<Type><range/path> Read functions None
- Type F: = read into hex file,
- path = full file path,
- range is not used
- Types P,E,I,C: = ouput read of Program,
- EEPROM, ID and/or Configuration
- Memory to the screen. P and E
- must be followed by an address
- range in the form of x-y where
- x is the start address and y is
- the end address both in hex,
- path is not used
- (Serial EEPROM memory is 'P')
- H<value> Delay before Exit Exit immediately
- K = Wait on keypress before exit
- 1 to 9 = Wait <value> seconds
- before exit
- I Display Device ID & silicon revision Do Not Display
- J<newlines> Display operation percent complete Rotating slash
- N = Each update on newline
- K Display Hex File Checksum Do Not Display
- L<rate> Set programming speed Fastest
- <rate> is a value of 1-16, with 1 being
- the fastest.
- M<memory region> Program Device Do Not Program
- memory regions:
- P = Program memory
- I = ID memory
- C = Configuration memory
- If no region is entered, the entire
- device will be erased & programmed.
- If a region is entered, no erase
- is performed and only the given
- region is programmed.
- All programmed regions are verified.
- (serial EEPROM memory is 'P')
- N<string> Assign Unit ID string to first found None
- PICkit 2 unit. String is limited to 14
- characters maximum. May not be used
- with other options.
- Example: -NLab1B
- P<part> Part Selection. Example: -PPIC16f887 (Required)
- P Auto-Detect in all detectable families
- PF List auto-detectable part families
- PF<id> Auto-Detect only within the given part
- family, using the ID listed with -PF
- Example: -PF2
- Q Disable PE for PIC24/dsPIC33 devices Use PE
- R Release /MCLR after operations Assert /MCLR
- S<string/#> Use the PICkit 2 with the given Unit ID First found unit
- string. Useful when multiple PICkit 2
- units are connected.
- Example: -SLab1B
- If no <string> is entered, then the
- Unit IDs of all connected units will be
- displayed. In this case, all other
- options are ignored. -S# will list units
- with their firmware versions.
- See help -s? for more info.
- T Power Target after operations Vdd off
- U<value> Program OSCCAL memory, where: Do Not Program
- <value> is a hexidecimal number
- representing the OSCCAL value to be
- programmed. This may only be used in
- conjunction with a programming
- operation.
- V<value> Vpp override Device Specific
- W Externally power target Power from Pk2
- X Use VPP first Program Entry Method VDD first
- Y<memory region> Verify Device Do Not Verify
- P = Program memory
- I = ID memory
- C = Configuration memory
- If no region is entered, the entire
- device will be verified.
- (Serial EEPROM memory is 'P')
- Z Preserve EEData on Program Do Not Preserve
- ? Help Screen Not Shown
- Each option must be immediately preceeded by a switch, Which can
- be either a dash <-> or a slash </> and options must be separated
- by a single space.
- Example: PK2CMD /PPIC16F887 /Fc:\mycode /M
- or
- PK2CMD -PPIC16F887 -Fc:\mycode -M
- Any option immediately followed by a question mark will invoke
- a more detailed description of how to use that option.
- Commands and their parameters are not case sensitive. Commands will
- be processed according to command order of precedence, not the order
- in which they appear on the command line.
- Precedence:
- -? (first)
- -B
- -S
- -D
- -N
- -P
- -A -F -J -L -Q -V -W -X -Z
- -C
- -U
- -E
- -M
- -Y
- -G
- -I -K
- -R -T
- -H (last)
- The program will return an exit code upon completion which will
- indicate either successful completion, or describe the reason for
- failure. To view the list of exit codes and their descriptions,
- type -?E on the command line.
- type -?V on the command line for version information.
- type -?L on the command line for license information.
- type -?P on the command line for a listing of supported devices.
- type -?P<string> to search for and display a list of supported devices
- beginning with <string>.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 10. Command Line Examples
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PK2CMD /?
- Help screen displayed.
- PK2CMD /?E
- All eXit (error) codes displayed.
- PK2CMD /?V
- Display version information for the PK2CMD executable, PK2DeviceFile.dat,
- and the OS firmware of the connected PICkit 2 programmer.
- PK2CMD /M?
- Help for the /M option displayed.
- PK2CMD /DPK2V022000.hex
- Firmware file PK2V022000.hex downloaded to PICkit 2
- PICkit 2 set to a PIC16F887. Vdd and Vpp set to the device's
- default value. File PROGRAM.HEX is loaded. The device's
- program memory is programmed, with blank values
- in the locations not specified by PROGRAM.HEX. NOTE that
- the program memory is NOT erased first.
- PICkit 2 set to a PIC16F887. Vdd is set to 3.3 Volts and
- Vpp set to the device's default value. File PROGRAM.HEX
- is loaded. The entire device is programmed, with blank values
- in the locations not specified by PROGRAM.HEX. NOTE that
- the entire device is erased before programming.
- PICkit 2 set to a dsPIC30F6014A. Voltages are set
- to the device's default values. The device is verified
- against the contents of HEXCODE.HEX.
- NOTE that any programming operation -M<> verifies the
- data programmed automatically.
- PICkit 2 set to a dsPIC30F6014A. The file HEXCODE.HEX
- is loaded. Voltages are set to the device's default
- values and the device is programmed.
- After programming, the device is verified against the
- contents of HEXCODE.HEX.
- Note: The Program (/M) operation implicitly performs a
- Verify when it completes the programming portion of the
- operation. Specifying a Verify (/Y) in the above manner
- effectively causes two Verify operations to be performed.
- PICkit 2 is set to a P18F4220. The file APPCODE.HEX is
- loaded. Voltages are set to the device's default values.
- All of the device's memory is programmed, with blank values
- in the locations not specified by APPCODE.HEX.
- The /z switch specifies PICkit 2 to preserve EEData.
- PICkit 2 is set to a P18F4220. The file APPCODE.HEX is
- loaded. Voltages are set to the device's default values.
- All of the device's memory is erased before the device's
- Program Memory is programmed, with blank values in the
- locations not specified by APPCODE.HEX.
- PK2CMD /P24LC128 /GP0-FF
- PICkit 2 is set to a 24LC128 serial EEPROM. Voltages are
- set to the device's default values. Device memory from
- location 0x00 to 0xFF is displayed.
- PICkit 2 is set to a 24LC128 serial EEPROM. Voltages are
- set to the device's default values. The entire Device
- memory is read and saved in the hex file EEVALUES.HEX
- at the given path.
- PK2CMD /SLab1A /P24LC128 /GP0-FF
- The PICkit 2 with Unit ID "Lab1A" is set to a 24LC128
- serial EEPROM. Voltages are set to the device's default
- values. Device memory from location 0x00 to 0xFF is
- displayed from the serial EEPROM connected to this
- particular PICkit 2 unit.
- Notes
- -----
- If downloading firmware, all other commands are ignored.
- Firmware cannot be downloaded if more than 1 PICkit 2 unit
- is connected to the PC.
- If assigning a Unit ID using -N, all other commands are
- ignored.
- If displaying all available PICkit 2 units (-S), all other
- commands are ignored.
- Use -S with a string parameter, to execute the operations
- on one of several PICkit 2 units with the Unit ID matching
- the string paramter.
- A device (-P) must be specified for any PICkit 2 operation,
- unless an auto detect method is used.
- It is necessary to load a hex file every time a device
- is programmed.
- All values not specified in the hex file are set to blank
- (erased) values.
- Some Midrange, PIC18F, and dsPIC30F parts require a row-erase
- procedure to erase the chip at Vdd < 4.5 Volts. This will be
- done automatically if the selected device supports this function
- and the Vdd setpoint or detected target Vdd is below 4.5V.
- A warning will be issued for devices that only support bulk erases
- at Vdd >= 4.5 Volts if an erase is attempted at a lower voltage.
- The PICkit 2 VDD and VPP voltages can be calibrated using the
- PICkit 2 Programmer GUI application. The calibration will
- remain valid when used with PK2CMD on the same USB port.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 11. Return Codes
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Value Code Notes
- ----- ---- -----
- 0 OPSUCCESS Returned if all selected operations complete
- successfully.
- 5 VOLTAGE_ERROR A Vdd and/or Vpp voltage error was detected.
- This could be due to PICkit 2 being
- improperly connected to a part, incorrect
- part selection, or interference from other
- circuitry on the target board.
- 7 OPFAILURE Returned if an operation fails and a more
- specific error does not exist.
- 10 NO_PROGRAMMER The PK2CMD executable is unable to find a
- connected PICkit 2 programmer.
- 11 WRONG_OS Returned if the OS firmware must be updated
- before being used with this version of
- 15 FILE_OPEN_ERROR Returned if a file specified for reading to
- (-gf...) cannot be opened for writing.
- 24 DEVICEFILE_ERROR The PK2CMD executable cannot find the device
- file PK2DeviceFile.dat or the device file
- may be corrupted.
- 28 UPDGRADE_ERROR Returned when an OS firmware upgade (-d...)
- fails.
- 34 PGMVFY_ERROR Returned if a program or verify operation
- fails.
- 36 INVALID_CMDLINE_ARG A syntax error in a command line argument
- was detected, an invalid combination of
- operations was entered, an invalid value was
- entered, or a memory region was selected
- that is not supported by the current device.
- 37 INVALID_HEXFILE Error opening or loading a specified hex
- file (-f...).
- 39 AUTODETECT_FAILED A part autodetect operation failed to find
- a known part.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 12. Customer Support
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This unsupported software is provided for the convenience of Microchip
- customers and solely for use with Microchip products. This software and all
- accompanying documentation is provided "as is" and may be downloaded and
- used at your own risk.
- Microchip does not offer any support related to the use of this software or
- information.
- You may be able to obtain assistance from other users of the software on the
- Microchip web forums at:
- http://forum.microchip.com
- Suggested forums for posting about this software are the following:
- [Development Tools] "Linux, Open Source Projects and Other Topics"
- http://forum.microchip.com/tt.aspx?forumid=182
- [Development Tools] "Programmers (MPLAB PM3, PICSTART Plus, PICkit 2)"
- http://forum.microchip.com/tt.aspx?forumid=15
- Additional help may be obtained from the Pickit Developers mailing list:
- pickit-devel@googlegroups.com