#N canvas 240 176 899 717 10; #X declare -path . -path .. -path data -path ../data -path ev-in -path ../ev-in -path ev-main -path ../ev-main -path ev-pano -path ../ev-pano -path ev-pro -path ../ev-pro -path libs/gil -path ../libs/gil -path libs/kollabs -path ../libs/kollabs -path media -path ../media -path ev-glsl -path ../ev-glsl; #X obj 8 205 cnv 15 370 230 empty empty description 5 8 0 12 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 8 444 cnv 15 370 40 empty empty PARAMETER_LIST_for_ev_texhelper 20 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 15 465 /ev/texhelper//state --- show/hide texhelper; #X obj 8 -32 cnv 15 370 120 empty empty gui_controls 5 8 0 12 -204800 -66577 0; #X text 11 1 settings: opens settings window; #X text 11 27 settings window; #X text 11 30 _______________; #X text 12 53 texture position parameters: control the x/y position of the; #X obj 8 98 cnv 15 370 30 empty empty creation_arguments 5 8 0 12 -128992 -1 0; #X obj 8 134 cnv 15 370 60 empty empty inlets/outlets 5 8 0 12 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 11 -11 on/off: toggles rendering of the texture helper.; #X text 11 112 1st: ID of corresponding projection module; #X text 186 65 texture corners; #X obj 8 -78 cnv 15 880 16 empty empty EXTENDED_VIEW_TEXTURE_HELPER_MODULE 20 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 8 -58 cnv 15 880 16 empty empty empty 20 8 0 14 -262130 -66577 0; #X text 10 -59 Gui tool to select texture positions of projection modules ; #X text 365 -59 graphically and intuitive.; #X text 13 224 [ev_texhelper] is an intuitive tool to set texture borders graphically by drag&drop. It is especially handy for complex mappings \, like panoramic video \, when one texture needs to be split to many projection modules.; #X text 11 394 No parameters of this module are registered for state saving.; #X text 13 323 Multiple modules can be used simultaneously.; #X text 13 354 Can not be controlled via OSC \, as it should be used itself for remote purposes.; #X text 12 154 Inlet 1: GEMlist; #X text 12 169 Outlet 1: GEMlist; #X text 444 -78 (c)2011 Marian Weger /part of EXTENDED VIEW toolkit/ gpl v3; #X obj 383 -32 cnv 15 505 650 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577 0; #N canvas 280 55 438 723 init 0; #X obj 65 135 loadbang; #X obj 65 179 f \$0; #X obj 39 35 inlet; #X obj 122 67 ../ev-main/ev_declare; #X msg 65 200 \; /ev/pro/id0/texture/top/left/x 0 \; /ev/pro/id0/texture/top/left/y 480 \; /ev/pro/id0/texture/top/right/x 330 \; /ev/pro/id0/texture/top/right/y 480 \; /ev/pro/id0/texture/bottom/left/x 0 \; /ev/pro/id0/texture/bottom/left/y 0 \; /ev/pro/id0/texture/bottom/right/x 330 \; /ev/pro/id0/texture/bottom/right/y 0 \; /ev/pro/id1/texture/top/left/x 310 \; /ev/pro/id1/texture/top/left/y 480 \; /ev/pro/id1/texture/top/right/x 640 \; /ev/pro/id1/texture/top/right/y 480 \; /ev/pro/id1/texture/bottom/left/x 310 \; /ev/pro/id1/texture/bottom/left/y 0 \; /ev/pro/id1/texture/bottom/right/x 640 \; /ev/pro/id1/texture/bottom/right/y 0 \; /ev/pro/id0/vertex/top/left/x -4 \; /ev/pro/id0/vertex/top/left/y 3 \; /ev/pro/id0/vertex/top/right/x 0.125 \; /ev/pro/id0/vertex/top/right/y 3 \; /ev/pro/id0/vertex/bottom/left/x -4 \; /ev/pro/id0/vertex/bottom/left/y -3 \; /ev/pro/id0/vertex/bottom/right/x 0.125 \; /ev/pro/id0/vertex/bottom/right/y -3 \; /ev/pro/id1/vertex/top/left/x -0.125 \; /ev/pro/id1/vertex/top/left/y 3 \; /ev/pro/id1/vertex/top/right/x 4 \; /ev/pro/id1/vertex/top/right/y 3 \; /ev/pro/id1/vertex/bottom/left/x -0.125 \; /ev/pro/id1/vertex/bottom/left/y -3 \; /ev/pro/id1/vertex/bottom/right/x 4 \; /ev/pro/id1/vertex/bottom/right/y -3 \; /ev/pro/id0/shade/right 0.03 \; /ev/pro/id1/shade/left 0.03 \; /ev/texhelper/state 0 \;; #X obj 65 157 del 3000; #X connect 0 0 5 0; #X connect 1 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 1 0; #X restore 763 41 pd init; #X obj 763 8 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty reset 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 388 -2 ev_gemwin; #X text 606 -24 click "create" to start; #X obj 668 102 cnv 15 200 240 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261234 -66577 0; #X obj 675 130 tgl 15 0 empty /ev/texhelper/state empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1 1; #X text 676 106 toggle global texhelper state; #X text 696 132 Then set texture borders by; #X text 696 146 drag&drop inside the gemwin.; #X obj 650 415 t a a a; #X obj 687 188 == 0; #X text 726 198 projection modules.; #X text 726 185 also toggle; #X text 695 434 render texture behind.; #X obj 400 144 gemhead; #X obj 400 358 t a a; #X obj 400 562 ev_pro_22 id0; #X obj 427 504 ev_pro_22 id1; #X obj 487 144 gemhead; #X obj 487 236 pix_image; #X obj 487 348 pix_texture; #X obj 504 174 loadbang; #X msg 504 204 open ../media/cam2.jpg; #X obj 487 273 pix_flip; #X msg 449 236 none; #X msg 497 323 rectangle 1; #X obj 497 301 loadbang; #X msg 687 217 \; /ev/pro/id0/state \$1 \; /ev/pro/id1/state \$1; #X msg 675 270 \; /ev/texhelper/id0/state \$1 \; /ev/texhelper/id1/state \$1 \; /ev/rect/background/state \$1; #X obj 650 364 gemhead 60; #X obj 689 453 ev_rectangle background; #X obj 650 562 ev_texhelper id0; #X obj 669 504 ev_texhelper id1; #X connect 26 0 25 0; #X connect 30 0 35 0; #X connect 30 0 53 0; #X connect 34 0 56 0; #X connect 34 1 57 0; #X connect 34 2 55 0; #X connect 35 0 52 0; #X connect 39 0 40 0; #X connect 40 0 41 0; #X connect 40 1 42 0; #X connect 43 0 44 0; #X connect 44 0 48 0; #X connect 45 1 42 1; #X connect 45 1 41 1; #X connect 45 1 55 1; #X connect 46 0 47 0; #X connect 46 0 49 0; #X connect 47 0 44 0; #X connect 48 0 45 0; #X connect 49 0 48 0; #X connect 50 0 45 0; #X connect 51 0 50 0; #X connect 54 0 34 0; #X coords 0 717 1 716 85 60 0;