#N canvas 219 141 828 810 10; #X declare -path . -path .. -path data -path ../data -path ev-in -path ../ev-in -path ev-main -path ../ev-main -path ev-pano -path ../ev-pano -path ev-pro -path ../ev-pro -path libs/gil -path ../libs/gil -path libs/kollabs -path ../libs/kollabs -path media -path ../media -path ev-glsl -path ../ev-glsl; #X obj -156 1 cnv 15 785 32 empty empty EXTENDED_VIEW_3x3_easy_projection_module 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 249 38 cnv 15 380 400 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -204786 -66577 0; #X obj 391 50 gemhead; #X obj 391 102 pix_image; #X obj 391 124 pix_texture; #X obj 447 50 loadbang; #X obj 261 50 gemhead; #X obj -156 445 cnv 15 400 220 empty empty description 5 8 0 12 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 261 319 ev_gemwin \$0; #X msg 447 72 open ../media/cam2.jpg; #X obj 261 154 ev_pro_33easy \$0; #X obj 249 513 cnv 15 380 60 empty empty inlets/outlets 5 8 0 12 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 253 549 Inlet 2: texture ID; #X text 253 533 Inlet 1: gemlist; #X obj 249 445 cnv 15 380 60 empty empty creation_arguments: 3 8 0 12 -191407 -1 0; #X text 254 464 1st: module ID \, needs to be unique \; 2nd: storage domain \, see [ev_storage-help] for details; #X text 423 533 Outlet 1: gemlist; #X text 258 296 [ev_gemwin] is needed for mouse interaction support. ; #X text 262 234 [ev_declare] is needed to load all the pathes.; #X obj 249 583 cnv 15 380 60 empty empty parameter_list 5 8 0 12 -233017 -66577 0; #N canvas 1 55 374 532 parameter-list 0; #X obj -164 2 cnv 15 360 510 empty empty PARAMETER_LIST 20 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X text -157 29 /ev/pro//vertex/top/left/x ---- top left x \; /ev/pro//vertex/top/left/y --- top left y \; /ev/pro//vertex/top/right/x --- top right x \; /ev/pro//vertex/top/right/y --- top right y \; /ev/pro//vertex/bottom/left/x --- bottom left x \; /ev/pro//vertex/bottom/left/y --- bottom left y \; /ev/pro//vertex/bottom/right/x --- bottom right x \; /ev/pro//vertex/bottom/right/y --- bottom right y \; /ev/pro//texture/top/left/x --- top left x \; /ev/pro//texture/top/left/y --- top left y \; /ev/pro//texture/top/right/x --- top right x \; /ev/pro//texture/top/right/y --- top right y \; /ev/pro//texture/bottom/left/x --- bottom left x \; /ev/pro//texture/bottom/left/y --- bottom left y \; /ev/pro//texture/bottom/right/x --- bottom right x \; /ev/pro//texture/bottom/right/y --- bottom right y \; /ev/pro//state --- turn module on (1) / off (0) \; /ev/pro//res --- change between curved or non-curved \; /ev/pro//texture/weight/x --- distance weight x \; /ev/pro//texture/weight/y --- distance weight y \; /ev/pro//set_alpha --- set alpha to value "1" \; /ev/pro//grid/state --- turn on(1)/off(0) grid \; /ev/pro//grid/res/x --- grid horizontal resolution \; /ev/pro//grid/res/y --- vertical grid resolution \; /ev/pro//grid/width --- grid line width \; /ev/pro//grid/color/h --- grid color hue \; /ev/pro//grid/color/s --- grid color saturation \; /ev/pro//grid/color/v --- grid color value \; /ev/pro//grid/color/a --- grid color alpha (opacity) \; /ev/pro//grid/tex/state --- grid texture state \; /ev/pro//grid/tex/open --- grid texture open dialog \; /ev/pro//grid/tex/load --- reload grid texture \; /ev/pro//grid/tex/flip/horizontal --- flip grid tex \; /ev/pro//grid/tex/flip/vertical --- flip grid tex \; /ev/pro//cursor/mode --- mouse interaction mode \; \;; #X restore 346 612 pd parameter-list; #X text 436 414 click "create" to start; #X obj 261 257 ../ev-main/ev_declare; #X text -152 462 This abstraction is an alternative to the [ev_pro_33] abstraction \, especially for use on older graphic chips. It has the same functionality to distort a vertex in 9 cornerpins. Input is textured on a [curve3d] object \, where all 9 cornerpins can be translated independently. It also makes use of the [curve3d] functionality to change the resolution of the objects grid in order to allow for curved or non-curved edges \; IMPORTANT: the vertex parameters have the same \, ID-related \, send&receive-parameters. In the case you mix easymap and pro_22 or pro_33 abstraction in one patch \, make sure they all have different IDs. \; This is useful \, if you realize problems with the shaders \, so that you can quickly replace the projection modules with the easymap-modules and can still load the same presets.; #X obj 249 651 cnv 15 380 140 empty empty additional_information 5 8 0 12 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 263 669 Can be controlled via OSC \, which uses the same syntax as the EV internal send/recieve message system see paramter-list below for additional information about the specific parameter-names.; #X text 261 734 This Object is connected to the Data Storage System. All the vertex and texture coordinates and the softedge settings can be morphed between scenes individually.; #X obj -156 38 cnv 15 400 400 empty empty gui_controls 5 8 0 12 -204800 -66577 0; #X text -153 58 on/off: toggles projection plane state; #X text -153 70 settings: opens settings window; #X text -152 120 vertex position parameters: control the x/y position of the; #X text -153 156 grid_texture:; #X text -153 159 _____________; #X text -153 176 state: turn on grid to replace the texture \; open_new_file: load your own grid image \; reload: reload the given image file \; flip: flip grid horizontal(<->) or vertical(^v).; #X text -153 236 cursor_interaction:; #X text -154 239 ___________________; #X text -153 257 cursor_mode:; #X text -122 274 vertex_mouseover: show vertex control points if hovered \; vertex_permanent: show vertex control points permanently \; texture_mouseover: show texture control points if hovered \; texture_permanent: show texture control points permanently \;; #X text -153 336 rendered_grid:; #X text -154 339 ______________; #X text -153 357 state: turn grid on/off; #X text -153 370 Resolution:; #X text -80 370 set vertical (y) and horizontal (x) grid resolution. ; #X text -153 384 line_width: set thickness of the grid lines; #X text -153 397 COLOR: set the color of the grid; #X text -111 410 (H = hue \, S = saturation \, V = Value \, A = alpha) ; #X text -153 96 settings window; #X text -154 105 ===============; #X text 387 0 (c)2011 Peter Venus & Marian Weger \; /part of EXTENDED VIEW toolkit/ gpl v3; #X text 16 131 projection primitives 3x3=9 vertex; #X text 16 143 points; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 1 10 1; #X connect 5 0 9 0; #X connect 6 0 10 0; #X connect 9 0 3 0;