#N canvas 362 22 727 714 10; #X declare -path . -path .. -path data -path ../data -path ev-in -path ../ev-in -path ev-main -path ../ev-main -path ev-pano -path ../ev-pano -path ev-pro -path ../ev-pro -path libs/gil -path ../libs/gil -path libs/kollabs -path ../libs/kollabs -path media -path ../media -path ev-glsl -path ../ev-glsl; #X obj 45 -14 cnv 15 600 16 empty empty EXTENDED_VIEW_GRID_MODULE 20 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 47 16 cnv 15 164 80 empty empty gui_controls 5 8 0 12 -204800 -66577 0; #X text 50 31 grid: toggles grid on/off; #X text 50 43 labeling: toggles colored; #X text 98 55 orientation lines; #X text 51 67 segments x/y: determines; #X text 63 77 the number of segments; #X obj 47 104 cnv 15 200 200 empty empty description 5 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 50 118 the grid module is supposed to; #X text 50 130 help adjusting projections by; #X text 50 141 providing a rectangled grid with; #X text 50 152 variable amount of segments.; #X text 50 162 It also features a labeling tool \,; #X text 51 172 that draws vertical lines in; #X text 51 183 45degree Intervals \, assuming; #X text 51 194 the grid covers a 360 degrees.; #X text 52 211 Can be controlled via OSC \, which; #X text 52 222 uses the same syntax as the /ev; #X text 51 234 internal send/recieve message; #X obj 47 311 cnv 15 200 60 empty empty creation_arguments 5 8 0 14 -162280 -66577 0; #X text 51 328 1st: module ID; #X obj 47 388 cnv 15 200 60 empty empty inlets/outlets 5 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 51 403 Inlet: GEMlist; #X obj 45 515 cnv 15 360 170 empty empty PARAMETER_LIST_for_ev_grid 20 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 52 246 system see parameter list below; #X text 52 258 for additional information about; #X text 52 268 the specific parameter-names.; #X obj 45 457 cnv 15 360 50 empty empty empty 20 8 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 52 464 Contains specific storage_&_osc-subpatch which houses abstractions to register parameters for storage and osc communication ; #X text 48 535 /ev/grid//size --- scaling factor \; /ev/grid//state --- turn module on (1) and off (0) \; /ev/grid//res/x --- number of segments in x-direction \; /ev/grid//res/y --- number of segments in y-direction \; /ev/grid//labeling/state --- labeling on (1) / off (0) \; /ev/grid//labeling/zero/color --- color of zero line \; /ev/grid//labeling/border/color --- color of border \; /ev/grid//labeling/mark/color --- color of 45deg marks \; /ev/grid//labeling/size -- thickness of labeling lines \; \; colors format: (r g b); #X obj 291 183 gemhead; #X obj 319 98 gemwin 20; #X msg 331 60 0 \, destroy; #X text 242 37 CLICK HERE:; #X text 269 405 (c)2011 Peter Venus & Marian Weger /part of EXTENDED VIEW toolkit/ gpl v3; #X obj 291 216 ev_grid \$0; #X text 51 341 2nd: storage domain; #X obj 318 358 ../ev-main/ev_declare; #X text 273 338 set the pathes to the needed abstractions; #X msg 319 38 dimen 800 600 \, color 0.2 0.2 0.2 \, create \, 1; #X connect 30 0 35 0; #X connect 32 0 31 0; #X connect 39 0 31 0; #X coords 0 714 1 713 110 85 0;