#N canvas 309 22 788 747 10; #X declare -path . -path .. -path data -path ../data -path ev-in -path ../ev-in -path ev-main -path ../ev-main -path ev-pano -path ../ev-pano -path ev-pro -path ../ev-pro -path libs/gil -path ../libs/gil -path libs/kollabs -path ../libs/kollabs -path media -path ../media -path ev-glsl -path ../ev-glsl; #X obj -194 8 cnv 15 740 16 empty empty EXTENDED_VIEW_BASE:_module/addon-template 2 8 0 14 -99865 -262144 0; #X obj -194 659 cnv 15 360 120 empty empty PARAMETER_LIST_for_ev_base 3 8 0 14 -162280 -1 0; #X obj 281 107 gemwin 20; #X msg 296 77 0 \, destroy; #X text 210 46 CLICK HERE:; #X obj -194 319 cnv 15 360 90 empty empty GUI_controls 5 8 0 12 -204800 -66577 0; #X obj -194 209 cnv 15 360 60 empty empty creation_arguments: 5 12 0 12 -162280 -1 0; #X obj -194 274 cnv 15 360 40 empty empty inlets/outlets 3 8 0 12 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj -194 35 cnv 15 360 170 empty empty description 3 8 0 12 -233017 -66577 0; #X text -192 161 Contains specific storage_&_osc-subpatch which houses abstractions to register parameters for storage and osc communication ; #X text -189 229 1st: module ID \, needs to be unique \; 2nd: storage domain \, see [ev_storage-help] for details; #X text -192 290 Inlet 1: depending on what you build in; #X text -192 300 Outlet 1: depending on what you build in; #X text -193 343 0/1: bypassing the module \; 1 to 8: controlling parameters of (internally) connected FX all GUI-controls are ranging from 0 to 1 \; either drag coursor in slider or in numberboxes; #X text -188 680 /ev/base//parameter/1 : control parameter [0...1] ; #X text -188 690 /ev/base//parameter/2 : control parameter [0...1] ; #X text -188 700 /ev/base//parameter/3 : control parameter [0...1] ; #X text -188 710 /ev/base//parameter/4 : control parameter [0...1] ; #X text -188 720 /ev/base//parameter/5 : control parameter [0...1] ; #X text -188 730 /ev/base//parameter/6 : control parameter [0...1] ; #X text -188 740 /ev/base//parameter/7 : control parameter [0...1] ; #X text -188 750 /ev/base//parameter/8 : control parameter [0...1] ; #X obj 183 167 ev_base \$0; #X text -188 762 /ev/base//state : bypass module [0/1]; #X obj -194 414 cnv 15 360 240 empty empty USAGE 5 8 0 12 -258113 -262144 0; #X obj 183 300 gemhead; #X obj 183 507 pix_texture; #X obj 183 529 rectangle 4 3; #X obj 243 331 loadbang; #X obj 221 332 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 183 385 pix_image; #X msg 221 359 open ../media/cam2.jpg; #X text -192 427 In your patch \, create a [ev_base] \, and save it under a new name within ./ev-main. Then create your just saved abstraction in you patch & program into it whatever you like \; Remember \, all storage and control related parameters still rely on the parameter-list below \, so you want to make sure \, that you create your own created effects with UNIQUE-IDs to avoid paramter-mixup \; What happens \, if you dont take care of this? \; Both \, the original [ev_base] and the [ev_pix_fx] are initialised with the same ID \, so changing a parameter on [ev_base] changes it on the other as well \; \; _______________________ADVANCED___________________________ \; to add additional parameters \, please have a look in the helpfile for [ev_storage] under ; #X obj 183 414 ev_pix_fx \$0; #X msg 281 47 dimen 800 600 \, color 0.5 0.5 0.5 \, create \, 1; #X obj 255 623 ../ev-main/ev_declare; #X text 218 602 set pathes to needed abstractions; #X text -191 51 [ev_base] is a module \, that lets you integrate PIX-effects \, other GEM-functions or whatever your needs are easily in your ExtendedViewToolkit-based-patches. It allows you to instantly take advantage of the built-in storage and transition features \, ultimately allowing for faster patching when preparing a show or installation \; There is a BYPASS-funtion and some parameters already integrated.; #X text 220 699 (c)2012 Peter Venus & Marian Weger \; /part of EXTENDEDVIEW toolkit/ gpl v3; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 25 0 30 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 28 0 31 0; #X connect 29 0 31 0; #X connect 30 0 33 0; #X connect 31 0 30 0; #X connect 33 0 26 0; #X connect 34 0 2 0;