cue rien cue init tst_value 1 tst_line 0 init_time cue cue2 tst_value 2 tst_line 2 1000 comment1 toto tata titi comment2 foo bar comment3 glop comment4 yipppa light black sound stop video init cue entree_public 1000 tst_line 3 1000 light begin tst_value 3 cue start 5000 tst_line 4 1000 sound play toto.wav 0.5 1000 tst_value 4 cue start_light -1 255 255 0 light start tst_value 5 tst_line 5 1000 cue my1 100 0 255 0 light stop comment2 test tst_value 5 tst_line 5 1000 cue start_light -1 255 255 0 light start tst_value 5 tst_line 5 1000 cue act1 read cuelist/act1.txt cue act2 read cuelist/act2.txt # hash for comment # cue cue_name # cue cue_name autogo_time # cue cue_name autogo_time colorR colorG colorB # read cue_list.txt # speed relative speed of the patch # comment1 text # comment2 text # comment3 textr # comment4 text # whatever foo bar