import pygame import argparse import time from os.path import exists, join, splitext import os import json from pygame.locals import QUIT, KEYDOWN, K_ESCAPE from simulation.interface import Interface from simulation.board import Board from simulation.player import Player from simulation.logic.blob_manager import BlobManager HIDE_GUI = 0 WINDOW_GUI = 1 BORDERLESS_GUI = 2 FULLSCREEN_GUI = 3 SCREEN_RESOLUTION = (1920, 1080) DEFAULT_DIR = "simulation/default" def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--height', type=int, default=40, help='New game board height resolution (default: 40)') parser.add_argument('--width', type=int, default=100, help='New game board width resolution (default: 100)') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str, help='Initialize game from a save. Overwrite height and width parameters. ' 'Pass the board filename as input (.board extension)') parser.add_argument('-s', '--scale', type=int, default=10, help='Scales board resolution by this factor (default: x10)') parser.add_argument('--save', type=str, default="save/", help="Pass the directory where saves are stored. (default: save/)") parser.add_argument('--computing_ratio', type=int, default=1, help='how many times computing loop is done before drawing GUI') parser.add_argument('--auto_loops', type=int, default=-1, help='set number of loops needed before saving and closing automatically') parser.add_argument('--display', type=int, default=WINDOW_GUI, help="Set to '{}' to display as centered window, " "'{}' to display as centered window with no border, " "'{}' to display as fullscreen, " "'{}' to hide display (only if auto_loops is set correctly)" .format(WINDOW_GUI, BORDERLESS_GUI, FULLSCREEN_GUI, HIDE_GUI)) parser.add_argument('--init_foods', type=int, default=0, help='Starts the game by initializing a certain quantity of foods in one of the half-board') args = parser.parse_args() player_file = join(DEFAULT_DIR, "player.json") blob_file = join(DEFAULT_DIR, "blob.json") gui_file = join(DEFAULT_DIR, "interface.json") results = dict() if args.input is not None: assert exists(args.input) root_name = splitext(args.input)[0] results['From'] = root_name board = Board(args.width, args.height) board.load(args.input) if exists(root_name + ".player.json"): player_file = root_name + ".player.json" if exists(root_name + ".blob.json"): blob_file = root_name + ".blob.json" else: board = Board(args.width, args.height) blob = BlobManager(board, blob_file) player = Player(board, blob, player_file) if args.init_foods > 0: results['Init_foods'] = player.set_random_food(args.init_foods, not player.clean_top) mode = 0 window_x = int((SCREEN_RESOLUTION[0] - board.width * args.scale) / 2) window_y = int((SCREEN_RESOLUTION[1] - board.height * args.scale) / 2) os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = str(window_x) + "," + str(window_y) if args.display == BORDERLESS_GUI: mode = mode | pygame.NOFRAME elif args.display == FULLSCREEN_GUI: mode = mode | pygame.FULLSCREEN elif args.display == HIDE_GUI: if args.auto_loops <= 0: args.display = WINDOW_GUI gui = Interface(board, player, blob, args.scale,, mode, args.display == HIDE_GUI, gui_file) if args.auto_loops > 0: results['Loops'] = args.auto_loops = True init_counter = 100 timer = time.time() counter = init_counter init_computing_ratio = args.computing_ratio ended = False while not ended and args.auto_loops != 0: computing_ratio = init_computing_ratio while computing_ratio > 0 and args.auto_loops != 0: if or gui.do_step: blob.move() gui.do_step = False if args.auto_loops > 0: args.auto_loops -= 1 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: ended = True else: used = gui.event_listener(event) # Quit automatic mode if user had interactions if used and args.auto_loops != -1: args.auto_loops = -1 print("User interaction detected ! \n\t --- Automatic mode stopped.") computing_ratio -= 1 if args.display != HIDE_GUI: gui.draw() pygame.time.wait(10) counter -= 1 if counter == 0: timing = time.time() - timer print("Loop mean time : {:.3f}s per iteration".format(timing / init_counter)) counter = init_counter timer = time.time() if args.auto_loops == 0: name = up_size_percent, down_size_percent = player.check_blob_cover() results['Covering'] = dict() results['Covering']['Total'] = (up_size_percent + down_size_percent)/2 results['Covering']['Top'] = up_size_percent results['Covering']['Bottom'] = down_size_percent results['To'] = + name with open( + name + ".results.json", 'w') as file: json.dump(results, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()