#if defined(__MK20DX128__) || defined(__MK20DX256__) || defined(__MK64FX512__) || defined(__MK66FX1M0__) #include "Atm_Teenstep.h" /* Add optional parameters for the state machine to begin() * Add extra initialization code */ Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::begin(Stepper & motorRef, StepControl & stepControlRef) { // clang-format off const static state_t state_table[] PROGMEM = { /* ON_ENTER ON_LOOP ON_EXIT EVT_HOMING_LOW EVT_HOMING_HIGH EVT_MOVE_TIMEOUT EVT_LIMIT_HIGH EVT_LIMIT_LOW EVT_EMERGENCYSTOP EVT_STOP EVT_ONTARGET EVT_MOVE EVT_DISABLE EVT_ENABLE ELSE */ /* DISABLED */ ENT_DISABLED, -1, -1, HOMING_LOW, HOMING_HIGH, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ENABLED, -1, /* ENABLED */ ENT_ENABLED, -1, -1, HOMING_LOW, HOMING_HIGH, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, RUNNING, DISABLED, -1, -1, /* RUNNING */ ENT_RUNNING, LP_RUNNING, -1, HOMING_LOW, HOMING_HIGH, -1, -1, -1, EMERGENCY_STOP, STOPPING, ENABLED, RUNNING, -1, -1, -1, /* STOPPING */ ENT_STOPPING, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, EMERGENCY_STOP, EMERGENCY_STOP, EMERGENCY_STOP, -1, -1, RUNNING, -1, -1, -1, /* EMERGENCY_STOP */ ENT_EMERGENCY_STOP, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, RUNNING, -1, ENABLED, -1, /* HOMING_HIGH */ ENT_HOMING_HIGH, -1, EXT_HOMING_HIGH, -1, -1, -1, ENABLED, -1, EMERGENCY_STOP, STOPPING, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* HOMING_LOW */ ENT_HOMING_LOW, -1, EXT_HOMING_LOW, -1, -1, -1, -1, ENABLED, EMERGENCY_STOP, STOPPING, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, }; // clang-format on Machine::begin( state_table, ELSE ); this-> motor = &motorRef; this-> controller = &stepControlRef; return *this; } /* Add C++ code for each internally handled event (input) * The code must return 1 to trigger the event */ int Atm_Teenstep::event( int id ) { updateLimitSwitch(); switch ( id ) { case EVT_HOMING_LOW: return 0; case EVT_HOMING_HIGH: return 0; case EVT_MOVE_TIMEOUT: return 0; case EVT_LIMIT_HIGH: return limitState[0]; case EVT_LIMIT_LOW: return limitState[1]; case EVT_EMERGENCYSTOP: return 0; case EVT_STOP: return 0; case EVT_ONTARGET: return _currentStep == _targetStep; case EVT_MOVE: return 0; case EVT_DISABLE: return 0; case EVT_ENABLE: return 0; } return 0; } /* Add C++ code for each action * This generates the 'output' for the state machine * * Available connectors: * push( connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, , ); * push( connectors, ON_CHANGEPOSITION, 0, , ); * push( connectors, ON_LIMITHIGH, 0, , ); * push( connectors, ON_LIMITLOW, 0, , ); */ void Atm_Teenstep::action( int id ) { switch ( id ) { long int tempStep ; case ENT_DISABLED: push(connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, state(), 0); enabled = _enableReversed ? HIGH : LOW; digitalWrite(_enablePin, enabled); sendOSC(); return; case ENT_ENABLED: push(connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, state(), 0); enabled = _enableReversed ? LOW : HIGH ; digitalWrite(_enablePin, enabled); sendOSC(); return; case ENT_RUNNING: push(connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, state(), 0); push(connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, 2, 0); return; case LP_RUNNING: tempStep = motor->getPosition(); if (tempStep != _currentStep){ _currentStep = tempStep; push(connectors, ON_CHANGEPOSITION, 0, _currentStep, 0); } //updateLimitSwitch(); sendOSC(); return; case ENT_STOPPING: push(connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, state(), 0); sendOSC(); return; case ENT_EMERGENCY_STOP: push(connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, state(), 0); controller->emergencyStop(); trigger(EVT_ENABLE); sendOSC(); return; case ENT_HOMING_HIGH: push(connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, state(), 0); if(_limitType) { motor->setTargetRel(2147483647); controller->moveAsync(*motor); } sendOSC(); return; case EXT_HOMING_HIGH: controller->emergencyStop(); if(last_trigger == EVT_LIMIT_HIGH){ _maxStep = motor->getPosition(); push(connectors, ON_LIMITHIGH, 0, _maxStep, 0); Serial.print("Stepper maxPos "); Serial.println(motor->getPosition()); trigger(EVT_ENABLE); } else{ push(connectors, ON_LIMITLOW, 0, 1, 0); Serial.println("homing failed "); trigger(EVT_EMERGENCYSTOP); } return; case ENT_HOMING_LOW: push(connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, state(), 0); if(_limitType) { motor->setTargetRel(-2147483647); controller->moveAsync(*motor); } sendOSC(); return; case EXT_HOMING_LOW: controller->emergencyStop(); if(last_trigger == EVT_LIMIT_LOW){ push(connectors, ON_LIMITLOW, 0, 1, 0); motor->setPosition(0); Serial.print("Stepper homed "); Serial.println(motor->getPosition()); trigger(EVT_ENABLE); } else{ push(connectors, ON_LIMITHIGH, 0, 1, 0); Serial.println("homing failed "); trigger(EVT_EMERGENCYSTOP); } return; } } /* Optionally override the default trigger() method * Control how your machine processes triggers */ Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::trigger( int event ) { Machine::trigger( event ); return *this; } /* Optionally override the default state() method * Control what the machine returns when another process requests its state */ int Atm_Teenstep::state( void ) { return Machine::state(); } /* CUSTOM METHODS ******************************************************************************************************** */ // Atm_TeensyStep& Atm_TeensyStep::enable( bool enable ){ // // return *this; // } ///////// ENABLE/DISABLE //////// Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::setEnablePin( int enablePin ){ _enablePin = enablePin ; pinMode(_enablePin, OUTPUT); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::enableReversed( bool reverse ){ _enableReversed = reverse ; return *this; } ///////// LIMITS //////// Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::setLimitPins( int limitPinLow){ _limitPin[0] = limitPinLow; pinMode(_limitPin[0], INPUT); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::setLimitPins( int limitPinLow, int limitPinHigh){ _limitPin[0] = limitPinLow; _limitPin[1] = limitPinHigh; pinMode(_limitPin[0], INPUT); pinMode(_limitPin[1], INPUT); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::setLimitType( int limitType){ _limitType = limitType; return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::limitReversed( bool reversed){ _limitReversed = reversed; return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::limitThresholds( int limitThreshold0, int limitThreshold1, int limitThreshold2, int limitThreshold3){ _limitThresholds[0] = limitThreshold0; _limitThresholds[1] = limitThreshold1; _limitThresholds[2] = limitThreshold2; _limitThresholds[3] = limitThreshold3; return *this; } void Atm_Teenstep::updateLimitSwitch(){ switch (_limitType) { // limitType!=0 means there is limit to check case NONE: return ; case DIGITAL_1: limitState[0] = digitalRead(_limitPin[0]); limitState[0] = _limitReversed ? !limitState[0] : limitState[0]; return; case DIGITAL_2: limitState[0] = digitalRead(_limitPin[0]); limitState[1] = digitalRead(_limitPin[1]); limitState[0] = _limitReversed ? !limitState[0] : limitState[0]; limitState[1] = _limitReversed ? !limitState[1] : limitState[1]; return; case ANALOG_1: int read = analogRead(_limitPin[0]) ; limitState[0] = _limitThresholds[0] < read && read < _limitThresholds[1] ; limitState[1] = _limitThresholds[2] < read && read < _limitThresholds[3] ; return; } } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onOSC( void ){ // _enableReversed = reverse ; return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::sendOSC( void ){ // _enableReversed = reverse ; return *this; } /* Nothing customizable below this line ************************************************************************************************ */ /* Public event methods * */ Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::homing_low() { trigger( EVT_HOMING_LOW ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::homing_high() { trigger( EVT_HOMING_HIGH ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::move_timeout() { trigger( EVT_MOVE_TIMEOUT ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::limit_high() { trigger( EVT_LIMIT_HIGH ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::limit_low() { trigger( EVT_LIMIT_LOW ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::emergencystop() { trigger( EVT_EMERGENCYSTOP ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::stop() { trigger( EVT_STOP ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::ontarget() { trigger( EVT_ONTARGET ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::move(long int stepRel) { _targetStep = _currentStep + stepRel; //Serial.println(_targetStep); motor->setTargetAbs(_targetStep); controller->moveAsync(*motor); enable(); trigger( EVT_MOVE ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::moveTo(long int stepAbs) { _targetStep = stepAbs; motor->setTargetAbs(_targetStep); controller->moveAsync(*motor); enable(); trigger( EVT_MOVE ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::disable() { trigger( EVT_DISABLE ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::enable() { trigger( EVT_ENABLE ); } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::homing(bool direction) { direction ? trigger( EVT_HOMING_HIGH ) : trigger(EVT_HOMING_LOW); return *this; } /* * onChange() push connector variants ( slots 1, autostore 0, broadcast 0 ) */ Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onChange( Machine& machine, int event ) { onPush( connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, 1, 1, machine, event ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onChange( atm_cb_push_t callback, int idx ) { onPush( connectors, ON_CHANGE, 0, 1, 1, callback, idx ); return *this; } /* * onChangeposition() push connector variants ( slots 1, autostore 0, broadcast 0 ) */ Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onChangeposition( Machine& machine, int event ) { onPush( connectors, ON_CHANGEPOSITION, 0, 1, 1, machine, event ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onChangeposition( atm_cb_push_t callback, int idx ) { onPush( connectors, ON_CHANGEPOSITION, 0, 1, 1, callback, idx ); return *this; } /* * onLimithigh() push connector variants ( slots 1, autostore 0, broadcast 0 ) */ Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onLimithigh( Machine& machine, int event ) { onPush( connectors, ON_LIMITHIGH, 0, 1, 1, machine, event ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onLimithigh( atm_cb_push_t callback, int idx ) { onPush( connectors, ON_LIMITHIGH, 0, 1, 1, callback, idx ); return *this; } /* * onLimitlow() push connector variants ( slots 1, autostore 0, broadcast 0 ) */ Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onLimitlow( Machine& machine, int event ) { onPush( connectors, ON_LIMITLOW, 0, 1, 1, machine, event ); return *this; } Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::onLimitlow( atm_cb_push_t callback, int idx ) { onPush( connectors, ON_LIMITLOW, 0, 1, 1, callback, idx ); return *this; } /* State trace method * Sets the symbol table and the default logging method for serial monitoring */ Atm_Teenstep& Atm_Teenstep::trace( Stream & stream ) { Machine::setTrace( &stream, atm_serial_debug::trace, "TEENSTEP\0EVT_HOMING_LOW\0EVT_HOMING_HIGH\0EVT_MOVE_TIMEOUT\0EVT_LIMIT_HIGH\0EVT_LIMIT_LOW\0EVT_EMERGENCYSTOP\0EVT_STOP\0EVT_ONTARGET\0EVT_MOVE\0EVT_DISABLE\0EVT_ENABLE\0ELSE\0DISABLED\0ENABLED\0RUNNING\0STOPPING\0EMERGENCY_STOP\0HOMING_HIGH\0HOMING_LOW" ); return *this; } #endif