@@ -39,10 +39,9 @@ class Atm_blink : public Machine {
Atm_blink( void ) : Machine() {};
short pin;
atm_timer_millis timer;
+ OSCMessage _msg ;
EthernetUDP* _udpRef ;
//Atm_blink& onOSC(OSCMessage& msg );
@@ -62,6 +61,7 @@ class Atm_blink : public Machine {
timer.set( blinkrate );
pinMode( pin, OUTPUT );
this->_udpRef = &udpRef;
return *this;
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ class Atm_blink : public Machine {
switch ( id ) {
case EVT_TIMER :
return timer.expired( this );
- }
- return 0;
+ }
void action( int id ) {
@@ -79,119 +79,120 @@ class Atm_blink : public Machine {
case ENT_ON :
digitalWrite( pin, HIGH );
case ENT_OFF :
digitalWrite( pin, LOW );
+ Atm_blink& trigger( int event ) {
+ Machine::trigger( event );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /* Optionally override the default state() method
+ * Control what the machine returns when another process requests its state
+ */
+ // Atm_led& Atm_led::on( void ) {
+ // trigger( EVT_ON );
+ // return *this;
Atm_blink& onOSC(OSCMessage& msg ){
- if(msg.fullMatch("/truc")){
- OSCMessage _msg("/blink");
- _msg.add("youpi");
- _udpRef->beginPacket(ipMulti, portMulti);
- _msg.send(*_udpRef); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream
- _udpRef->endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet
- _msg.empty();
+ Serial.println("OSC");
+ if(msg.fullMatch("/blink")){
+ Serial.println("ouais gros");
+ // int blinkstate = _msg.getInt(0);
+ // blinkstate ? trigger(EVT_ON) : trigger(EVT_OFF);
+ _msg = new OSCMessage("/on");
+ _msg.add("youpi");
+ _udpRef->beginPacket(ipMulti, portMulti);
+ _msg.send(*_udpRef); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream
+ _udpRef->endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet
+ _msg.empty();
+ return *this;
Atm_blink led;
void test(OSCMessage &msg, int addrOffset){
+ Serial.println("test");
msg.getInt(0)?led.trigger( led.EVT_ON ):led.trigger( led.EVT_OFF );
-void routeTone(OSCMessage &msg, int addrOffset ){
-//iterate through all the analog pins
-for(byte pin = 0; pin < NUM_DIGITAL_PINS; pin++){
- //match against the pin number strings
- int pinMatched = msg.match("5", addrOffset);
- if(pinMatched){
- unsigned int frequency = 0;
- //if it has an int, then it's an integers frequency in Hz
- if (msg.isInt(0)){
- frequency = msg.getInt(0);
- } //otherwise it's a floating point frequency in Hz
- else if(msg.isFloat(0)){
- frequency = msg.getFloat(0);
- }
- else
- noTone(pin);
- if(frequency>0)
- {
- if(msg.isInt(1))
- tone(pin, frequency, msg.getInt(1));
- else
- tone(pin, frequency);
- }
- }
void setup() {
- SPI.setSCK(27);
- Ethernet.init(10);
+ //SPI.setSCK(27);
+ Ethernet.init(15);//(10)
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); // start the Ethernet and UDP:
// Udp.beginMulti(ipMulti, portMulti); // for modified Arduino library
Udp.beginMulticast(ipMulti, portMulti); // for modified Teensy Ethernet library
Serial.begin(115200); // higher Baud rate for faster refresh, CHANGE IN SERIAL MONITOR
- led.begin( 14, 200, Udp); // Setup a blink machine on pin 4
- led.trigger( led.EVT_ON ); // Turn it on
+ // led.begin( 14, 200, Udp); // Setup a blink machine on pin 4
+ // led.trigger( led.EVT_ON ); // Turn it on
- Serial.begin( 9600 );
- delay(1000);
- stepper.trace( Serial );
- Serial.println("Started");
- stepper.begin(A_stepper);
- stepper.cycle(1000);
- Serial.println("Started");
- stepper.gotoStep(1000);
- controller.moveAsync(*stepper.motor);
- controller.moveAsync(*stepper.motor);
- delay(10000);
- stepper.motor->setMaxSpeed(30000);
- stepper.motor->setAcceleration(10000);
- stepper.gotoStep(-100000);
- controller.moveAsync(*stepper.motor);
- Serial.println("Started");
+ // stepper.trace( Serial );
+ // Serial.println("Started");
+ // stepper.begin(A_stepper);
+ // stepper.cycle(1000);
+ // Serial.println("Started");
+ // stepper.gotoStep(1000);
+ // controller.moveAsync(*stepper.motor);
+ // delay(1000);
+ // controller.moveAsync(*stepper.motor);
+ // delay(10000);
+ // stepper.motor->setMaxSpeed(30000);
+ // stepper.motor->setAcceleration(10000);
+ // stepper.gotoStep(-100000);
+ // controller.moveAsync(*stepper.motor);
+ // Serial.println("Started");
// stepper.trigger(stepper.EVT_GOTO);
// pinMode(00, OUTPUT);
// digitalWrite(0, HIGH);
void loop() {
- automaton.run();
- OSCMessage msgIn;
- int size;
- if( (size = Udp.parsePacket())>0)
- {
- while(size--)
- msgIn.fill(Udp.read());
- if(!msgIn.hasError())
- msgIn.route("/blink", test);
- led.onOSC(msgIn);
- }
- // OSCMessage msg("/analog/0");
- // msg.add((int32_t)analogRead(0));
+ // automaton.run();
+ // OSCMessage msgIn;
+ // int size;
+ Serial.println("msgIn");
+ // if( (size = Udp.parsePacket())>0)
+ // {
+ // while(size--)
+ // msgIn.fill(Udp.read());
+ //
+ // if(!msgIn.hasError()){
+ // // msgIn.route("/blink", test);
+ // // led.onOSC(msgIn);
+ // }
- // Udp.beginPacket(ipMulti, portMulti);
- // msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream
- // Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet
- // msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message
+ //
+ // }
+ OSCMessage msg("/analog/0");
+ msg.add((int32_t)analogRead(0));
+ Udp.beginPacket(ipMulti, portMulti);
+ msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream
+ Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet
+ msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message
// led.cycle();
- //delay(10);
+ delay(100);
//UDPsend(); // sending of packets; do not use with UDPreceive because it's including delay()!!