@@ -1,260 +1,283 @@
-import argparse
-import cv2
-import json
-def main():
- ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- ap.add_argument("-i", "--input", default='data/_MG_0207.JPG', help="input image")
- ap.add_argument("-s", "--scale", type=float, default=0.25, help="based on the image shapes, scale the results by this factor")
- ap.add_argument("-f", "--file", type=str, default="setup.json", help="name file to save setup")
- args = vars(ap.parse_args())
- img = cv2.imread(args["input"])
- height, width, _ = img.shape
- scale = args["scale"]
- window_name = "Setup"
- cv2.namedWindow(window_name)
- show_menu()
- food_color = FoodColor(img, scale, window_name)
- board_setup = BoardLimits(img, scale, window_name)
- done = False
- state = 0
- while not done:
- key = cv2.waitKey(10)
- if state == 0:
- if key == ord("q"):
- done = True
- elif key == ord("1"):
- state = 1
- board_setup.clear()
- board_setup.help()
- cv2.setMouseCallback(window_name, board_setup.on_mouse)
- elif key == ord("2"):
- state = 2
- food_color.clear()
- food_color.help()
- cv2.setMouseCallback(window_name, food_color.on_mouse)
- elif key == ord("s"):
- with open(args["file"], "w") as file:
- json.dump({**board_setup.toJSON(), **food_color.toJSON()}, file)
- done = True
- if state == 1:
- board_setup.draw()
- if board_setup.done:
- state = 0
- show_menu()
- elif state == 2:
- food_color.draw()
- if food_color.done:
- state = 0
- show_menu()
- else:
- cv2.imshow(window_name, cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale))
- cv2.setMouseCallback(window_name, null_callback)
-def show_menu():
- print("\nCommands : ")
- print("\tPress '1' to setup board limits")
- print("\tPress '2' to setup food color")
- print("\tPress 's' to save & quit")
- print("\tPress 'q' to quit without saving")
-def null_callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
- return
-class BoardLimits:
- def __init__(self, img, scale, window_name):
- self.limits = []
- self.max_limits = 4
- self.middle = []
- self.max_middle = 2
- self.adjusted_middle = []
- self.orig = img
- self.img = img.copy()
- self.scale = scale
- self.window_name = window_name
- self.done = False
- self.limits_drawn = False
- self.middle_drawn = False
- def add_limit(self, x, y):
- x_img = int(x / self.scale)
- y_img = int(y / self.scale)
- self.limits.append((x_img, y_img))
- cv2.drawMarker(self.img, (x_img, y_img), (0, 0, 255), thickness=5)
- def add_middle(self, x, y):
- x_img = int(x / self.scale)
- y_img = int(y / self.scale)
- self.middle.append((x_img, y_img))
- cv2.drawMarker(self.img, (x_img, y_img), (0, 255, 0), thickness=5)
- def draw(self):
- if len(self.limits) == self.max_limits and not self.limits_drawn:
- for i, limit in enumerate(self.limits):
- cv2.line(self.img, self.limits[i-1], limit, (0, 0, 255), thickness=3)
- self.limits_drawn = True
- if len(self.middle) == self.max_middle and not self.middle_drawn:
- cv2.line(self.img, self.middle[0], self.middle[1], (0, 255, 0), thickness=3)
- self.adjusted_middle.append(self.project_point(self.limits[0], self.limits[-1], self.middle[0]))
- self.adjusted_middle.append(self.project_point(self.limits[1], self.limits[2], self.middle[1]))
- cv2.drawMarker(self.img, self.adjusted_middle[0], (255, 0, 0), thickness=5)
- cv2.drawMarker(self.img, self.adjusted_middle[1], (255, 0, 0), thickness=5)
- cv2.line(self.img, self.adjusted_middle[0], self.adjusted_middle[1], (255, 0, 0), thickness=3)
- self.middle_drawn = True
- cv2.imshow(self.window_name, cv2.resize(self.img, (0, 0), fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale))
- if self.enough_data():
- self.confirm()
- def enough_data(self):
- return len(self.limits) == self.max_limits and len(self.middle) == self.max_middle
- def compute(self):
- return self.limits, self.middle
- def toJSON(self):
- return {'Limits': self.limits, 'Middle': self.middle, 'Adjusted': self.adjusted_middle}
- def project_point(self, v1, v2, p):
- e1 = (v2[0] - v1[0], v2[1] - v1[1])
- e2 = (p[0] - v1[0], p[1] - v1[1])
- dp = e1[0] * e2[0] + e1[1] * e2[1]
- dist = e1[0]**2 + e1[1]**2
- px = int(v1[0] + (dp * e1[0] / dist))
- py = int(v1[1] + (dp * e1[1] / dist))
- return px, py
- def help(self):
- print("--- Board Setup: Click on the {} corners of the board and "
- "then on each side of the half board separation".format(self.max_limits))
- print("--- Board Setup: Please start from left corner and do it in the right order ")
- def clear(self):
- self.limits = []
- self.limits_drawn = False
- self.middle = []
- self.middle_drawn = False
- self.adjusted_middle = []
- self.img = self.orig.copy()
- self.done = False
- def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
- if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP and not self.enough_data() :
- if len(self.limits) < self.max_limits:
- self.add_limit(x, y)
- else:
- self.add_middle(x, y)
- def confirm(self):
- print("--- Board Setup: Press enter if you're ok with data or any other key if you want to restart setup...")
- key = cv2.waitKey(0)
- if key == 13: # Enter
- print("--- Board Setup: " + str(self.compute()))
- self.done = True
- else:
- self.clear()
- self.help()
-class FoodColor:
- def __init__(self, img, scale, window_name, max_qt=0):
- self.colors = []
- self.orig = img
- self.img = img.copy()
- self.scale = scale
- self.max_qt = max_qt
- self.window_name = window_name
- self.done = False
- def add(self, x, y):
- x_img = int(x / self.scale)
- y_img = int(y / self.scale)
- self.colors.append(self.orig[y_img, x_img])
- cv2.drawMarker(self.img, (x_img, y_img), (0, 0, 255), thickness=5)
- def draw(self):
- cv2.imshow(self.window_name, cv2.resize(self.img, (0, 0), fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale))
- if self.enough_data():
- self.confirm()
- def enough_data(self):
- if self.max_qt == 0:
- key = cv2.waitKey(10)
- return key == 13 # Enter
- else:
- return len(self.colors) == self.max_qt
- def compute(self):
- low_color = [255, 255, 255]
- high_color = [0, 0, 0]
- if len(self.colors) == 0:
- return tuple(high_color), tuple(low_color)
- for color in self.colors:
- for i, c in enumerate(color):
- if c < low_color[i]:
- low_color[i] = c
- if c > high_color[i]:
- high_color[i] = c
- return tuple(low_color), tuple(high_color)
- def toJSON(self):
- l, h = self.compute()
- l = tuple([int(x) for x in l])
- h = tuple([int(x) for x in h])
- return {'Low Food Color': l, 'High Food Color': h}
- def help(self):
- if self.max_qt == 0:
- print("--- Color Setup: Click several times on foods to setup food color and then press enter.")
- else:
- print("--- Color Setup: Click {} times on food to setup food color".format(self.max_qt))
- def clear(self):
- self.colors = []
- self.img = self.orig.copy()
- self.done = False
- def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
- if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP and not self.enough_data() :
- self.add(x, y)
- def confirm(self):
- print("--- Color Setup: Press enter if you're ok with data or any other key if you want to restart setup...")
- key = cv2.waitKey(0)
- if key == 13: # Enter
- print("--- Color Setup: " + str(self.compute()))
- self.done = True
- else:
- self.clear()
- self.help()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+import argparse
+import cv2
+import json
+import datetime
+import time
+from shutil import copyfile
+from os.path import exists
+from os import makedirs
+def main():
+ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ ap.add_argument("-i", "--input", required=True, help="input image")
+ ap.add_argument("-s", "--scale", type=float, default=0.25, help="scales input image by this factor (default: x0.25)")
+ ap.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=str, default="config.json",
+ help="name file to save config (default: config.json)")
+ args = vars(ap.parse_args())
+ img = cv2.imread(args["input"])
+ height, width, _ = img.shape
+ scale = args["scale"]
+ window_name = "Setup"
+ cv2.namedWindow(window_name)
+ cv2.imshow(window_name, cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale))
+ cv2.setMouseCallback(window_name, null_callback)
+ show_menu()
+ food_color = FoodColor(img, scale, window_name)
+ board_setup = BoardLimits(img, scale, window_name)
+ done = False
+ state = 0
+ setup_vars = {'Aspect Ratio': 1.0, 'Discrete Height': 100, 'Discrete Width': 100}
+ while not done:
+ cv2.waitKey(10)
+ if state == 0:
+ cv2.imshow(window_name, cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale))
+ cv2.setMouseCallback(window_name, null_callback)
+ key = input("Enter command: ")
+ if key == "q":
+ done = True
+ elif key == "1":
+ state = 1
+ board_setup.clear()
+ board_setup.help()
+ cv2.setMouseCallback(window_name, board_setup.on_mouse)
+ elif key == "2":
+ state = 2
+ food_color.clear()
+ food_color.help()
+ cv2.setMouseCallback(window_name, food_color.on_mouse)
+ elif key == "3":
+ setup_vars['Aspect Ratio'] = -1
+ while setup_vars['Aspect Ratio'] <= 0:
+ try:
+ setup_vars['Aspect Ratio'] = float(input("Insert image height by width ratio here: "))
+ except ValueError:
+ setup_vars['Aspect Ratio'] = -1
+ if setup_vars['Aspect Ratio'] <= 0:
+ print("Insert only a floating number with dot as separator.")
+ show_menu()
+ elif key == "4":
+ setup_vars['Discrete Height'] = -1
+ while setup_vars['Discrete Height'] <= 0:
+ try:
+ setup_vars['Discrete Height'] = int(input("Insert height discrete resolution: "))
+ except ValueError:
+ setup_vars['Discrete Height'] = -1
+ if setup_vars['Discrete Height'] <= 0:
+ print("Insert only round numbers.")
+ setup_vars['Discrete Width'] = -1
+ while setup_vars['Discrete Width'] <= 0:
+ try:
+ setup_vars['Discrete Width'] = int(input("Insert width discrete resolution: "))
+ except ValueError:
+ setup_vars['Discrete Width'] = -1
+ if setup_vars['Discrete Width'] <= 0:
+ print("Insert only round numbers.")
+ show_menu()
+ elif key == "s":
+ ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S-')
+ if exists(args["config"]):
+ if not exists("bkp/"):
+ makedirs("bkp")
+ copyfile(args["config"], "bkp/" + ts + args["config"])
+ with open(args["config"], "w") as file:
+ json.dump({**setup_vars, **board_setup.toJSON(), **food_color.toJSON()}, file)
+ done = True
+ else:
+ print("Error: Unrecognised Command.")
+ show_menu()
+ elif state == 1:
+ board_setup.draw()
+ if board_setup.done:
+ state = 0
+ show_menu()
+ elif state == 2:
+ food_color.draw()
+ if food_color.done:
+ state = 0
+ show_menu()
+def show_menu():
+ print("\nCommands: ")
+ print("\tEnter '1' to setup board limits")
+ print("\tEnter '2' to setup food color")
+ print("\tEnter '3' to insert image aspect ratio")
+ print("\tEnter '4' to insert discrete image height and width")
+ print("\tEnter 's' to save & quit")
+ print("\tEnter 'q' to quit without saving")
+def null_callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
+ return
+class BoardLimits:
+ def __init__(self, img, scale, window_name):
+ self.limits = []
+ self.max_limits = 4
+ self.orig = img
+ self.img = img.copy()
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.window_name = window_name
+ self.done = False
+ self.limits_drawn = False
+ def add_limit(self, x, y):
+ x_img = int(x / self.scale)
+ y_img = int(y / self.scale)
+ self.limits.append((x_img, y_img))
+ cv2.drawMarker(self.img, (x_img, y_img), (0, 0, 255), thickness=5)
+ def draw(self):
+ if len(self.limits) == self.max_limits and not self.limits_drawn:
+ for i, limit in enumerate(self.limits):
+ cv2.line(self.img, self.limits[i-1], limit, (0, 0, 255), thickness=3)
+ self.limits_drawn = True
+ cv2.imshow(self.window_name, cv2.resize(self.img, (0, 0), fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale))
+ if self.enough_data():
+ self.confirm()
+ def enough_data(self):
+ return len(self.limits) == self.max_limits
+ def compute(self):
+ return self.limits
+ def toJSON(self):
+ return {'Limits': self.limits}
+ def help(self):
+ print("--- Board Setup: Click on the {} corners of the board".format(self.max_limits))
+ print("--- Board Setup: Please start from left corner and do it in the right order")
+ def clear(self):
+ self.limits = []
+ self.limits_drawn = False
+ self.img = self.orig.copy()
+ self.done = False
+ def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
+ if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP and not self.enough_data() :
+ if len(self.limits) < self.max_limits:
+ self.add_limit(x, y)
+ def confirm(self):
+ print("--- Board Setup: Press enter if you're ok with data or any other key if you want to restart setup...")
+ key = cv2.waitKey(0)
+ if key == 13: # Enter
+ print("--- Board Setup: " + str(self.compute()))
+ self.done = True
+ else:
+ self.clear()
+ self.help()
+class FoodColor:
+ def __init__(self, img, scale, window_name, max_qt=0):
+ self.colors = []
+ self.orig = img
+ self.img = img.copy()
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.max_qt = max_qt
+ self.window_name = window_name
+ self.done = False
+ def add(self, x, y):
+ x_img = int(x / self.scale)
+ y_img = int(y / self.scale)
+ self.colors.append(self.orig[y_img, x_img])
+ cv2.drawMarker(self.img, (x_img, y_img), (0, 0, 255), thickness=5)
+ def draw(self):
+ cv2.imshow(self.window_name, cv2.resize(self.img, (0, 0), fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale))
+ if self.enough_data():
+ self.confirm()
+ def enough_data(self):
+ if self.max_qt == 0:
+ key = cv2.waitKey(10)
+ return key == 13 # Enter
+ else:
+ return len(self.colors) == self.max_qt
+ def compute(self):
+ low_color = [255, 255, 255]
+ high_color = [0, 0, 0]
+ if len(self.colors) == 0:
+ return tuple(high_color), tuple(low_color)
+ for color in self.colors:
+ for i, c in enumerate(color):
+ if c < low_color[i]:
+ low_color[i] = c
+ if c > high_color[i]:
+ high_color[i] = c
+ return tuple(low_color), tuple(high_color)
+ def toJSON(self):
+ l, h = self.compute()
+ l = tuple([int(x) for x in l])
+ h = tuple([int(x) for x in h])
+ return {'Low Food Color': l, 'High Food Color': h}
+ def help(self):
+ if self.max_qt == 0:
+ print("--- Color Setup: Click several times on foods to setup food color and then press enter.")
+ else:
+ print("--- Color Setup: Click {} times on food to setup food color".format(self.max_qt))
+ def clear(self):
+ self.colors = []
+ self.img = self.orig.copy()
+ self.done = False
+ def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
+ if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP and not self.enough_data() :
+ self.add(x, y)
+ def confirm(self):
+ print("--- Color Setup: Press enter if you're ok with data or any other key if you want to restart setup...")
+ key = cv2.waitKey(0)
+ if key == 13: # Enter
+ print("--- Color Setup: " + str(self.compute()))
+ self.done = True
+ else:
+ self.clear()
+ self.help()
+if __name__ == "__main__":